The film "Master Master" (2018) - Released, 2021, Russia-1, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


On July 11, 2021, the spectators of the channel "Russia-1" again saw the film "Master's Hearts", whose release fell on October 20, 2018. The plot of melodramas is dedicated to revenge and love, which is not amenable to logic. The actors, their roles and interesting facts about the project - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot - the fate of the sisters Vicky and Lara. Both girls arranged a personal life. Lara is married, and a young man cares for Vika, ready to put a stamp in the passport. Vike will have to engage, but the girl was called to his native provincial city. In anxious call, it is reported that the sister escaped from the cardiology department of the hospital.

To save Laru, Vika leaves the groom and returns home. From his sister, she learns that her fleeting novel turned his husband's jealousy. From the experiences of Lara arose problems with the heart, and the girl fell into the hospital. Ironically, Dr. Kalashnikov, who seduced a married woman, turned out to be at the attending physician.

Lara is trying to wake up the conscience from the doctor and asks for responsibility for the situation. Meanwhile, Kalashnikov refused to help restore calm in the family. The told story reminded Vika's own episode from life when her beloved threw it, which served as a reason for moving.

To put the points over I Vika goes to the hospital, where he plans to meet with Dr. Lovelas. However, in Kalashnikov, the girl recognizes that beloved, which once cruelly cost her.

Vika decides to take revenge on an unscrupulous doctor and is satisfied with the nurse to the Kalashnikov office. Now Vika Mstit not only for his sister, but also for his blasting feelings. Does Vika come to the point of non-return, or old love does not rust - tell the film "Master's Hearts".

Ekaterina Anderson worked on the project scenario. In the quarry of the author, these multi-verses like the "Queen trap" and "from sorrow to joy." The place in the director's chair was taken by Maria Mahanko. The producers were made by Alexander Kushaev ("Holop", "Strong weak Woman") and Egor Yuzbashev ("Watercolors", "Color of Ripe Cherry").

Actors and roles

The key roles in the film "Master Hearts" performed:

  • Anna Popova - Vika. The girl is going to marry, but the plans suddenly change the alarming call about the sister's act;
  • Anatoly Rudenko - Cardiologist Kalashnikov, who worrying the female hearts of the hospital, in which it works;
  • Pavel Savinkov - Chosen Wiki, confident and ambitious person who needs to marry for career growth;
  • Alesy Kloche - Lara, Sister Vicky, confused in romantic feelings.

The film also filmed: Valentina Gatsuva, Anastasia Leonovich, Dmitry Gurbanovich, Igor Negalykov, Tatyana Yankevich and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the Maria Makhanko project is familiar to the audience on such TV shows as "love Father and Son" and "Wedding Charts".

2. The project shooting was started on May 27, 2018 in Minsk.

3. In the microblog, Maria Mahaniko announced the role of the main character of the actress Apollinaria Muravyev. However, during filming, the performer was replaced. The reasons for such rotation of events are not specified.

4. The film "Master's Hearts" based on the results of the audience voting scored 7 points out of 10. In negative comments, they write about the inconsistency of the role of actors and the roles offered to them. Positive feedback relate to a pleasant storyline with proper moral accents in the spirit of Soviet cinema.

The film "Master Master" - Trailer:

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