Maria Kolesnikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Coordinator Staff Babarico 2021



Maria Kolesnikova - the coordinator of the election campaign of Viktor Babarico, who became its representative in the United Staff Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. Today, she is one of the main persons of the Belarusian opposition, pursuing the idea of ​​equality and justice.

Childhood and youth

Political activist was born in the capital of the Republic of Belarus on April 24, 1982. As a child, he showed interest in art. Deciding to link life with the wonderful, graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Music in the specialty "Conductor and Fleotist".

It was there that the feminist sentiments of the current representative of the opposition originated: on the course she was the only girl. A student was difficult to interact with guys. But thanks to this experience, an understanding came, how to live in the men's world.

Then it was thought: a woman does not need to "strain" in such a difficult profession, because the life path will still be associated with the marriage and the birth of children. Because of such a stereotypical opinion, the future conductor felt that she was lagging behind, she was worse than the fellow students.

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Maria noted: women have an equal right to education, but it does not have to speak about equally. The path to self-realization in the modern world for the excellent half of humanity is much more difficult. Therefore, now Kolesnikov is considered a feminist. By the way, the activist does not perceive this definition by curses.

Already at the age of 17, she began to work - taught the flute lessons in his hometown. Also performed at the National Academic Concert Orchestra.

The family of Kolesnikova, thanks to which she had a bookmark of values, a sound approach to events in the country was friendly. The coordinator of Viktor Babarico headquarters in an interview reported that they are accepted closely to communicate with cousins ​​and rosewood relatives.

Despite the passion for music, Maria could not be called apolitical man. From an early age, she participated in family discussions on various issues and was even noticed on protest actions before departure to Germany.

Most of the biography of Fleetist worked in another country, although there is no reliable information about obtaining German citizenship. The reason for which she decided to leave is just associated with the political structure of the Republic of Belarus.

The young musician understood that her future depends on the place where she would try to realize their potential. In Minsk there were no such opportunities for Maria.

Having moved to Germany, Yaraya opposition came to the Higher School in Stuttgart, where he was studying modern and old music.

Personal life

Maria did not acquire a legitimate husband and did not give birth to children. In many ways, this was explained by the desire to build a career, self-realize. However, Kolesnikova in an interview with the Village published other causes of forced loneliness.

So, she admitted: she likes men who can hear and listen, as well as those who know how to be afraid to take responsibility for the actions. However, the same opinion of the heroine of the article in The Village adhered to both women who also like. Direct guidance on the fact that the political activist preaches the value of LGBT, no. Although the idea of ​​equality by sex, nationality and other identifying features in its speeches can be traced.

Maria admitted: now she has enough fans. This, of course, flatters, but in view of the current situation, Kolesnikov notes that he does not belong to herself. And much more important today to feel the support of like-minded people, team members. And with a personal life we ​​will have to wait.

Career and politics

Deciding to settle in Germany, the current coordinator of the opposition staff continued to participate in concerts as a performer. She even organized international cultural projects, including the last years she had more often looked towards the Motherland.

So, in the Republic of Belarus, Maria organized a cycle of lectures called "Music Lessons for Adults". In general, the attendance of the seminar exceeded hundreds of listeners. In 2017, Kolesnikova made a speaker at the TEDX conference in Minsk. Later stood at the origins of the Robot Orchestra project. Together with the developers of the GISMART music application, schoolchildren joined programming.

When the mother died (2019) with a planned operation on the heart, Maria decided to finally return to his father. She felt that he needed support, and did not want to stay aside. If the political activist reached the last years, the political activist was broken into two countries, then now moved to Minsk finally. Motherland became an art director in Cultural Hab OK16.

Friendship with Viktor Babarico began back in 2017. Kolesnikova herself wrote him in social networks, after some time a personal acquaintance occurred. By organizing the volunteer project, the coordinator brought five artists to Minsk. In the process of international exchange, she met with a competitor Alexander Lukashenko.

During the year, the art director repeatedly crossed with Viktor, exchanging life values. When Babarico told a colleague, which is going to be moved to the presidency, she supported him. Being busy in the headquarters of the oppositionist, did not forget about his volunteer activity. However, she subsequently had to take leave and leave the area of ​​art to promote the ideas of the Council.

When Viktor Dmitrievich was arrested and sent to the SIZO KGB, Kolesnikov took up politics more actively. Due to the fact that several candidates for the post of head of the republic were not allowed to elections, three headquarters were associated with one. Maria entered him as the chief representative Babarico.

With Veronica Chapeck and Svetlana Tikhanovsky activist quickly found a common language. Competitors politically revealed many points of contact. As a result, it was decided to support Tikhanovskaya, and after the victory to arrange another election in the fall of 2020. However, the results of the voting on August 9 made adjustments to the plans of the "Women's Triumvirat".

Maria Kolesnikova now

On August 8, 2020, the representative of Babarico headquarters and the participant in the pre-election campaign of Tikhanovskaya detained. The car was blocked in the parking lot, and the encouraged militiamen forced the activist to transfer to another car.

According to Kolesnikova, soon she was released, and the failed arrest did not scare at all. And in subsequent appeals, she was angry with respect to the security forces, offering to stop acting against the people.

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On August 16, 2020, the largest rally in the history of the country took place in the Republic of Belarus. Only the representative of Babarico participated from the famous Troika. Veronica Chapecklo and Svetlana Tikhanovskaya were forced to leave. The penetrating speech of the opposition was abounded by bright epithets in which she compared the current power with the "rattling durandometer".

A few days later, a coordination council was formed, in which Mary took an important place. By the way, a criminal case has already been initiated under this fact. Alexander Kryuk, the head of the General Prosecutor's Office, believes that the organization falls under Article 361 of the Criminal Code.

On September 7, there were reports of the abduction of Mary Kolesnikova, as well as oppositorians of Ivan Kravtsov and Anton Rodnenkov. Allegedly, they all disappeared and did not communicate. And the day later, the information was spread that members of the Coordination Council tried to illegally leave Belarus and were detained on the border with Ukraine. According to other data, they detained only Kolesnikov, and Kravtsov and Rodennkov are now on the territory of Ukraine.

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