Owned Kulikovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Over the years of the existence of "House-2" in its perimeter, thousands of young people who wishing popularity and turbulent passions were visited. Build love and turn by subscribers in "Instagram" in July 2020 came to TNT and Owned Kulikovskaya, but the girl failed to convince the team in his uniqueness. She lived not telestroom for less than a month and returned home, and did not have time to arrange a personal life on the show.

Childhood and youth

Now the owner does not seek to advertise the details of the biography and tells only what it exists in a favorable light. Nothing is known about the family of the girl and her education. Kulikovskaya was born on July 11, 1995 and rose in the Urals, in the Chelyabinsk region.

Her love was dancing and music, and therefore the girl decided to associate life with the entertainment industry. Cute and relaxed owned owned by organizing club parties in his hometown.

Personal life

As far as the stormy novels twisted Vlad, before the appearance on the project, it is not known for sure. She did not tell other participants about their love experience, but the queen of drama called himself. In "Instagram" added, which knows how beautiful to scandal. The Kulikovskaya account is filled with photos that breathe conscription sexuality.

Owned deals seductive postures and demonstrates the body not even in a swimsuit, but in translucent underwear. Her lips cause obsessive thoughts about plastic, but the former participant "House-2" does not apply to surgical interference in appearance. It is experimenting with the image in traditional ways, for example, repainting the hair from a radical brunette in a blonde.

Vlada does not doubt in its own beauty, no wonder, coming on TNT, Kulikovskaya stated that he did not see competitors for himself.

"House 2"

The arrival of the owned on the perimeter of Telestroy took place on July 20, 2020. Together with her, five more newcomers appeared on "House-2": Vladimir Rusanov, Ivanna Havrak, Dmitry Zhikhoryev, Daria Pook and Nina Savchenko. Olga Buzova immediately offered to get rid of the part of the applicants, but Vlad Kadoni decided to give a chance to all the arrivals.

Kulikovskaya told that he came from Chelyabinsk and not mind to build relations with Becky Kuzenbaev, and also expressed sympathy of Mikhail Kanaghin. With the last Vlad kissed after a party, and came about mutual sympathy.

For a virgin-skateboarder, this kiss became the first on the project, but the emerging passion between Kulikovskaya and Canagin did not convince residents of "House-2": July 25, they sent Mikhail per perimeter. At your own desire, I left the show and Bek Kuzenbayev. The girl tried to show interest in Nikita Baryshev and Valery Zuben, but both did not justify her hopes.

Owned Kulikovskaya and Mikhail Kanagyn

On August 10, Vlavela staged a fight in the kitchen with Darya Pook, and then the conflict continued in the women's bedroom. But such attraction did not play a participant in his hand and did not increase its popularity. She fell into a nomination for disposal along with Maxim Morgettern and Marina Insurance.

Victor Cross received a black label, but not one resident of Trustroika did not vote against him. But Kulikovskaya fell under the blow, collecting 30 votes at once. The immunity of owned was not provided, and she left the show on August 15, 2020, holding out on the project for 26 days. On the same day, Vladislav Yakovenko passed the perimeter.

Owned Kulikovskaya now

The girl failed to deeply launch the roots on the "House-2", and therefore she had to return to her old life. True, in "Instagram" owned by Vladen, which begins to behave correctly and establishes its own rules. What bearing in mind the former participant of the telestroyka, it remains only to guess, but her photo in the account is still frankly seductive.

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