The series "Survived" (2021) - the release date, NTV, actors and roles, facts


The series "Survived" started on the NTV channel, the release date of which is July 10, 2021. The chief hero will be at the same time to learn about the terrible tragedy that happened to his former beloved, and get a pleasant news that he has an almost adult daughter. At the same time, the police major need to find the connection of the current events with cases from the past, which he revealed in the 90s and considered the long time ago.

In the material 24cmi - a selection of interesting facts about the detective tape, which took actors in it and their roles.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot tape - Police Major Kirill Racedov, who still faces the consequences of the "Lidi 90s". The echoes of the restless dark past interfere with the hero to sleep quietly at night. Once sieve will find out the tragic news: a woman who he once loved, brutally killed an unknown attacker. Natalia also worked in the police, and her death, apparently, is associated with the case, which they were investigated with Cyril in the 90s.

Rakes immediately goes to her native city, Yaroslavl, and immediately at the arrival know another news: Natalia has a teenage daughter, which he turned out to be a native father. About this circumstance, a man was not known yet. Now he will have to crawl and establish communication with his daughter.

Almost 20 years ago, Natalia and Kirill together "Lichova's case", the thief in Alexey's law, and his brother on nicknamed Martyn, whose mention was afraid at the time all Yaroslavl. The gang of dangerous criminals was engaged in robbery and murders, straightened with their victims with special cruelty and easily avoided legitimate punishment. Then Kirill Reshetov became incredible efforts still achieved justice: senior Likhov and most of the gang killed during the detention, and the younger brother was put in prison, where he soon spread up with life.

Now the Major will have to find answers to difficult questions: who needed to revenge Natalia and him, if they are not survived for this cause; Who is hiding behind the mask of the killer and whether he will continue to take revenge on. Also, Rakes understand that his child's life is not safe, and his main task is to protect the daughter.

The production of the series was engaged in "Film Studio Kit", Team Films, LLC "Frame". Directed by Yuri Goldin. The producers performed Janik Fayziev, Rafael Minasbekyan, Timur Jafarov, Sergey Bagirov, Yuri Sapronov, Yuri Vaxman, Stanislav Chelitaev, Victoria Mamiyev, Oleg Kapustin. Andrei Dubinin was engaged in art design, and Andrei Komarov became the composer.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the 8-serial film were played:

  • Dmitry Lavrov - Kirill Reshetov;
  • Ekaterina Eteri - Light, Daughter Natalia;
  • Ruslan Cornekov - Sasha coffins;
  • Vladislav Miller - Zhenya;
  • Victor Konuhin - Chegevara, a blast;
  • Mikhail Asankin - Director of Planetaria;
  • Alexandrina Adamova - the seller in the jewelry store;
  • Julia Goodzenko - correspondent;
  • Alexander Ozerov - Teenager in Rocking.

Also in the series "Survived" filmed: Maria Akhmetzyanova, Vladimir Terzkov, Anatoly Goryachev, Konstantin Street, Irina Tumantseva, Oleg Taktarov, Igor Chripunov and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Yury Goldin is also known thanks to other of its own film stakes: "Butterfly trajectory", "Black Room", "Theater Roman", "Dark Kingdom".

2. The project shooting was started in December 2019 and held in Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region.

3. In an interview, Yuri Goldin talked about the sense that the authors invested in the name. According to the director, a wide subtext is hidden here, the ability to survive and preserve the spiritual component, while survive and physically. The heroes of the ribbon will have to save and not waste faith, family, love and friendship, but the most important thing is to keep yourself, not to lose ideas about what is "good" and "bad." This is the value of this story, Goldin emphasized that there is a lot of meanings, and every viewer will find something in it.

4. Actor Dmitry Lavrov shared his impressions from work in the project. According to him, the speech here is primarily about human qualities and mental feelings, and not about how to survive in civil or military conflicts. For the artist of the leading role, his hero has become an embodiment of honesty, principled and demanding to himself and others. By character, he is complex, extraordinary, not used to "bow" to higher people than many around annoying. But residues and there is the most "surviving" who managed to preserve himself.

5. The audience followed the creation of the series "surviving" and noted that they were intrigued by the name and announcement of the project. Also commentators appreciated the cast of the multi-sized film. However, the opinions of critics about the plot were divided: some found it too boring and banal, others believe that the description looks attractive.

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