Heinrich III - Portrait, King of France, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Board



Henry III was the last of the Valua dynasty of the rulers of France. He got the country in 1574 wounded by religious wars, unstable and impoverished. The crisis of the throne fell and the crisis. Before taking responsibility for the fatherland, he was the king of Poland and Prince of Lithuania.

Childhood and youth

Heinrich III Valua is the fourth heir to Heinrich II, who ruled France between 1547 and 1559, and Catherine Medici. He was born on September 19, 1551 at the Palace of Fontainebleau, the residence of monarchs.

Like any offspring of royal families, Heinrich received only the best, such as education. Thanks to Francois Carnival, he learned to fencing and dance, mastered Italian, and Bishop Jacques Amio instilled a prince Humanitarian sciences: literature, rhetoric and theology.

Portrait of Heinrich III in youth

The last discipline has been nearing Henry III. And, as a result, at 9 years old, he drew attention to Huguenov, although the Royal family of France was obliged to confess Catholicism. In the deviation from the generally accepted rules, the successor of the Valua dynasty did not know the obstacles. He sowed Protestant songs and ignored Christian rites, once tried to break the Statue of St. Paul.

Ekaterina Medici took up the spiritual education of Heinrich. She, ready to close his eyes on any antics of his most beloved heir, understood: if the prince continues to behave in the same spirit, he will not be able to qualify for the throne. As a result, the efforts of the mother's son turned into a zealous Catholic. At least externally.

It is necessary to dwell on the appearance of Heinrich III. From an early age, he showed a lot of thought, even femininity. In portraits, the last of Valua is depicted with earring in ears - not simple "carnations", and massive pearl decorations. Unusual chants spoaling rumors that a man adheres to unconventional orientation. He was called the prince of Sodom.

Personal life

Scientist of the XVII century Louis Krompton claims that rumors corresponded to reality. Allegedly Heinrich III really divided the bed with male lovers, known as "minions".

Modern historians Jean-Francois Sun, Nicolas Le Ru and Jacqueline Bouche challenged this point of view. They argued that in the personal life of Heinrich III there were many famous mistresses. And rumors about homosexuality promoted his political opponents.

In 1570, in France, information began to extend that Heinrich III is caught by Elizabeth I - Queen of England and Ireland, the last of the tudor dynasty. At that time she was 37 years old, but she remained childless.

Union failed. First, due to the difference in religious views: Heinrich III professed Catholicism, and Elizabeth I is a Protestantism. Secondly, the Prince did not experience the Queen of Sympathy. He called her Putain Publique (to put it mildly, a windy woman) and allowed himself to be glazed comments on their difference: the monarch of France was 18 years old.

Heinrich III and Louise Larring

After coronation in France, Heinrich III ordered to marry. His chosen was Louise Lotaring, also known as a white lady. The monarch stopped the choice on the meek woman who will indulge in him, because in the younger, tired of the pressure of the mother.

The wedding of truly in love with hearts took place on February 15, 1575. With his characteristic pedanticity to appearance, Henry III itself, the white lady's wedding dress for precious stones himself. He also combed the bride.

In 1576 it became known that the queen of France was wearing a child under the heart. But the severe disease that followed the pregnancy provoked miscarriages, which made Louise Larringa fruitless. Despite the visit to the thermal sources and pilgrimage to holy places, the opportunity to give birth was not recovered.

For 37 years of life, Heinrich III did not get children. The genealogical tree of Valua dynasty stopped letting the branches. Bourbon appeared on the throne.

Governing body

Conduct to the throne of France to Heinrich III, his brothers could. Francis II, the eldest son Henry II, implemented his right in 1559 at the age of 15. Help him provided mother.

Ekaterina Medici was a woman in the nature of a strong and wishing power, but forced to be in the shadow of an influential spouse. After the death of Heinrich II in 1559, it became the regent of Francis II, and later all their sons.

Louis III Orleans was not destined to ascend to the throne: he died in 1550 by the baby. The legacy of heritage passed to Karl IX. Like his older brother, he put on the crown at a young age - he was 10 years old. The years of his rule - from the 1560s to 1574.

By the time Heinrich III, desperate to become the king of France, led the Polish-Lithuanian state. The first elected monarch of the Commonwealth, he became in May 1573. His merit is not imparting reforms in domestic politics and significant policy results - barely learning about the death of Brother, the last of Valua returned to his homeland.

Escape Henry III from Paris

The beginning of the board of Heinrich III France dates back to 1574. War was going between Huguenots and Catholics. Without having money to continue the fighting, the newly minted king gave Protestant freedom of religion and allowed to be elected to parliament.

For this decision, the Catholic League broke into Heinrich III. In 1585, the War of Three Henry - King France, representatives of the Burbon and Gizov dynasty. This is the largest phenomenon in the foreign policy of the monarch and the most detrimental.

In 1588, Paris rebelled against Heinrich III, and he was forced to run. Henry de Giz is a fierce Catholic joined the capital. Return the throne was managed only by power methods - at the end of the same year, the King of France killed his enemy than finally put the cross on cooperation with Catholics.


The murder of Henrich Giza and his brother Louis as if shifted by Catholics. Especially militant position occupied 22-year-old Jacques Clemane. Under the guise of a messenger in the summer of 1589, he resulted into the courtyard of Heinrich III and the broof of him, enthusiastic letters. The attack occurred so suddenly that the guards did not have time to protect the king of France. And Cleman did not have time to leave the room and was also a piping. Later, his corpse was condemned and sentenced to quartering. The remains burned.

Interesting the fact that Heinrich III remained alive. He was stomach stitched, and some improvements were observed. But after a few hours the king was worse, invited the priest. Monarch died on August 2, 1589. The cause of death was abundant blood loss.

The harnessed body of Heinrich III buried in the abbey of Saint-Cornill, which is in the city of Kompy. Heart burned and placed in the urn to the cathedral of Saint-Claude. Since 1610, his grave is located in the Basilica of Saint-Denis, the tomb of the Kings of France.

Heinrich III in Culture

The activities of Heinrich III awarded the mention in films, theatrical productions, books.

Heinrich III - Portrait, King of France, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Board 4627_4

So, Alexander Duma-Father revealed the personality of the King of France in the trilogy of gughogen wars. In the novel "Queen Margo" (1845), the monarch appears the Duke of Anzhuy, and in the subsequent parts of the "Countess de Monsoro" (1846) and the "forty-five" (1847) - as a full inhabitant of the throne. This cycle is sometimes called the artistic biography of Heinrich III.

The history of the latter from Valua, not only his compatriots Pascal Gregory, Daniel Sekkaldy, Robin Renuchchi, but also the Soviet actor Evgeny Nerladsky. The premiere of the television series on the novels of Alexander Dumum with his participation took place in 1996.

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