Ronald Kuman - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Footballer, Coach 2021



For the 1980s and 1990s, Ronald Kuman made an excellent player of the football player. After retirement, he, like many famous players, took up coaching. Higher achievement on this field is the leadership of the Netherlands national team. In the summer of 2020, the post had to donate for the sake of "Barcelona". From the 2014th "Sine-pomegranate" go through the black strip, and the club management hopes to find salvation in Kuman.

Childhood and youth

The coach was born in Zandam, the city in the west of the Netherlands, March 21, 1963. His future was predetermined from early childhood: The head of the Martin Kuman family is a successful Dutch footballer, who played the position of defender in Blau-Vite, "Groningen" and "Herenven."

In love, Erwin Kuman, the elder brother Ronald, was brought up for sports. Like the Father, he performed in Groningen, and after retirement, he trained a number of Dutch, English and Turkish clubs, Hungary and Oman.

Personal life

Wife coach is Bartin's name. On May 23, 1995, they were born the son of Ronald Kuman - Jr.. He also tied a biography with football, now playing a goalkeeper position in the Top Oss Dutch Club.

In May 2020, after a 100-kilometer marathon by bike, Ronald Kuman survived the heart attack. He was emergency to hospitalized.

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The trainer has a bad heredity - his father died of heart failure. Therefore, the cardiologist must be examined regularly. Ronald just planned a visit when she picked up a coronavirus infection.

"Now I wonder how many people who have deposited to the doctor are no longer alive. Looking back, I understand that I was lucky, "said the coach in an RTL interview.

Now the health of Kuman is normal. He takes medicine, three times a week engaged with a physiotherapist. The latter inspection of the cardiologist showed that the disease is localized.

The coach has an account in "Instagram", but it is quite an impersonal. In the ribbon there are photos from the coaching and past football career, but personal life is not mentioned at all.


Ronald Kuman began a professional career at age 17 and 183 days in Groningen. At that time, he became the third in the account of the young player of the club after Peter Wildsut and Berta de Vugta. And one of the most talented. In 90 games, the athlete scored 33 goals, which in 1983 led to the transition to Ajax and challenge to the Netherlands national team.

1986-1989 Ronald spent in PSV. He played on the positions of defender and midfielder, but still every 2 games scored in the opponent's gate on the ball. Legends walked about his blows. At the 1994 World Cup, even sold a cocktail "Lomoy strike", named after the football player.

At the power of hitting the Kuman in the youth was not equal. He accurately scored into the gate and from 20, and from 30 meters. But the football player has implemented its best goal for 20 May 1992 for Barcelona. From the penalty area, he put the only and decisive ball into the gate of Sampdoria in the Champions Cup final. Another enchanting moment occurred at the 1994 World Cup - speaking for the Netherlands, Ronald from 44 meters scored a goal of the Tunisia national team.

FIFA and the International Federation of Football History and Statistics are called Kuman Best Racheador among defense players. For the whole career, from 1980 to 1997, he scored 193 balls in 533 matches. A football player with such statistics was literally obliged to go to coaches.

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Kuman received his first managerial position in 2000. Despite the meager budget, he managed to bring the Dutch "vitess" to the UEFA Cup. Slightly, the newly connected coach assumed the leadership team more. Ajax with him twice took the championship of the Netherlands, one time - the national Cup and the Super Cup.

"Benfica", PSV and Valencia are the most unstersheet pages in the biography of Ronald Kuman: just one award for the period of the leadership. Nevertheless, on the scale of clubs, these were important achievements. For example, Valencia in the 2007/2008 season won the Spanish Cup, which could not be achieved from 1999.

In February 2018, Ronald appointed the head coach of the Netherlands national team. His contract was designed until the World Cup 2022. With his filing, the national team took the 2nd place in the League of Nations UEFA, giving only Portugal.

Ronald Kuman now

In the semifinals of the Champions League in August 2020, Barcelona suffered the most stunning defeat in its modern history - "Bavaria" was shaken with a "blue-pomegranate" with a score of 2: 8. Lionel Messi, neither Mark-Andre Ter Gähegen failed to save the team from Shame.

For the leadership "Barcelona", the occurrence has become not just an alarming bell, but a milk nabat. And for the current coach of the club, the Kika network is a mortal verdict: 2 days after the match, he received a notice of dismissal.

Experts in the field of football and insiders refer to the vacant position of Havi, Massimiliano Allegri, Mauricio Pentelino and Thierry Henri. But the leadership of Barcelona made a bet on Ronald Kmana, who is no longer the first year dreams of training "blue-pomegranates". Before he considered himself not experienced enough and asked time, but this time did not refuse.

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Barcelona offered a new coach a contract for 2 years with the possibility of prolongation. Since the Kuman will have to leave the Netherlands national team, the "blue-pomegranate" will pay a penalty for its early care of € 5 million. What will be the salary, until it is reported.

In the head of Ronald already there are ideas about the transfer. So, he wants to strengthen the "blue-pomegranate" compatriot Donnie Van de Beck, who is now playing in Ajax.

I did not have time to take a vacant position, as he began to threaten the dismissal. Victor Font, which can be President of Barcelona in 2021, sees the coach exclusively than HAVI. This footballer team from Catalonia not only grown, but also made a legend. His retirement retirement in 2015 "Sine-pomegranate" was kept by tears.

If Viktor Font becomes President "Barcelona", according to him, even a brilliant debut season will not save from the dismissal of Kuman. But feared prematurely: the personnel policy can change the vector even until 2021.


As a player:

  • 1984/85 - Champion of the Netherlands with Ajax
  • 1985/86 - Winner of the Cup of the Netherlands with Ajax
  • 1986/87, 1987/88, 1988/89 - Champion of the Netherlands with PSV
  • 1987/88, 1988/89 - Winner of the Netherlands Cup with PSV
  • 1987/88 - UEFA Champions Cup Winner with PSV
  • 1987, 1988 - the best football player of the Netherlands
  • 1988 - European Champion with the Netherlands national team
  • 1989/90 - Wroudler of the Cup of Spain with "Barcelona"
  • 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94 - Champion of Spain with Barcelona
  • 1991/92 - UEFA Champions Cup Winner with Barcelona

As a coach:

  • 2001/02, 2003/04 - Champion of the Netherlands with Ajax
  • 2001/02 - Winner of the Netherlands Cup with Ajax
  • 2005 - Winner of the Super Cup of Portugal with Benfico
  • 2006/07 - Champion of the Netherlands with PSV
  • 2007/08 - Winner of the Spanish Cup with Valencia
  • 2012 - Rinus Mikhel Prize Best Coach

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