Karen Shainyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



Karen Shainyan is a Russian journalist, actively promoting the interests of the LGBT community. To this end, he created his own Youtyub-Channel. Now, being an open gay, the presenter attracts to the dialogue of media persons who committed Caming Out.

Childhood and youth

Shainyan was born on July 1, 1981 in Irkutsk. Mother Karen by nationality of Grekunka, Father has a mixed Jewish-Armenian origin. The parents of the boy met in Leningrad, where the young man came to study at the chemist.

In the early 70s, the spouses moved from the city on the Neva to Irkutsk, to the new Academgorodok. As a child, Karen was engaged in acrobatics and, chance, he could answer high school students, but preferred to solve conflicts with conversations.

At the age of 12, carried away by the works of John Tolkina, became a tolter. In the 9th grade, the young man was transferred to the Lyceum at the University. At this time, his interests changed. Shainean loved the party, began to wear torn jeans, painted her hair in green. In 2000, the guy moved from the Irkutsk university to the Russian State Medical University, where he studied at the Department of Biochemistry.

Personal life

In an interview, the journalist said that already at the age of 10 he understood his own homosexuality, which was the turning point in his biography. The discovery shocked a schoolboy - at that time he was sure that he was sick of a severe illness, which no one should know about. Later, Karen accepted his "nature," told his friends about it.

People took the news of the "unusualness" of the teenager easily, which could not be said about the family of the future journalist. Mother, having learned, said that the biggest tragedy in her life happened, but gradually got sick with the fact and even made friends with his guys. Being in love in love, Shainyan did not hide polygamy in his personal life.

Blider still knew that he wanted a big family and many children. Already moving to Moscow, Karen became the father of two sons born from different mothers. Senior boy, Luke, lives abroad with mom, younger, Mark, - with his father.

In one of the releases of the Yutiub-Channel "Mother of the Year", the leading Lena Borovaya took an interview with Mother Mark, Jan Mandrykina and his partner Marus Sokolova. Yana told how he met Karen, how the idea was born to create a joint child, which then endured a surrogate mother.

Shainyan also participated in the Borovo's project and shared his impressions of his fatherhood. In May 2019, on the page in Facebook, the blogger laid out post-camining-out about his own unconventional orientation. This is a rare phenomenon for Russian reality - openly admitted in such a few, for example, Anton Krasovsky and Transgender singer Scarlett.


Student at the university, Karen began working as a journalist. A talented guy was invited to the editorial office of Commment-money magazine, where he worked as a correspondent. The activities were carried away by Shainyan, so in 2007 the young man went to the States where he became a student of University of Mississippi in the city of Oxford.

Here, Russian received a master's degree in journalism and, returning to Moscow, decided to continue to develop a career in this direction. The blogger got a job as deputy chief editor of the site "Live!", And soon he became His Commander. Next, he led the medical heading in the journal "Snob", and later - section of natural sciences in the publication "around the world".

Together with the military correspondent and director Mikhail Zygyar Shainan in 2018 launched the project "The History of the Future", within which several documentary series came out. In particular, 1968.digital, telling about people and events of the era of the end of the 60s. The film was popular in Russia and in the West, and Zygar became the winner of the "Enlightener - 2018" award.

There were also pleasants developed other digital historical projects - Project1917.ru, Kartaistorii.ru and others. Having decided not to dwell on this, Karen created on the "Yutiub"'s own channel "Straight Talk with Gay People" ("Open conversation with funny people").

The guests of the new "Blunt" blogger became foreign and Russian celebrities, not sent to the world in an unconventional orientation. These are representatives of culture, cinema, literature, which shared with the audience history of their creative path and details related to their gender preferences.

Thus, among the participants of the "open conversation", an American writer Michael Cunningham appeared, on the books of which "house on the edge of the world" and "clock" in Hollywood films were filmed. In addition, the audience saw Cynthia Nixon, the star of the series "Sex in the Big City", Odina Bairon, who has been happy to love the Russian viewer for the comedy TV project "Interns".

Martin Navratilova, Czechoslovak Tennis player, became a guest of the program. This lady of one of the first athletes of the world level confessed to homosexuality, without having afraid of the destruction of the career.

Western Stars of Project Karen freely communicates in English. One of the bright persons "Open Talk" was Billy Porter, an American actor and playwright, who surprising the audience with outrageous images, in particular, a black dress-frak at the Oscar ceremony in 2019.

As a producer and director Shainyan spoke in his own film "Sacred Russian Quir", telling about the development of gay culture in Russia. It described here about the formation of the first bars for people of non-traditional orientation, protest promotions in the protection of communities and other topics. Participants were people directly related to the creation of entertainment and dating places for a bright public.

Karen Shainyan now

In 2020, Karen continues to lead the project "Open Talk". So, the blogger invited the popular singer Manju, who, not being a representative of minorities, actively supports their interests. The new film of the author's "Chechen war with LGBT" was released, where the problems of a cruel attitude towards homosexuals in the Caucasus rise. In addition, Karen himself gives interviews to different publications.

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