Lhadmitry II - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, impostor, Tushinsky thief



Lhadmitry II was a challenged to the Supreme Power in Russia, issued himself for the son of the king. Grand Duke Vasily Shuisky, who was sitting on the Moscow throne, assigned the impostor status of an adventurist and rebar.

Childhood and youth

Lhadmitriy II appeared in Russia at the end of 1606, after the death of Falsmitria I deceived the Russian people. The search for a new sovereign took place on the orders of Marina Mnishek and other foreign Lords.

People who sympathized with the impostor diligently spread rumors that the fake Tsarevich was saved by the sworn enemies. Nobody identified the body covered by unclean and mud, burned on the initiative of members of intelligent circles.

The German writer Konrad Busus, who watched the course of events, was a witness to rumors about Flemmitriya I's flight in Lithuania. Fake diplomas and orders with a dead man signed seemed quite real waiting miracle to the majority.

Fakes distributed Tsaryubitz Mikhail Andreevich Molchanov, which fled to the territory of Poland at the beginning of the 1600s. He gave himself for the son of King Ivan IV, but understood that he was recognized in large Russian cities.

On the task of activists of the peasant-rebel movement in Belarus, they found an impostor with the desired figure and face. The man of unknown nationality is incomprehensible when born, was brought to the Sambar Castle with conspirators.

It was assumed that the new Lhadmitry was brought up in the Jewish family, but there is no confirmation of this hypothesis in ancient printed books. The pseudo-student of the Grand Duke could be a member of the Russian family who had a certain authority in the speech.

The real name of the impostor also remained unknown, but some authors of the biographies called him Ivan. They rummed about contact with Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky, as well as a number of Orthodox Novgorod-Seversk nobles.

Anyway, a man with unsolved past spoke Polish and Russian and knew how to read and write. Nicknames The thief and the kingook appeared due to the habits of an adventurist and inability to adequately speak and think.

Personal life

Lhadmitry II was inherited by the wife of Marina Yuryevna Mnishek, recognized by the Russian queen during the self-coach number alone. In the troubled time, a native of the village of Lyashki is accustomed to managing the deeds of high-ranking men.

Mnisheki did not recognize the so-called Tushinsky thief for a long time, but then they decided to grasp the way to usurp the power. A spouse has appeared in the personal life of a notable pool without a kind, which she regarded as an inevitable attack.

A foreigner positively recognized the spouse who flees from the execution and secretly from the subjects was married with the applicant for the royal throne. In the situation of dvoevsty in a burdened communion, the societies began to extend opinions that provoke splits.

According to the letters of Marina to the Father, it was seen that the impostor was contracted by her, but for the title of his wife's great prince she could give a lot. Son Ivan Dmitrievich (Voroko) was born in marriage with Ivan Zarutsky after the adventurist managed to flee in a hurry.

Governing body

According to the legend, at the very beginning of the path to the state throne, Lhadmitriy II refused power and ran from Polish gentlemen. The applicant was caught in the propoisk and under the guise of a strange spy thrown into a dirty underground, where he was kept.

Under pressure, he agreed to declare the rights to the crown, this arranged a compulsory question that was preparing for the civil war. The impostor went to Russia under the guise of Andrei Nazhogi, the blood relative of Tsarevich, who was loved by the family.

Residents of the border Ukraine did not believe the Polish seasons and demanded to submit a true descendant of the kings. Fa-naked, following the plan, said that he miraculously survived Dmitry, the emotional speech convinced most of the gurgling people.

In the summer of 1607, the Northeast of Ukraine acknowledged the impostor to the state truck and fully supported it. In the Starodubsk camp, army and boyars of the Duma from the rebels Ivan Bolotnikov, previously victims of failure, were formed.

Hetman, known as Pan Mehowetsky, led the Armed Forces on the fortress of the Grand Prince on the border Russian land. After failure, under the Bryansk winter of 1607, Lhadmitry II stopped with comrades in the old town of Orle.

In the spring of rested detachments under the leadership of Lithuanian Pan in the battle of Bolkhov, the official army of Moscow was broken. The forces of the fake monarch found out in Kozelsk, Kaluga, as well as in other settlements of the country.

Support for members of the royal squad, betraying the ruled prince, made it possible to approach the walls of almost no criminal Kremlin. In Tushinsky camp, broken down on the approaches to the capital, Lhadmitry II led the way of life of the medieval king.

In the suburbs to the troops of the impostor joined foreigners. Jan Sapega is located in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Together with Alexander Lisovsky, the commander of the cavalrysts, a supporter of Lithuanian politics began to glorify the pseudozer.

Arrival of Falsenedmitria II in Kaluga after flight from Tushina

Soon, dozens of settlements swore at the faithfulness of Avenue, Vladimir, Kazan and Suzdal were among the conquered cities. Lhadmitry II decided to appoint a new Russian patriarch, Metropolitan Philaret's impostor gave Rostov.

During the reign of an adventurer in Russia there were two currencies, two government duma and, accordingly, two kings. In the autumn of 1608, the rootless subordinate Polyakov sent an army on the siege of the walls of the Kremlin.

In the days of the Polish-Swedish intervention, foreigners united, University pushed them to the thoughts to enslave Orthodox people. The convening of the Zemsky Cathedral in the summer of 1610, according to a number of aristocrats, was the best of ideas.

As a result, Falsitriya II decided to exist from power, Vladislav IV Zhigmontovich was considered the new Moscow king. Tushinsky thief did not agree with the choice of former owners and provoked a new people's patriotic rise.

The invasion plans in the capital were supported by provincials, representatives of the poor were in the army of the "Son" of Ivan Grozny. During the Moscow campaign, which became the latter for an adventurerist, the eyes of foreign troops were drilled because of the wretched motion.


At the end of 1610, Lhadmitryy settled under Kaluga, in the same period a number of new "Karkov" appeared in the state. The Prothege of the ruler of Poland began to kill the impostor brothers - immigrants from the rooted peasant, noble and boyar circles.

In the next prospects of the impostor, there was a transfer to Voronezh, there he hoped to enlist the support of purebred nobles. In terms of conquesting the capital and rooting on the throne, there was not visible to the eye, but a very important flaw.

Lhadmitry II Sgorie quickened with Tatarin - Khan Uraz-Mohammed, the cause of the death of King was considered a blow to a curved sword. Presumably, the murder occurred during the hunt in land, not burdened with pastures or housing.

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