Mary Belou - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Reading 2021



In the books of Mary Balow, serious passions are boiled: husbands will learn about the sinful past wives, Marquises are fighting about the mortgage, which is seduced by excellent virgins who suffer from amnesia young veterans of Napoleonic wars implement the inhabitants of the brothels. The epigraph to all the works of the prosecut could be put by a quote from the novel "Just perfection" - "Romantics there is no need to be prudent." But in the personal life of the novelist, the stability reigns: Mary and in 2020 married a man with whom she exchanged over twilights for more than half a century ago.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born on March 24, 1944 in the second largest city of Wales Swansea. The name of the small homeland of the novelist is translated as "Swan Island."

Mary is a second child in the family of Arthur and Mildred Jenkins. The native city of the girl was lying in ruins after bombing of the Second World War, the supply was carried out on cards. However, the childhood of the writer was happy thanks to the care and fantasy of the parents (the father worked as an artist and the designer of signs, and the mother was engaged in all kinds of needlework) and friendship with the older sister Moyra.

Girls, the age difference between which was only 2 years old, the days were played with a few dolls that had not only names, but also biographies. When Moira and Mary have grown slightly, they began to record stories about their toys in notebooks. Sisters inspired Books Anid Blyton. Later, their favorite author became Jane Austin.

The sisters swore each other, which will also become writers. In order to realize the dream, the girls learned to the teachings of English literature.

Having completed education, Mary signed a 2-year contract for which she went to a small town of Canadian Province Saskechevan. Perhaps a girl who loved literature, bribed that the town was called Kipling in honor of the author "Mowgli". The teacher's career of a native Swansea has developed successfully: Mary has served before the school principal.

Personal life

A year after arriving in Canada, Jenkins on a date blindly met with high blue-eyed son of farmers Robert Balow, the name of which, having had a Hungarian origin, sounded for Welsh fancy. A year later, Mary and Bob played a wedding, and the young teacher began to be called Mrs. Below.

Three children were born in the family - the daughters of Jacqueline and Sian and the son of Christopher. To feed the family, Robert worked as an assistant police officer, then the driver of ambulance.

Now Bob and Mary five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Photo of a spouse and descendants The writer lay out in a personal blog, in which a good story talks about his hobby. Among the hobbies of Balou - knitting, reading and Welsh music. Mary is also a gambling fan: during the Tournaments of the Grand Slam and Curling Competitions, the writer "sticks out" to the TV screen and comments on what is happening.


Teaching and children took away from the lover of Jane Austin Time - there was no time to embody the dream of writing. During maternity leave, Mary, working on the list of literature for the 11th grade, met works by Georgette Heyer, in the bibliography of which there were both love novels and detectives. The book of the writer, which is called the rival Agatha Christie, inspired Balou for creativity.

When the eldest daughter Mary and Robert Jacqueline turned 6 years old, her mother sat down for creating a debut book. The novel "disguised deception" teacher of literature wrote from the hand at the kitchen table for 3 months. According to Mary, she reprinted a manuscript on a typewriter and sent to the address of the publisher indicated on one of her favorite books. The work of Below had to publishers in the soul, and they suggested a debutantt from Kipling a contract for edition of two more novels.

The "disguised deception" saw the light in 1985, and Mary received the Romantic Times Award as the best debutant of the year. The sixth Roman Balou "The First Snowdrop" was the first to score on the computer. In 1988, after 20 years of work, the teacher, the novelist completed the teaching career and focused on creativity.

Balou's favorite plot collision - violent or random marriage over time develops into love. Such is, for example, the Fabulus of Romanov "Wife for Time", "Perfect Marriage" and "Golden Network".

Another favorite reception of the writer - the characters overtakes the blizzard or shower, and they are warmed up in each other's arms ("Snow Angel", "Reliable Had", "just unforgettable"). Often, the intrigue unfolds around the re-meeting of the heroes under other circumstances. So, in the novel "The Mystery Pearl", Duke Ridgeway used the services of a prostitute Fleur Hamilton, and arriving after a while in the house of his wife, came across the "night butterfly". The girl worked as a governess at the daughter of a man.

Mary works take place in the regency era. This little says Russian-speaking readers, but some of the characters return with wounds from the Crimean War, being on which, Lion Tolstoy wrote "Sevastopol stories".

Works Baelou usually unites in the series. Within the framework of one cycle, it is described about marriage members of one family ("Bedwin") or one labor collective (the "School of Miss Martin" cycle, one of the most popular novels in which is "just love"). Sometimes heroes from one series go to another.

Mary Balou now

In 2019, Below published 2 works from the Veskott Family series - Roman "Someone for West and" Someone for Memory. " In the 2020th cycle continued with the written "Someone for romance". The writer's books written in previous years, in particular the novel "obedient bride", are reprinted.


  • "Sometimes you just need to let a person go to her dear, even if it seems to you that it will be harder for him without you."
  • "Romance is at all there is no need to be prudent."
  • "Life is a series of dreams, of which few come true, the majority is forgotten, and only one or two remain dreams for life."
  • "It's better to get into hell together than bringing to the paradise bush."


Series "Rii Family"

  • 1989 - "Golden Autumn"
  • 1990 - "Promise Spring"
  • 1990 - "Love Networks"
  • 1990 - "Sedo Network"

Series "The Riders of the Apocalypse"

  • 1997 - "Mysterious Lady"
  • 1998 - "The Light of First Love"
  • 1998 - "irresistible"

Bedpin series

  • 2003 - "A little married"
  • 2003 - "A little vicious"
  • 2003 - "Slightly scandalous"
  • 2003 - "Slightly seduced"
  • 2004 - "A little sinful"
  • 2004 - "A little dangerous"

Series "School Miss Martin"

  • 2005 - "just unforgettable"
  • 2006 - "Just love"
  • 2007 - "Just Magic"
  • 2008 - "Just perfection"

Series "Family Westott"

  • 2016 - "Someone for love"
  • 2017 - "Someone for possession"
  • 2019 - "Someone for marriage"
  • 2018 - "Someone for care"
  • 2018 - "Someone for trust"
  • 2019 - "Someone for worship"
  • 2019 - "Someone for memory"
  • 2020 - "Someone for romance"

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