Phoebe Waller-Bridge - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Phoebe Waller-Bridge since childhood dreamed of working in the film industry and was able to achieve in this height. Actress and Writer won the love of the public to the bold humor and the ability to create bright female images that did not leave indifferent even creators of a series of films about James Bond, who trusted her to revive the script "no time to die."

Childhood and youth

Phoebe Waller-Bridge was born on July 14, 1985 in London. She was a middle child in the family of descendants of the English aristocrats and grew up with the older sister of Isobel and the younger brother Jasper. Father worked on the stock exchange, and later became a portraitist, the mother collaborates with Worshipful Company of Ironmongers.

As a child, Phoebe was an active and creative child, loved to cheer the public and satisfied whole ideas along with his sister. Already then, the future actress was indisputable - for several years it was exclusively boyish clothing, shortly stared and asked others to call her Alex.

This period was held, but the courage of views and the love of reincarnations she retained for life. It is not surprising that after graduation, the girl preferred to study in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, the study of English in Dublin College.

True, in the first years of classes Waller-Bridge was waiting for disappointment, because the repertoire of female images was pretty scanty. She was predominantly suggested by the role of gentle and wounded young lady included in the plot only for the sake of a romantic line, while actress wanted to play strong and confident women. In addition, she was not afraid of experiments and was ready to play men, but there were no standing proposals. Already then Phoebe wondered how to start writing scenarios on my own.

A new page in the biography of celebrities was cooperation with the playwright of Vicky Jones. They met thanks to the boyfriend of the artist, which was so impressed by the talent of the Writer, which was ready to play in her productions even a rug. Jones, in turn, estimated the external data of Phoebe and invited her to join the troupe.

Soon, Vicky was fired due to disagreement with the leadership, and the actress in solidarity was gone after her. It became a push for her writer career, because together with the new girlfriend they founded the Drywrite project, in which the beginners of the authors can anonymously publish their scenarios and get an assessment.

At this time, the artist did not cease to play on stage, mainly in the plays that Jones created. Her own debut as a screenwriter was failing, and the main heroine was condemned for sexual successes. But the starry hour was still ahead.

Personal life

In 2014, Waller Bridge played a wedding with director Woodman's director. For the first time, they met in the bar, and later the cinematographer saw the actress in the play, in which she played completely naked, and wrote her a playful message, noting that he could not remember how Phoebe looks like in clothes. The celebrity found it strange, but the best friend persuaded her to go on a date, after which they could not part with a conor.

The marriage lasted less than four years and ended with divorce in 2018. Soon the public began to know the new details of the actress of the actress - she began a novel with the playwright Martin McDonach.


The on-screen debut of Phoebe became the series "Doctors", after which she replenished with episodic participation in several more television projects. In parallel, Waller-Bridge continued to be improved as a screenwriter and once argued with her friend, which would write a short funny sketch for a stand-party.

So Born "Dryan". The artist went on stage and told the audience the story of a young woman who tries to keep a small business and recover after the death of close people. At the same time, it did not hesitate in expressions and openly told about the indiscriminate sexual relations, seasoning all this in witty comments, causing a smile in the audience.

Waller-Bridge turned out to be made, it would seem that such a heavy and sharp theme is funny and understandable, but at the same time not to lose the depth of the heroine, which is hidden behind sarcasm and rudeness. In the soul, rubbish is actually a lonely and unhappy woman who is looking for a way to get rid of suffering.

The audience was delighted with the idea, and soon a short monologue turned into a whole performance with the participation of one actress. Writer praised for courage, because she spoke on topics that women usually avoid, and the ability to involve the audience, making it part of the speech.

After the high-profile prime minister in London theaters, the talent of celebrities interested television drivers. She was offered to make a series from her stage, and also instructed the writing of the scenario for the comedic project "Roads". In it, Phoebe fulfills the loose-free and sharp in the Lulet language, which would seem to be a lightweight version of the rubbish. It does not have the same emotional problems, but trying to cope with the feelings for the old friend, who is going to marry another.

The premiere of the 1st season "Dryani" followed the premiere of the "cohabitants", which was warmly met with critics. As an idea of ​​the creator, the main heroine breaks the "fourth wall", still turning to the audience and making them confidently to the plot. Success gave the green light to continue, but Phoebe did not know for a long time where to start. In this prolonged break, she took up the work on the scenario of the series "Killing Eve", in which Jody Comer and Sandra O. appeared in the highlights.

When the project came to the screens, Waller-Bridge again awarded enthusiastic reviews of the public. She was praised for the ability to revive women's images, to make them clear and interesting viewers. Popularity continued to grow, the Writer became Guest "Graham Norton", gave autographs and came to an interview.

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In 2019, Phoebe met the fans with the release of the 2nd season "Dryani", where Endrew Scott became her partner. The premiere was so successful that Waller-Bridge became the winner immediately in the three nominations of the AMMI premium - as an actress, screenwriter and the creator of the comedy show. On the scene of the presentation ceremony, she stood with Bill Heider, who became the owner of the prize for the best embodiment of a male image.

Phoebe Waller Bridge now

In 2020, the celebrity continued to reap the fruits of his work "Dryan" and won in the two nominations of the Golden Globe. In addition, on the HBO TV channel, the triller "Run" took place on which she worked with Vicky Jones.

Now Waller-Bridge continues his career on television and in the cinema, pleaseing the fans with their work. They monitor her success on Facebook and Instagram fan pages, where news and photos are published. The actress itself does not conduct social networks, because it believes that "will not be able to mix so often."


  • 2011 - "Night Watch"
  • 2011 - "Mysterious Albert Nobbs"
  • 2011 - "Iron Lady"
  • 2011-2013 - "Cafe"
  • 2014 - "Glue"
  • 2015 - "Murder on the Beach"
  • 2015 - "Stoley Date"
  • 2016 - "Roads"
  • 2016-2019 - "Dryan"
  • 2017 - "Farewell, Christopher Robin"
  • 2018 - "Khan Solo. Star Wars: Stories "
  • 2020 - "Run"
  • 2020 - "Dark Beginning"

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