Maria Vasileich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Alexander Lukashenko 2021



Looking at Maria Vasilevich, I will not immediately suspect into the political ambitions: you will most like young brunette to the world by instading than to the folk fate. It is easy to imagine that the girl earned fame to his beauty, becoming the winner of the title "Miss Belarus", but the paths that led it to the deputy chair at the age of 22, seem not obvious.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born on April 9, 1997 in the capital of Belarus. The girl grew in an ordinary family, lacking stars from the sky. Pope Vasilevich is a personnel military, retired and working as a taxi driver, and the mother is an assistant teacher in kindergarten. The beauty-daughter was born in them 4 years after the emergence of the eldest son, who became supporting and defender for his sister. Summer children were spent in the village of grandmother, where they were accustomed to simplicity and physical work.

Parents took care of her daughter, which turned out to be a cute, smart and obedient child. Dad taught it to jogs in the fresh air, and mom instilled the basics of proper nutrition. Masha was a quiet and excellent, first dreamed of becoming a lawyer, then a doctor, and in the end chose for the final testing those objects for which he had time to do it best.

After graduating from school in 2014, the girl entered the Belarusian State Economic University, where he studied at the Faculty of Management and Economics. Having received a diploma in the specialty "State Administration", Maria received a magistracy, the end of which celebrated in the summer of 2019. After that, the brunette turned to subscribers of his "Instagram" with the question whether she should go to graduate school or at all think about the second highest.

At 18, Vasilevich went to a driving school to learn about rights. "Miss Belarus" recognized that the theory and the "platform" passed the first time, but when driving in the city gave a mischief and was forced to go on retirement. But, after receiving in 2018, Geely Atlas's prize SUPP, Masha was able to boldly sick for his steering wheel.

The beauty dreamed of becoming a journalist and was able to come close to the dream, setting up leading to the transfer of "Proboy Ranchi, Belarus!". However, the girl quickly realized that the format set by the script does not satisfy its ambitions. Even in the professional biography of Minskanka, the advertising agency "Ambet", where she was engaged in business development.

Personal life

Around the personal life of Mary there are stubborn rumors related to its relations with the head of state. It is known that Alexander Lukashenko is experiencing weakness to young models, and therefore does not neglect the ability to appear in the public in the company of charming "Miss Belarus". At the end of 2018, at the Republican New Year's New Year for young people, young beauty was not only sitting next to the president, but also danced with him, why Alexander Grigorievich shyal.

Over time, Vasilevich's presence in the presidential bed at various events has already ceased to surprise the public: she managed to visit the first person in European games, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Brest, on the opening match of the continental hockey league season, Republican Saturday, as well as on business trips. At the "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk Maria sat on the left of the president, while the son of Nikolay Lukashenko was located on the right.

In an interview, the beauty claims that her heart is free. She does not feel a lack of fans who tirelessly play flowers to her house, but "that very" has not yet met. The girl tries not to make overestimated requirements for men, but it admits that she is fascinated by strong, charismatic personalities, in the presence of which she is experiencing timidity.

Model Career

Beauty and harmonious parameters 86-60-90 opened the path for Mary to the model business. She began to work out on the set and shows at 18 years, but in the competition contests initially refused to participate. However, at the age of 21, the girl changed the opinion and came to the National Competition, where he unexpectedly took the crown. So modest and sweet Vasilevich became "Miss Belarus - 2018", winning the title, car and 12 thousand Belarusian rubles.

Masha took congratulations and did not believe in what is happening. She had doubted until the end that he wanted to engage in all the responsibilities that the received title had suggested. She had to attend official events, to participate in charity and still submit his country at the global beauty contest. In December 2018, Minskanka went to China, where in a number of 118 charming rivals proved its superiority in the Milosity, mind and Talent.

Belorusk managed to get into the top five of the beautiful women of the planet, it was recognized as the best on the European continent, and the contest Vasilevich left the Miss World title. Maria understands the skepticism with which they belong to the participants of such competitions, however, it claims that she has the most contests to create a character - learn to defend their point of view, not to be fed, to become disciplined, to gain control over emotions. She is sure that these qualities will help her to be realized on the new field, which she switched in 2019.


The fact that "Miss Belarus - 2018" came to work on television, did not surprise anyone, but the public was skeptical to the intention of the girl to become a deputy. Lydia Yermoshin, heading by the Central Election Commenus, commented on this news negatively, for which he received reproaches from Lukashenko himself. Alexander Grigorievich shared the chapter of the Commission for the fact that she stops the initiative of young people, which would just need to give the road.

As a result, Vasilevich gained the necessary percentage of votes and in December 2019 entered the ward of representatives, becoming the most young member. Maria said he considers the age of its advantage, because it is determined, responsibility, creativity and courage. The desire for dialogue, flexibility and ease of lifting should compensate for the lack of experience.

The first problem to which Minskanka drew attention, entered into office, the protection of animals was. The girl is working on sterilization issues and chipping street dogs and cats and, according to the conditions of the content of our smaller brothers in contact zoos and circuses. In addition, Vasilevich consists in the Commission on Citizenship.

Maria Vasilevich now

In 2020, peaceful Belarus covered protests. They began during the election campaigns and aggravated in August, when thousands of outraged citizens went to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the results of the presidential election. They refused to declare the next election of Lukashenko, which resulted in mass riots. Vasilevich could not stay aside and turned to the subscribers of "Instagram" with the appeal to stop aggression.

Usually the girl fills the account with its own portraits, but modesty and upbringing do not allow it to post a photo in a swimsuit. But without them it is clear that the figure of Mary is still impeccable and it does not have a hint of overweight.

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