Dmitry Anokhin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Husband Iza Anokhina 2021



Dmitry Anhin is known to the general public as a former husband Isa Anokhina, popular TV presenter, Instadiva, hip-hop performer and blogger. Journalists have long followed the development of relations in a pair, the interest of the media did not disappear and after parting the spouses. Now the entrepreneur continues to do business and communicate with subscribers in social networks.

Childhood and youth

About children's and youth years in the biography of Anokhin, his family, parents, there is no information. Businessman prefers not to disclose the press this data. It is also unknown in which city the entrepreneur was born, who he was on the sign of the zodiac, which school went, what graduated from the university. In some media, the estimated year of birth of Dmitry is called the 1980s.

Personal life

Dmitry's personal life interested in the public after it became known about his novel with Ayza Anokhina. The couple met Bali, where both came to rest. By the time Instadiva was divorced with a popular rap singer Guf (Alexey Dolmatov).

Parting of the blogger with the first husband passed painfully: the pair was separated in 2013 due to the addiction of the singer to drugs. From this marriage, Isa had a son for themselves. Roman with Anokhin developed rapidly, and after six months they decided to get married. The wedding was held in October 2015 in Las Vegas, in the church a Little White Wedding Chapel.

This place of newlyweds were chosen to be no coincidence, because here at one time gave an oath of loyalty to the second halves of celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, Demi Moore and others. In 2016, Anokhina gave her husband to the firstborn, who was namedto Elvis (perhaps in honor of the great American singer, who, by the way, also concluded a marriage in the church named above).

However, when spouses tried to register a child, difficulties arose. Moscow registers refused to hold this procedure, referring to the fact that the wedding in Las Vegas is invalid. Then Isa and Dmitry decided to re-legitimate the relationship, now in the Kutuzov registry office of the capital. The ceremony passed quietly and modestly, the spouses came to her in her daily clothes, taking with them both children.

Regarding these events, Anokhina posted a post in "Instagram" in which he expressed the hope that her husband and her husband would not blame in two. Also blogger stressed that the real marriage date is 10.10.2015.

In addition to the concern for the firstborn, Dmitry connected to the upbringing of the son of Isa from the Union with Guf. On this occasion, Rapper has repeatedly spoken negatively in social networks, hinting that the businessman dislikes himself. Hip-hop performer sought to reconcile men. So, in 2017 invited the singer with his new beloved Forest Favor to visit Bali.

The rest of the two pairs was captured in the photo, which then appeared in the Instagram account of the blogger. Everyone looked at the picture happy, which was delighted with the public, many thought that the former spouses were able to find compromises, reconciled and restored friendly relations. However, later Dolmatov admitted that he did not establish contact with her husband of the ex-wife.

A few years after the conclusion of Marriage Anokhini lived on the island villa: Iza considered that the local climate is more useful for children than Moscow. But in 2017, when it was necessary to go to the 1st grade, the family moved to the capital. According to the posts that blogger represented in social networks, the impression was created that the spouses live in harmony.

Especially unexpected for fans a couple became the news about parting. It became known that the application for divorce was enrolled in the registry office in February 2020, but due to the distribution of coronavirus infection, the marriage termination process was delayed. The reason for the disclaim between the hip-hop executor and the businessman became treason of the latter. In the summer, the press appeared reports that the spouses are no longer together.

Ksenia Fak, Guf, Dmitry Anokhin and Aiza Anokhina

Dmitry's heart was long remained free - he soon found a new girl. The choice of Iza did not appreciate, calling the selected her husband's choice "frankly dumb baba".

In addition, the blogger has begging comparisons with the new passion of Anokhin, which most of them were not in favor of the singer. Members of social networks noted that the beloved businessman "Cool and Fresh". At the same time, the celebrity did not hide from the fans, that even before the divorce began to meet with Oleg Miami (she was older than the chosen one).


Publishing articles about Dmitry, journalists called a man a businessman, although, which concretely brings income to the entrepreneur, turned out to be unknown. After a wedding with Ayza, a couple appeared a joint business - beauty salon. When spouses divorced, Anokhin said he wishes to leave the establishment to himself as the owner on the papers.

On the proposal of the blogger, redeem him in the enterprise, a man answered with refusal. It seems that the main passion and cause of life for Dmitry is surfing. In any case, the photo with boards, the ocean and beaches occupy the main place in the "instagram" of the former husband of Isa.

Dmitry Anokhin now

During a coronavirus infection pandemic, surfer was a pleasant insulation time on Bali. Under the image of this period, where the photographer captured him with a board, the entrepreneur ironically signed: "Again in the office." After parting with Ayza, the businessman did not stop engaged in his favorite thing - to dissect the waves.

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