Evgeny Spitsyn - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Historian 2021



Evgeny Spitsyn was a child when he decided to devote the life of history, and managed to achieve success in this. He became famous as a teacher, author of textbooks and an authoritative expert.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Spitsyn appeared on March 8, 1966 in the Russian capital. About his parents and early years there is little biography. From childhood, a little Zhenya fell in a passion for history, read a lot of books and was fond of military literature.

Evgeny Spitsyn in youth

However, to realize the dream and make a career in this area of ​​knowledge of the knowledge of the Spitzin did not immediately, because after school he was called in the army. Within two years, he served in the ranks of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, giving birth to his homeland as a Rasier Arrow in the city of Frunze.

After returning to Moscow, Eugene did not think with the choice of specialty and soon became a student of the Moscow Pedagogical University. He learned to the historian and settled a teacher to school. But during the period of pedagogical work, the Spitsyn began to notice more and more flaws in the device and the material presented in the textbooks, so I decided to take up its perfection.

Personal life

The historian prefers not to disclose information about the family and personal life, avoiding conversations about it in an interview. The network has no accurate information about the presence of his wife and children.

History and publicist

Evgeny Yuryevich managed to make a career in education, parallel to social activities. In his youth, he was listed among the leaders of the future leaders of the new Millennium, then an expert at the Reform Foundation. In addition, the activist was an assistant deputy of the State Duma and dealt with the Council of Corruption and Security as a member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee.

Already in 2000, Spitsyn entrusted the post of school director, and then the Vice-Rector of the Institute of World Civilizations. He worked on scientific work, which claimed the status of a single history textbook, and he read a course of lectures, highlighting the events of the past.

Presentation of the first volume of the "Complete History of Russia of Russia IX-XX BB." held in 2015 and awarded positive feedback. The book was intended primarily for teachers as a teaching allowance at school. True, it was not possible to bring labor to the state level, but Evgeny Yuryevich was able to loudly declare himself and become an expert in matters of Russian history. He collaborated with the publications "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "National Control" and "Russian Spring", where she shared his views on the events of the past.

The authority of the expert allowed him to criticize even the statements of Vladimir Putin, in particular regarding Vladimir Lenin, whom the president called "a revolutionary, and not a state-owner." Spitsyn shared his opinion on this matter and found support from the public.

In the network, the publicist was famous thanks to the Yutiub-Channel "Day TV", where he led the heading about the history of Russia. A man is proud to native MPGU, so his video is often appearing on a university page. In the rollers, he argues not only about Russia, but also about other countries of the former Soviet Union, paying separate attention to the development of Ukraine as a state. Among the popular speeches of the author "GKCP. As crumbling the USSR. "

Continuing the literary work, the expert published books dedicated to the famous Soviet leaders. He released the "autumn of the Patriarch" about Joseph Stalin and the "Khrushchevskaya slush" about Nikita Khrushchev, who became a reason for discussions on the network.

Not all users agreed with the reasoning of celebrities, some accused the spikes in the distortion of the facts. With the growing popularity of the expert on the Internet there were many critical comments and compromising articles, the authors of which accuse the figures in the uneducation, lies and the silence of historical information. Despite this, Evgeny Yuryevich continues to engage in journalism and give interview media.

Evgeny Spitsyn now

In 2020, Spitsyn remains on the wave of popularity and is often divided by the opinion about public resonant events. At the beginning of the year, he talked with representatives of Radio Aurora and criticized the composition of the Commission on amendments to the Constitution. The figure and from the events associated with the pandemic of coronavirus infection are not left, devoting this topic a few videos.

The name of the Spitzina again stomped in the media in June, after the news of the death of Yulia Norkina. He denied the version that the journalist committed suicide, and declared her death due to heart attack. In addition, he did not approve the appointment of Mikhail Degtyareva to the post of Vrio Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory.

And in August 2020, the publicist commented on the situation in Belarus. He recognized Alexander Lukashenko strong, but called the problem that the president suppressed the left opposition and deprived citizens of hope for possible changes.

Now the expert supports communication with like-minded people in Twitter, where it is divided by news and publishes photos.


  • 2006 - "History of Russia 1894-1945" "
  • 2016 - "Full course of the history of Russia IX-XX centuries. in V volumes "
  • 2018 - "Autumn Patriarch. Soviet power in 1945-1953 "
  • 2019 - "Khrushchev Slush. Soviet power in 1953-1964 "

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