Konstantin Makovsky - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



The Russian artist Konstantin Makovsky initially belonged to the academic school, but over time he enriched his style with the features of impressionism, Baroque and Modern. The painter left behind the rich heritage, consisting mainly of genre portraits and historical canvases. His paintings are exhibited in the best Russian meetings, including the Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum and Hermitage.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky (emphasis on the second syllable of the name) was born in Moscow on June 20, 1839 in the old style. It seemed that he was destined to be the biography of the artist. No wonder his father, though he treated lovers, but dedicated to art life. The man worked with finances, but the soul was induld to the sublime pleasures. He studied and collecting painting, engaged in the manufacture of miniatures from the bone, took care of the trustee work in the field of art.

For example, it was among the founders of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and was listed in the Commission on the construction of the church of Christ the Savior. His house, located in the center of Moscow, was a meeting place for composers, writers and painters who often visited literary and musical evenings there. The doors of the mansion were always open for friends - artists of Charles Bryullov and Vasily Tropinin.

In creative home assemblies, the wife of Cornilievna, who was distinguished by beauty, the mind and good temper, was invariably shone in creative home collections, which was a favorite in society. And the woman sang perfectly, demonstrating skill in front of the guests and sharing them with students in the Moscow Conservatory. It is not surprising that all five Makov children tied up life with art. At the same time, only the younger Masha chose the acting vocation, and Sasha, Kolya, Kostya and Volodya became artists.

Thanks to Mother Konstantin, since childhood, sang and played the piano, but the main passion laid in it. At the age of 12, the boy began to learn from the masters of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he soon became the best student. Praise mentors, participation in exhibitions and victories in contests only approved Makovsky in the chosen path. In 1858, the painter moved to St. Petersburg to continue his education in the Imperial Academy of Arts, which he graduated from among the first students.

Personal life

Makovsky was the person of charming and vitality. Talented, cheerful and complacent, he was a favorite of women and the ballet destiny, and therefore his personal life was stormy. Interesting the fact that the first daughter Natalia artist has already profited before marriage. Despite the fact that she lived and brought up the girl in the family of the Father, she did not receive the nobility. The first marriage of Konstantin was shortly: he married actress Elena Burkova in 1866, and 6 years later, the spouse died from Chathek. He did not live and the year born in married son Vladimir.

A year later, a 35-year-old Widovel met on the ball 15-year-old beauty Julia Skolkovoy and barely waited for her adulthood to marry a charming brunette, which became the heroine of a multitude of his work. The happy marriage lasted 20 years, and three children were born, Sergey, Elena and Vladimir. In the work of Makovsky, their portraits also occupy a significant place.

Despite the fact that the artist's house was a complete bowl, where the atmosphere of love, joy and art was present, in 1898 a divorce took place. The reason was the new love of Konstantin Egorovich, celebrated by him in Paris in 1891. Maria Matavtina was younger than 30 years old, which did not prevent their passionate novel, the fruit of which was the extramarital son Konstantin. Julia Pavlovna did not forgive her husband to betray, and he left to live to a new beloved, who became official wife after the divorce. By that time, three children were born at the pair, and after the conclusion of the Union, the son of Nikolai appeared in the family.

With the previous family, Makovsky broke the connection, since the former spouse was against his communication with children, moreover, he demanded a painting a solid amount for their content. Passions and novels absorbed a lot of attention and artist forces, who confessed:

"I loved the life and women too much, it hurts me fully surrendered to art."


It seemed that Makovsky was all given too easy. He did not have difficulty and then earn money, but heronically became the highest paid artist of his time. The paintings of the painter, who, with the same success, created monumental historical canvas and chamber lyrical portraits were used by success and demand. Fit in the legacy of Konstantin Egorovich and rare still lifes, which demonstrate the versatility of his dating.

However, images of "hawker" use the greatest fame - an idealized look at the folk beauties depicted in traditional Russian decoration. This cycle includes the work "for tea", "at the Ocean", "young boyfriend", "Charo Honey".

Makovsky loved to create portraits in historical entourage, and also wrote the canvas based on famous events and plots: "Death of Ivan Grozny", "The appeal of Kuzma Minin" ("Minin on the Square of Nizhny Novgorod, calling for people to donations"), "The murder of Fyodor Godunova in 1605, "Ivan Susanin".

He entered the Movie Artists Community, but critics considered his work as a betrayal of democratic ideas of comrades. The painter canvas were lush, colorful, but at the same time they saw superficiality. And he turned out to be unusually prolific, bypassing the number of works of such a record holder as Marist Ivan Aivazovsky. And yet the name of Makovsky first emerges when memories of a touching picture "Children running from a thunderstorm" created by him in 1872.


The artist who created hundreds of beverages lived 76 years. Makovsky possessed a performance, love for life and a boiler energy, and the reason for his death was a traffic accident.

September 17 (30) September 1915, he drove along the streets of Petrograd in his own carriage, when the horse frightened with a ringing crashed into a passing tram. Konstantin Egorovich flew to the bridge, as a result of which injuries incompatible with life. Buried the painter at the Nikolsky cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.


  • 1860 - "Healing of Blind"
  • 1862 - "Agents of Dmitry Samozvovets kill Fedor Godunova"
  • 1863 - "Portrait of the graph of Nikolai Nikolayevich Muravyov-Amur, Governor-General of Eastern Siberia"
  • 1872 - "Children running from a thunderstorm"
  • 1877 - "Bulgarian Martyrs"
  • 1879 - "Portrait of the Lieboy Guards Gussarian Regiment, Graph G. A. Bobrinsky"
  • 1883 - "Boyarsky Wedding Feast"
  • 1888 - "Death of Ivan Grozny"
  • 1889 - "District of Russian Bride"
  • 1890 - "Head (portrait Yu. P. Makovskaya)"
  • 1896 - "Minin on the Square of Nizhny Novgorod, calling for people to donations"

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