Greta Skakki - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Gret Skakki was destined to become a great actress, because she was brought up in a creative family. The star became famous for the memorable appearance and the ability to reincarnate in the images of women from different historical eras.

Childhood and youth

Greta Skakki appeared on February 18, 1960 in Milan, Italy. In her veins flows the blood of representatives of Italian and English nationalities.

The girl was a youngest child in the family and grew along with two brothers, twins Tim and Paul. From the early years of the biography, it was surrounded by a creative atmosphere, because his father was an artist, and the mother was a dancer.

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When Greta was a child, she went to London, accompanied by mother and brothers. Father promised to join them later, but in fact it turned out to be not ready for family life. He rarely appeared on the threshold of their home, which in the end led to the divorce.

Despite this, the childhood of Skakki was happy. It passed in nature surrounded by green hills and childish pranks. Soon the mother gained a new love, and they moved to Australia. Greta has worked as a translator from Italian.

After graduation, the girl returned to England to learn acting in Bristol Old Vic. I myself earned my studies - there was a model of glossy publications. Being a professional artist, Skakki began receiving small roles in the theater.

Personal life

During the career heyday, the media stared at the personal life of the star, so the public was quickly known for the details of her novel with a musician Tim Finn. Soon after their rupture in 1989, Greta met actor Vincent D'Orofrio.

The novel between the pair was stormy and passionate, they were repeatedly on the verge of separation, but still remained together and in 1992 they became parents. The daughter was called Leila, and her second name George is a tribute to the main heroine of the film "Salt on our skin," where the actress was filmed along with his beloved.

However, the birth of a child briefly rallied a couple, and six months after this joyful event, Vincent went. Greta actually remained a single mother, and her support and support became a cousin Carlo Manthegatsz.

Celebrities needed years to understand that she was experiencing not only related feelings to Carlo, and it turned out to be mutual. But, when the actress's family became known about this, a scandal flared up, and his father was offended at her. The situation was complicated by the fact that Skakki was already pregnant, and she was seriously thinking about abortion.

However, the actress supported the mother who blessed relations with Carlo. Soon their common son appeared to the world, which Matteo was given. The star of the years avoided conversations about the novel with a cousin and only in 2011 decided on a detailed interview, in which he told how many man did for her and how much she was tied to the chosen one.


The on-screen debut of the Greta was the series "Bergerac", in which she played Annie. After that, the actress increasingly pleased with the audience with their appearances on the screen, adding the filmography of such projects as the "lady with camellias", "a man in love" and "white evil."

In the youth, Skakki was distinguished by bright appearance and a slim figure, because of what the director wanted to see her nude. During the years of filming, she earned a reputation as an actress, which is not shy of frank scenes. But the star itself is quickly tired of the roles of fatal beauties and dreamed at least once to participate in the work on the comedy.

The patience of the Greta ended on the shooting of the painting "Toarons" when she realized that this was the fourth man with whom she plays in a bed scene over the past six months. Therefore, at the platform of the Drama "Player", the artist had a conflict with a director, as she said he wanted to stay in underwear. He still achieved her skunk and preferred in the future, if possible, do not undress to the end or filming in a swimsuit.

The decision did not make it less popular, on the contrary, helped enrich the piggy bank of images. She became famous as an actress, which looks harmoniously in a costume film. In the account of the star - memorable images of Alexandra Fedorovna from "Rasputin", Penelope from Odyssey and Mother Natasha Rostova from the "War and Peace".

Greta Skakki now

In 2020, Greta continues the acting career. Now she is working on new projects that are looking forward to fans who follow the updates for its filmography.


  • 1984 - "Lady with Camellias"
  • 1987 - "Love man"
  • 1988 - "Fear and Love"
  • 1990 - "Presumption of Nevinost"
  • 1991 - "Smrear"
  • 1992 - "Salt on our skin"
  • 1995 - "Jefferson in Paris"
  • 1996 - "Rasputin"
  • 1996 - Emma
  • 2004 - "Strange Crime"
  • 2006 - "Book of Revelations"
  • 2007 - "Hidden Love"
  • 2008 - "Return to Brydshead"
  • 2008 - "Love Failures Jane Austin"
  • 2016 - "War and Peace"
  • 2017 - "Versailles"
  • 2017 - "Girl in the fog"
  • 2018 - "Terror"
  • 2018 - "New Life Amanda"
  • 2019 - "Waiting for Varvarov"

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