Polina Galitskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Sergey Galitsky 2021



Polina Galitskaya since childhood lived in luxury and could not deny himself, but did not lead the life of the spoiled heiress of wealthy parents. Despite the closed lifestyle, she managed to glorify the network as daughter of Sergei Galitsky, regularly occupying high positions in the ranking of Russian Forbes.

Childhood and youth

Polina Sergeyevna Galitsky was born on November 2, 1995 in the Russian city of Krasnodar. She became the only daughter in the family of a businessman Sergey Galitsky and his wife Victoria.

Father is the founder of the network of stores "Magnit" and the Krasnodar football club. Despite the status of the rich hear and enviable bride, Polina from the early years of the biography was modest and educated, studied in ordinary city gymnasium. She demonstrated the same restraint in the choice of clothes and did not lay out the photo in a swimsuit.

The main role in the life of the daughter was held by his father. The heirs of languages ​​for languages, but Sergey Nikolayevich convinced her that the diploma of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Life would not be useful, so the girl entered the Kuban State University, where her father and mother came to know. She received the education of an economist.

Personal life

It is known about the personal life of the famous heir to a little known, at a young age she was not involved in loud scandals and was not shared with the press details of the novels.

According to media information, in the summer of 2015, Polina married the Krasnodar entrepreneur Artem Lomets. The wedding was closed and passed surrounded by the closest people. In the photo available on the net, Polina poses next to her husband in a flowing white dress, decorated with pearls, looks carefree and happy.

Wedding Polina Galitsky and Artem Lomets

Soon it became known about the divorce of the pair, the cause of which remained unknown. Some sources report that marriage was concluded by the decision of Father Galitsky and was unsuccessful.


When Polina was a child, her father was mentioned in an interview that he would not insist that the daughter was engaged in entrepreneurship, because he wants to give her a normal, calm childhood. In addition, he does not know a successful business woman. There, Sergey added that he would not impede the ambitions of the heiress, and insisted on the need for her work.

However, the father's helen took the top, therefore, while still a student of the Faculty of Economics, Galitskaya began to attend meetings of the management of the Magnit and establish contacts with the heads of the divisions. She actively comprehended the Aza entrepreneurship, and it was quite expected that Polina would want to establish his own business.

In 2018, the Media became aware of the registration of the company "Saikklab", the owners of which were indicated by the full namesake of Polina and a certain Yulia Quezoshvili, who also gained education in the Kuban State University.

According to the investigation conducted by Forbes journalists, a fitness center was indicated as the main direction of the enterprise. In addition, it provided services in the field of trade, sports education and nutrition.

However, at which the company was registered, the fitness club was not found, and the building workers confirmed that such an activity was not conducted there. Already a year later, "Cyclklab" ceased to exist. Representatives of the publication tried to contact Polina to confirm or disprove information about her business, but did not receive an answer. Other career information girls did not appear.

Polina Galitskaya now

Now Galitsky's daughter remains a non-public person. She avoids communication with the press, it does not share a photo in "Instagram" and other social networks.

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