Lauren Baclal - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



American Lauren Beclah - a recognized star Hollywood, was a favorite of directors and idols of hundreds of people. During the years of creative career, a charming actress played several dozen bright memorable roles.

Childhood and youth

Biography Lauren Baclal, or Betty Joan Persin, began in New York in 1924. The ancestors of Jewish nationality from Romania and Russia did not suspect that their family gives way to chinemers.

Mother who worked as a secretary, in his youth asslaved in Bronx and married a man from the wholesale sales department. The birth of a beautiful daughter in the members of the religious community caused a storm of emotions.

Happiness in the family of Hollywood actress was ghostly and shortly: in the late 20s, the mother and father were knighted and diverged. The girl was transported to Brooklyn, to the house of wealthy uncle. With the support of men, she began to re-build life.

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The money was allowed to study in a prestigious boarding school, Lauren immediately won the approval of teachers. In the educational institution named Julia Richman, a modest student from Bronx from the first days became the subject of admiration for new friends.

In early 1941, Baccoll decided to become a model and entered the American Academy of Dramatic Art. Classmate - Actor Kirk Douglas helped the young girl to open, she stopped shy with emotions and natural stormy feelings.

Before becoming a great high-paying actress, Lauren worked in the theater in the evenings and weekends. Contemporaries recalled that in the Dogollywood period she followed health and supported the mode.

The situation has changed when a ticket with an elegant feline figure was offered to become a fashion model in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazines. Removing for glossy publications in swimsuits and evening dresses, beauty of copper colors received a stable fee.

The photo of the Jewish fell into the hands of American secular lioness, the wife of the director Howard Hawks - the author of the film "Come and Weldow". The man worked on the picture on the Roman Ernest Hemingway and gained the role of the statists of young gifted people.

Personal life

In May 1945, Lauren came out married, his spouse - American Humphrey Bogart made a happy personal life. Having got friends, the couple stopped needing to need them, their relationships were inspired by incredible optimism.Embed from getty images

At the end of the 50s, the actress died from the Cancer of the esophagus, Bacolll with a young daughter and his son was hard to worry. Frank Sinatra, not indifferent to women with an attractive appearance, tried as far as heavier consoles the slammingly killed.

The news of the novel leaked to the pages of the boulevard editions, it made it impossible to exist together. Jason Robards became a lover for the actress and a devoted friend, feelings, born suddenly, grew up and fastened the day after day.

For hidden from society, the Austrian and American authorities banned a couple to marry, and the wedding had to postpone. As a result, the Mexican priest carried out the dream of actors, but years later they stopped believing each other and love.

The divorce that affected the third of the lawful children of the artist was the subject for discussions in the television show and articles. Bacolal described both marriage in the autobiographical book and revealed personal secrets.

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In old age, in an interview with journalists, Loren recalled the spouses and said that he was not angry with one of the men. The great-grandchildren and four grandchildren delivered a woman joy, they appreciated the cinema and most family paintings.

Memoirs of the Great Actress VMIG disassembled quotes, fans massively comprehended the secrets of happiness and beauty. For many people, Bolsll was a standard of fashion and style, the sex symbol of the old era and the embodiment of the dream.


Acquaintance with the famous director became the key to success, Howard Hawks allowed actress to immediately play a leading role. In the film "Have or not to have" Lauren met with a satellite of life, Humphrey Bogart was perceived as a cinematic king.

The girl almost immediately became a favorite of millions, shone as the heroine of author's drama in the style of Noir. Agents who spinning the paintings "Deep Sleep" and "Web" provided a debutant of competent positive PR.

In the 50th actress acquired loud glory, she refused boring second-hand long paintings. The exciting filmceneurian was the main criterion for the selection of the works of famous Hollywood masters.

So in the filmography There appeared projects "how to marry a millionaire", "Trubach", "North-Western border", "Black Stripe" and "Gift of Love". Baccoll, who preferred to be filmed with friends from the cultural society, tried to correspond to the glory of each of Visavi.

Lauren collaborated with the director, who became the father of Lyza Minnelli, as well as Broadway masters in the 50s and 1960s. Chipsent partners were Gregory Pek, Rock Hudson and other actors who have gained fame in American cities.

The brightest work during this period was the film "Murder in Eastern Express", where Sydney Lumet, Writer and Producer, united outstanding stars. By this time, the actress won the Tony Prize, which immediately accelerated professional career growth.

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In the 90s, Backoll received the first nomination for Oscar for a secondary role in the drama "The mirror has two faces." The image of Mother Hannah Morgan, invented by Barbara Streisand, conquered the minds of journalists and human hearts.

In the piggy bank, the awards finally appeared a bonus guild guild of the US film actors, a diploma of the Berlin festival and a number of other prestigious prizes. This gave the actress of power on shooting in television series and the full-length paintings of the 1990-2000s.

Kameo in the "clan soprano", "birth" and "presence of the Spirit" gave a reason for a new life in young filmmakers. Later appeared cartoons, voiced by the famous artist, no longer needed in glory, nor in statuette, nor in money.

The only desired award became the medal Catherine Hepburn, women appearing in the list of 300 people who changed the world. Actress, broken barriers in the world of cinematic art, Lauren always perceived as a vital reference point.


In the last years of the life of Bacolal, in the apartment in the Upper West Side, where the 90th anniversary was going to celebrate. Death due to stroke in the summer of 2014 led to the horror of children, grandchildren, colleagues and friends.Embed from getty images

After the funeral in the grave in a private cemetery, Forest-Laun Laurent reunited with his spouse, who died in the 50s. The story of a long happy life of the legendary star Hollywood, thanks to the films and books, firmly imprinted in the eyelids.


  • 1944 - "Have and not having"
  • 1946 - "Deep Sleep"
  • 1947 - "Black Stripe"
  • 1948 - Ki-Largo
  • 1950 - "Trubach"
  • 1953 - "How to marry a millionaire"
  • 1956 - "Words written in the wind"
  • 1964 - "Sex and unmarried girl"
  • 1974 - "Murder in Eastern Express"
  • 1988 - "Date with death"
  • 1990 - "Miseri"
  • 1991 - "Everything I want for Christmas"
  • 1996 - "The mirror has two faces"
  • 1997 - "Day and Night"
  • 1999 - "The Secret Life of Doris Duk"
  • 2003 - "Dogville"
  • 2012 - "Carmel"

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