Mirbek Atabekov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Creativity Mibeck Atabekova is hotly loved in his native Kyrgyz Republic. Yes, and performers from neighboring countries are equal to him: whatever a song he has released, each becomes hit. The secret of success is that Atabekov stood at the origins of pop music in Central Asia and actually laid the main musical trends.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born on August 11, 1986 in John-Aryka, the village of the Talas region of the Kyrgyz Republic. He turned out to be only 2 years old when the head of the Bobeks of Atabekov was killed in a traffic accident. Datka at Atabekova, remaining without material support and moral support, alone brought up Mirbek, his consolidated brother Nurbek and a consolidated sister Nuraiyom.

In Kyrgyzstan, it is not accepted that the place at the head of the family is empty, so Mibbek matured early. He still a teenager, he learned to score sheep, breed the fire, repair the plumbing and wiring in the host.

However, creativity always lived inside it. This Atabekov went to his father - he loved and knew how to sing than he deserved respect in John-Aryka. Already at 25, he headed the Department of Culture of the Talas Region. In 2010, the local house of culture was called in honor of a man's untimely left.

Until the 6th grade Mibeck studied at John-Aryka's school, then his family moved to the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic of Bishkek. The boy studied well, but without much enthusiasm, much more interested in his work. From an early age he sang at sightseeing and holidays.

Already from the 9th grade Atabekov performed in cafeterias and restaurants. He did not leave the scene and then when he entered the Economics Faculty of Bishkek State University. K. Karaseva. For many years, the singer perceived his performances as a hobby, but they brought the main income to the family. Exit to the final of the television show "Singing City" at the Otrk revealed the guy's eyes - he can become a professional artist.

Personal life

Mirbek Atabekov was the most enviable bachelor of the Kyrgyz Republic, but in 2014 he took his wife Maerim Tolpbergen in his wife. On the eve of the celebration, the singer gave a few interviews and admitted that it was easy to say goodbye to freedom:"When a man loves, he wants to be close to his beloved. His goal is to create a family, and everything else seems unimportant. "

The offer of Mirebek made romantic - on the red steps of the Times Square in New York. When passersby realized that they had witnessed a solemn event, began to applaud and congratulate.

"This will be remembered for life," the singer does not hide emotions.
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In a dialogue with the publication "Evening Bishkek", Mibeck Atabekov taught several lessons to men. He noted that he should not be shy to admit to his elects in love, but it is important and not overdo it. And stressed:

"The foundation of solid relationships is mutual respect, understanding, desire to hear each other."

Wedding Mirbek and Maerim stretched for several months. In December 2013, the newlyweds passed through the folk rite of Kyz Uzatuuu, or wires of the bride. The official celebration and painting took place only in the spring of 2014: up to this point, the singer was engaged in the filming of the musical comedy "Tumar, or become a star" (2014). Once in an interview with Atabekov said:

"I want my children to grow in the village, because the difference between the villagers and the townspeople are great. The guys who are raised away from civilization are strong and hardy, and children from cities - volitional, impatient and sensitive. "

The desires of the singer were not destined to come true - all his children are growing in the USA, in the center of New York. Kyrgyz nationality, they, however, have retained.

The firstborn Adam was born in 2015, in 2018, Yeman was born. In February 2020, Maerim Tolpbergen wrote in "Instagram" that she successfully gave birth to another daughter. She was called Suiuu that in translation to Russian means "love". By photography with a newborn Mirebek wrote:

"Let love live in every house."

In general, the singer does not hide a personal life from the attention of the public. He actively leads social networks, is divided not only with information on creative successes, but also by family pictures.


In 2004, Mibeck Atabekov radically changed his biography, finally focused on creativity. He joined the "Sanat" group, but quickly understood that he sees himself exclusively by a solo artist. The talent was enough to win the public - the first song "Song Ghana" became a hit.

When writing "Song Ghana", Mibeck was inspired by the composition of ENLISHMAN in New Your Sting, so the singer confirmed in an interview. True, I had to nationalize the motive slightly: in those years, in the Kyrgyz Republic, in doubt they treated "non-vectory" music.

Popularity increased like a snowball. Each song Atabekova became a hit. He performed on major national holidays, on the people (the feast among Turkic nations), gave concerts at the festivals of Central Asia. On the wave of success, the singer starred in the romantic comedy "Talisman" (2014).

In the service record of Mirbek, Atabekova is not only solo compositions, but also successful duets, for example, "Eki Zhosok" with shaft or "Tynda Meni" with Golden Kamshat.

When writing material, the artist is not focused on a specific genre. It is equally close to folk, pop music, classic rock. The singer is used to inspired by anything: if he liked the "heavy" song, then with a high probability of his next essay also acquires "heaviness."

Perhaps that is why there is no album on the account of Mirbek: such scattered according to the genre of the composition is difficult to combine into the collection. True, who knows, maybe the artist's plans still have the release of Solnik.

Mibeck Atabekov now

In July 2020, the premiere of the film "Meken" took place on Youtube, which means "homeland" translated into Russian. Mirbek Atabekov attached to him and his talent.

The patriotic picture was in the center of the scandal another year earlier. The Ministry of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic refused to let her in film distribution due to corruption scenes. But even when the film still managed to show on independent platforms, the reviews turned out to be mixed. Some noted a weak acting game, others - the lack of accuracy.

As for Mirbek's musical plans, they remain a mystery. It is known that in the summer of 2020 he worked on the material, but what exactly it will be - a song or an album, until it is known.


  • 2007 - "Song Ghana"
  • 2017 - Muras
  • 2017 - "Zholuktuң Nege?"
  • 2017 - "Arpanyn Ala Torosunan"
  • 2017 - Zhashtyk Kez
  • 2017 - "Karagat Kөz"
  • 2018 - "Srima Song"
  • 2018 - "Slareblas"
  • 2018 - Tynda Meni
  • 2019 - "Bai Bulge"
  • 2019 - "BIR өZңң"
  • 2019 - "Zhyergalessң"
  • 2020 - "Piigambaram"


  • 2014 - "Tumar, or become a star"
  • 2014 - "Talisman"
  • 2020 - "Motherland"

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