Anna Severinets - photo, biography, personal life, news, verse about Kolya and Pap, writer 2021



June 6, 2020 in his own blog on Radio "Freedom" Literary critic Anna Severinets, at that time worked in the Smolevichsky district gymnasium, posted a poem "And I never voted for you ...". In it, the author criticized the current authority of Belarus. Soon after that it became known that the school's leadership decided not to extend the contract with the teacher, and she, in turn, made a public situation to remain honest to students.

Childhood and youth

At the end of October 1975, the 23rd, in Minsk, Konstantin and Tatyana Severinets were born firstborn - daughter Anya. A year later, on December 30, the son of Pavel appeared on the world (now the famous politician, the leader of the Party "Belarusian Christian Democracy"), then came the turn and Darya, now the candidate of technical sciences. The eldest daughter inherited from the head of the family, journalist and poet, craving for poetic art and after the mother stood on the teaching path.

The woman repeatedly emphasized that the most important person for her is the father - smart, talented, democratic, always communicated with her on equal footing and allowed to have a personal opinion. He introduced modern works, and his wife - with classical Russian literature: Often, in childhood, it was invariably read by "the word about Igor's regiment", "Captain's daughters" and "Dead Souls".

Despite the fact that the family lived modestly, adults did not regret money on hobbies of heirs. Books at their disposal were all sorts of, and when the musical instruments were required, then there was a place and piano in the house, and the guitar.

Summer school holidays children traditionally spent Marusi's grandmother in the father's line. She was an impersonation of absolute and unconditional love, always balung adorable grandchildren. Grandfather Pavel Petrovich, in honor of which the only brother of literary waters named, returned from the front without a leg, so the spouse had to take care of him, and to lead the economy.

"Another grandmother Galina Mikhailovna was the director of Luninetskaya library, and the grandfather Evgeny Ivanovich is an offacarious railwayman. Prabato Anastasia studied at Vilensky University, then taught mathematics. And her husband Mikhail Budoko was a famous Orthodox priest, "said Anna Konstantinovna in an interview.

After graduating from the secondary educational institution, the graduate was fluided for a long time, where to go on - to the philological or historical faculty, as a result chose the first and entered BSU. The teachers later said that such a strong course was not observed for 20 years. She received the second higher economic education in BGEU.

Personal life

Acquaintance with the future husband, Yuri Subota, took place on his native phylph. According to Severinets, she had a big breathtaking love. Selected was not only the most beautiful guy on the course, but also kind, and smart, and talented. Of course, such a cavalier enjoyed tremendous attention from representatives of the beautiful sex, so Anna did not have anything, how to wait for the long-awaited women's happiness to her. So it happened.

At the end of the graduate school, the girl married, gave birth to Eugene Evgeny and decided to receive the second higher education in order to live on. All the concern for children (a couple later born love and Ilya) lay on the spouse's shoulders. By the way, the celebrity did not take his last name because of tremendous respect for the adorable father.

The writer is convinced that it is extremely irresponsible to build a personal life on one love only, better when life programs coincide with the second half. As for the upbringing of the heirs, she tries to instill an understanding that "what are you, such you and the right thing," and the world in the family should be "not children's and adults."

Pavel Severinets and Anna Severinets

Free time The owner of the title "Teacher of the Year of the Minsk Region - 2017" prefers to hold in the country. Here, in addition to the cultivation of zucchini, cucumbers and garlic (the peppers "training" are not amenable to), she was lucky to restore the whole alley of roses, which took place from the previous mistress. Anne Konstantinovna succeeds and culinary masterpieces, whose appetizing photos are regularly published in Facebook.

Career and politics

Before getting into the gymnasium of Smolevichi, Severinets, worked at school, was engaged in business. After the birth of the eldest daughter, she got a job in the wholesale company Tair, where in the future he served to the head of the regional department of the company. Giving this sphere 10 years of life, Anna returned to where he started."For the last 2 years I was already simply tolerated for my former merits. In addition, I am terribly for school, because already my children went to learn. When I first went to school after this break, I could have worked out inside. I realized that this is my place, "she confessed in a conversation with journalists.

The graduate of Philfak Belarusian State University wrote articles for the Women's portal Velvet and taught business disciplines in a private school. Then she was taken to the Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneurship. So a return to education was held, where the teacher had achieved noticeable heights - became a teacher of the Higher Category, a teacher of the year of the Minsk region - 2017 and the finalist of the same competition in the 2020th.

Minskanka is the author of scientific and popular publications, artistic books ("St. Patrick's Day" "Hotel Belgium"), documentary biographies ("Vladimir Dubovka. He's about him") and the compiler of poetic collections ("Selected works. Ales Dudar") . In her piggy bank - the first chapter premium, "Clay Veles" and "Transparent Ea".

Anna Konstantinovna has repeatedly critically expressed about the education system in Belarus.

In 2017, a woman called a number of proposals for changes in the "crime against childhood". In 2018, anxiety was concerned because of the school textbooks disappeared the works of domestic writers. In the 2020th, he turned out an open letter to the Ministry of Education and Science to revise the "non-constructive approach" to the certification at the end of the 4th quarter of those students who were remotely trained with information and communicative technologies in the conditions of the pandemic.

Anna Severinets now

On June 5, 2020, on a personal page in Facebook, and the next day, as already mentioned, a blog on the radio "Freedom" literary critic published an appeal to President Alexander Lukashenko, in the people ninented with verse about Kohl and Pope.

The statement towards the head of state cost her work in the beloved gymnasium. Despite friendly relations with the director and teaching staff, the well-deserved teacher of Belarus asked to leave the position.

On August 14, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya announced that her headquarters intends to create a coordination advice on the transfer of power. As it was done - in a couple of days it became known that Nobel Laureate Svetlana Aleksievich, trustees of the wife of Sergei Tikhanov Olga Kovalkova and Nikolai Kozlov, as well as Anna Severinets.

However, on the 19th, the Higher Category teacher reported on the exit from the representative body of the Belarusian opposition, explaining the reason for the reason for a very soft position in relation to what is happening in the country and the desire to preserve the integrity within himself.


  • 2017 - "St. Patrick's Day"
  • 2017 - "Vladimir Dubovka. He and about him "
  • 2019 - "Hotel" Belgium "»
  • 2020 - "Remembering Vegas"

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