Maxim Sign - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lawyer Viktor Babarico 2021



After the presidential elections held on August 9, 2020, the state covered the wave of protests, which by the end of the month naturally began to fade. The replacement of the indignation came bewilderment - what to do next. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya made an initiative to create the Coordination Council of the Belarusian opposition, which will deal with the process of peaceful transfer of power. A new political body includes dozens of active citizens, including a lawyer Maxim sign.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Aleksandrovich was born on September 4, 1981 in Minsk. The childhood and youth of the sign took place in the capital of Belarus, where he graduated from school, and then the Faculty of Law of the Belarusian State University. Parents could be proud of the Son: The young man began to practice in student years, and after receiving a red diploma in 2004, he continued to education in graduate school.

As a topic of study, Maxim chose a contractual liability in civil law and, defending his thesis, in 2009 became a candidate of law. After that, the young man managed to learn in Poland, where he received a MBA degree, having now the ability to perform the work of the middle and senior manager.

Personal life

The lawyer does not hide from the public, but information about the family and loved ones is divided by selectively. "Instagram" he prefers Facebook, which made the tribune to appeal to non-indulgered fellow citizens. Here is the occasionally appear pictures of Wife Nadi and the son of Alesya, who supports his father in sports endeavors.

Maxim Sign with Son Ales

The interests of the sign are not exhausted by a profession and politics. A man actively engages in sports, runs on long distances, is fond of triathlon and is even included in the Presidium of the Belarusian Tritdleon Federation.

And the lawyer gladly plays the guitar and performs the author's songs. At the same time, he rotated in the bard community, performed at the festivals "Barda-Yuyon" and "Barda Spring". About love for music is testified by the photo with a guitar on the personal page of Maxim in VKontakte.


Legal consulting Maxim took up in 2001, and having received a diploma, he began to work as a lawyer. The provision of professional assistance sign was carried out as independently, founding his own firm "Yurzonak" and in the status of partner of Borovetsov and Saley. By proving qualifying and professionalism, he entered the International Chamber of Arbitrators of the Union of Lawyers of Belarus.

In parallel with the lawyer practice, Maxim Alexandrovich was engaged in teaching in his native university. The workbirth was the Department of Civil Law BSU, where the sign was lectured on the obligatory subjects and the special courses developed by him. In addition, Belarusian led public activities at the city executive committee of Minsk, and also engaged in supporting entrepreneurship. The lawyer is concerned that Belarusian laws in the economic sphere correspond to international standards and WTO agreements.

Maxim is published in Belarusian and foreign publications, leads a column in Belgazet, writes to the "Economic Newspaper" and the "Case" magazine. The country's legal market recognizes competence and high level of sign, including it among the leaders of the ratings. A to achieve such a result, a man helped performance, a flexible mind, the ability to quickly think and exercise perseverance, as well as scrupulous attention to the trifles.

In May 2020, the lawyer met Viktor Babariko and took up the legal direction of his headquarters. After the failed presidential candidate was arrested, Maxim Aleksandrovich appealed to the voters and reported that he continues to execute documents for registration in the CEC.

Maxim Sign - Lawyer Viktor Babarico

Despite the fact that the collected package fully complied with the requirements of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, Babarico could not enter the electoral lists, as well as the oppositionist Sergey Tihanovsky, who was also arrested.

After the husband's arrest on the political arena, Sergei Svetlana Tikhanovskaya was published, who became the only real competitor of Alexander Lukashenko in the presidential election on August 9, 2020. According to official protocols, she gained 10% of the vote, while the permanent leader of the country enlisted 80% of fellow citizens. However, the results of the voting caused a wave of protests in Belarus, during which thousands of outrageous citizens came to the streets of the country, requiring elections illegal.

Maxim sign now

While Belarus was covered by riots and mass performances of dissent, the opposition began to take steps that would allow the transfer of power in the republic in a peaceful way. To this end, on August 14, 2020, the Coordination Council was organized to ensure the transfer of power. The presidium of the opposition body includes 7 people, including Maxim sign.

There were no weeks as the Prosecutor General of Belarus recognized the organization of the organization of anti-constitutional and claiming power. A criminal case under Art. 361 On the threat of national security, and Maxim Aleksandrovich was summoned to the interrogation committee.

In an interview, the sign reported that he was invited to conversation as a witness, and declared his intention to continue working in the Coordination Council. He hopes that the opposition will be able to resolve the political crisis through the dialogue with the authorities.

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