Linda Howard - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Books 2021



American writer Linda Howard once found the key to the reading heart and skillfully uses them dozens of years, one by one releaseing the ladies of various genres. These are ironic detectives, cowboy stories or vampire sagas, in which one is invariably one - a charismatic, skeptical hero and a faithful, selfless woman, his dustless love heating his cold heart.

Childhood and youth

Each writer first was the reader. So Linda, born on August 3, 1950 in Alabamian deep, childhood and youth spent behind books. Her favorite works were "worn by the wind" Margaret Mitchell and Hunting Tale Robert Ruard. Stormy fantasy Girls also sought to pour into paper, and the first emises she wrote in 9 years.

Since then, the writer has not left, although he did not intend to publish invented. Howard grew in a rustic house and was the second of six children in the family - the writer has two sisters and three brothers.

After graduating from school, she went to college, and after settled in the transport company. Colleagues did not suspect that in parallel the young secretary writes "on the table". And she did not twist in the clouds, dreaming of glory, and built a career in his hometown, reserving to the position of the business manager.

Reporting reports did not interfere with the girl to invent exciting stories, whose writing soon became the second profession. And the work helped Linde to arrange a personal life, after all, she met the future husband exactly there.

Personal life

"Men are wonderful creatures. Every woman should find one "," Howard wrote.Surely the wisdom of this quotation helped her to generate a beloved person - Her husband Harie Hovington. They met and got married in youth, and the spouse insisted that the wife would give the manuscript to the publishing house. The chosen one read her books and was amazed to new faces of the individual who opened creativity in the woman.

The man himself professionally engaged in fishing, and Linda gladly accompanied him in the working trips, capturing drafts of manuscripts with him. While in the secluded lake corners of nature, the husband was engaged in fishery, Howard continued to invent new heroes and their passionate beloved.

Hovington's friendly family could not have their own children, and therefore adopted three. Their house is located in Alabama, and now Chet is already rejoicing grandchildren. Together with them there are two dogs of the breed Golden Retriever. The writer does not use the services of helpers and cooking, cleaning and economy deals independently.


When Linda first thought about the publication of his works, she went to the case with feeling, really and arrange. The woman went to the library and gathered everything she liked to read. She wrote out the names of publishers in which her favorite novels went out, and it was there who sent a manuscript. Thus, the starting author came out at Silhouette Books, which in 1982 published her first book "Everything Blushing."

Since severely, the writer's biography of the American was replenished with tens of novels, on the covers of which her photo bang. The author wrote both separate books and a series. The novels with the continuation used the public with popularity and love, for example, the McKenzie family cycle, which was published from 1989 to 2000. Reading recognition brought Howard nomination for the Rita Prize, in which she reached the final twice. Repeatedly writing fell into the bestseller lists of New York Times.

The scenery and genres in which the characters of the Linda live are constantly changing, but the main law, cementing story, unchanged. This is the story of passionate love between strong personalities, which are simultaneously involved in each other and are repelled by hostile circumstances. And if the power of men lies in confidence, professionalism and athleticity, then women conquer selfless love, determination and independence.

For Romanov Howard is characterized by a combination of love and adventurous lines, where romance is complemented by a dynamic intrigue. These are the "face of dreams", "love has their own laws", "Fire Touch" and other works of the author. They are published by millions of circulation and translated into tens of languages.

Linda Howard now

In 2020, Linda continues to live on a farm in Alabama and writing novels. The fertility of the author goes to the recession, which is no wonderful at the age of 70. While the last romance in the bibliography was The Woman Left Behind, released in 2018. The book about the adventures of the young and beautiful Gina Model, who fell from the office chair to the elite militarized division, entered the list of bestsellers New York Times.


  • "People usually see what they want to see. Scoundes are seeing scoundrels everywhere. And those who have dirty thoughts, everywhere find dirt. "
  • "Cats are all such ... Even the most silent of them are confident in our unconditional superiority."
  • "Someone is afraid of lightning, and someone considers them beautiful. But scary to others. "


  • 1985 - "Tears of a traitor"
  • 1993 - "Fire Heart"
  • 1995 - "Face from dreams"
  • 1995 - "Love your laws"
  • 1996 - "Under the cover of the night"
  • 1997 - "Immaculate White"
  • 1997 - "Treasure of the Soul"
  • 1998 - "Now you see her"
  • 1999 - "Blue Moon"
  • 2000 - Mr. Perfection
  • 2001 - "Opening of the season"
  • 2002 - "Die to please"
  • 2006 - "All night paints"
  • 2007 - "Love Test"
  • 2008 - "He is not an angel"

Series "West"

  • 1990 - "Lady from the West"
  • 1991 - "Creek of Love"
  • 1992 - "Fire Touch"

Series "John Medina"

  • 1998 - "Tell me everything"
  • 1999 - "Risk and Loving"
  • 2004 - "If you're lucky"

Blair Mallory series

  • 2004 - "only one week"
  • 2006 - "Beauty Hunt"

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