Orest Cyprosen - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



Creation of Keesessky Ores was an example of an exemplary portrait painting of the early XIX century. The artist knew how to not only convey the remarkable similarity with the original, but also to emphasize the inner world of the heroes of his cloths. Today, the famous masters' paintings are set in the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Childhood and youth

Orest Adamovich Kiprensky was born on March 24, 1782 on the Modean of Nezhinskaya, belonging to Oranienbaum district. The boy turned out to be the extramarital son of Alexei Dyakonov's landowner and the fortress Anna Gavrilova. A woman with a child was married to the fortress Adam Schwalbe, the German by nationality.

The real father of the future artist took care of him, and in 1788, having received free, Orest left his parents and was enrolled in an educational school at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. According to the documents, the student was under the name of the Cyprosensky. In 1797, the young man entered the Academy itself, where the painters of Grigory Ugryumov and Dmitry Levitsky were made by mentors.

During the years of study, Kiprensky has repeatedly demonstrated talent, received gold and silver awards for work. In 1803, Orest received the 1st degree certificate and the sword, but with the permission of the director of the institution remained there as a boarding person for another 3 years.

Personal life

Personal life in the biography of the artist has developed dramatic. Arriving in Italy in 1816 to improve the painting techniques, the Cyprosen worked in the workshop, which invited simulators. One of them drove with him a 6-year-old daughter Anna-Maria Faltkucci (for some sources, the girl herself posed the Creator for the painting "Anacreonov Tomb").

Children's portrait of a little Italian Maruchchi, as the Russian master called her, Orest wrote in 1819. Anna-Maria's mother led a politic lifestyle, and a painter worried about the fate of the child, tried to buy a girl and become her guardian. However, to ensure a happy childhood, the Cyprosen's pupil could not.

The case was intervened - one of the artist's models found dead. The lady died terrible death - her body was covered with canvas, bent Skipidar, and set fire to it. Soon there was no living and servants of the painter, the young Italian. OREST itself argued that his servant and killed a simulator. Rome police could not confirm or disprove these words, but the Creator's reputation was strongly injured.

A man could no longer stay in Rome, so, taking care of Marucher, tried to arrange a girl in some monastery. After, leaving Italy, and for her and France, where rumors came about strange death, he returned to Russia. In 1828, without ceasing to think about Anna Maria, the artist returned to the mother's homeland to make her proposal.

However, the couple was combined with a marriage only in July 1836, at that time Italian was 26 years old. All the time, from the moment of arrival, Orest sought to find enough livelihoods. To marry a beloved, the painter had to change the Orthodox faith to the Catholic. He lived with his wife together only 3 months: Cyprosen died in October. After half a year, Marcchika gave birth to a daughter Clotilda, and a few years later married.


In 1804, the painter prepared for the exhibition of the Academy of Arts the first job - wrote the portrait of Adam Schwalbe. As the main technique, the author used lescing reception. The picture made in a dark golden tone resembled the works of old masters and caused many enthusiastic reviews.

A year later, the Orest was created by the canvas "Dmitry Donskaya in the Kulikovsky Field" for the academic contest. Working on the historical plot, written in the style of French classicism, became the best - the student received a big gold medal. Cypriansky also participated in the painting built in the city of the Neva of the Kazan Cathedral - created the icon "Our Lady with a Baby." But in the future, the icon is not fascinated by the Creator, like landscapes.

Portraits became a popular genre of the secular petersburg public in the early XIX century. By that time, they could afford not only kings and commander, but also noble merchants. The young artist has customers, including the Ivan Kosov trader, the image of which captured the painter in 1808.

Fame to the author brought a portrait of Alexander Chelinisheva, who later turned out to be the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. In the picture, created in the direction of romanticism, the audience saw a teenager, almost a child, with delicate skin and amazing "careful" eyes. Psychologist subsequently became an integral part of the author's painting.

In 1809, the Cyprosen was departed from St. Petersburg to Moscow to continue to work there. During his stay in a white-eyed painter wrote steam portraits of mensor spouses. Unlike the trendy "frontal" paintings of this genre, Orest presented her husband and his wife at home modest, which gave the canvas depth.

The bright work of this period was the "Portrait of the Life-Gusarian Regiment of Colonel Evgraph Vladimirovich Davydov". For more than a century, after the appearance of this creation, it was believed that it depicts the famous hussar and partisans Denis Davydov.

In fact, before the public "appeared" by Evgraph Vladimirovich Davydov. The reason for the confusion was the wrong decoding by the signature experts to the author's canvas. In 1812, he received the title of academician, and in 1815 he became an adviser to the Imperial Academy of Arts.

In 1816, the painter for the first time went abroad due to the protection of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, who highly appreciated the talent of the Creator. Italy inspired Ores by majestic buildings, beautiful sculpture and painting. Here the man met with samples of the art of the era of antiquity and revival.

In Rome and Naples, Cymensky wrote custom portraits, as well as painted local residents. The talent of the author did not remain unnoticed - from the Florentine Academy of painter received a proposal to create a self portrait for the Uffizi Gallery. Orest became the first of the Russian masters who won such honor.

Returning to Russia in 1823, Orest Adamovich collided with difficulties in work: because of the "Italian" rumors orders were few. During this period, Count Dmitry Sheremetyev helped him, who offered the artist to work in a palace workshop. Gradually, forgotten about the scandalous incident. It was there in 1827 Cyprosen created a portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

In the same year, the "poor Lisa" cannon appeared on the light, depicting the main character of the story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. The painter was able to capture a rich emotional palette on the picture. In the face of the girl read light sadness and quiet happiness, modesty and elevation.

A year later, the Creator left Russia and moved to Italy. Here, barely found the livelihood, the author in recent years of life continued to write genre paintings "Neapolitan boys", "newspaper readers in Naples" and portraits.


In mid-October 1836, the painter fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs, which was the cause of death. Cyprosensky buried in the church Sant Andrea-Delle-Phratte in Rome.


  • 1802 - "Jupiter and Mercury attending Filimon and Bavdu"
  • 1804 - "Portrait of the Father of the artist Adam Karlovich Schwalbe"
  • 1805 - "Dmitry Donskaya in the Kulikov field"
  • 1809 - "Portrait of Evgraph Davydova"
  • 1814 - "Portrait of Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich"
  • 1816 - "Portrait of Vasily Zhukovsky"
  • 1817 - "Young gardener"
  • 1819 - "Gypsy with a branch of myrta in hand"
  • 1826 - "Portrait of Prince H. P. Trubetsky"
  • 1827 - "Poor Lisa"
  • 1827 - "Portrait of A. S. Pushkin"
  • 1828 - "Delphic Siville"
  • 1829 - "Neapolitan fishermen boys"
  • 1830 - "Growing with a candle"
  • 1831 - "Newspaper readers in Naples"
  • 1831 - "Lartsarina Boy"

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