Dmitry Pavlichenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ex-Commander Collection 2021



Dmitry Pavlichenko built a solid career in his native Belarus. He passed the way from the officer of the USSR Armed Forces to the Deputy Commander of the Corps of Public Procedure for the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the person's personality is under the closer attention to the international community, since he is suspected of involvement in the informal punitive body - a "death squadron". To prove the charges of foreign human rights defenders yet, but just in case, they turned on the colonel to the Black List of the EU.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Valerevich was born in 1966 in Vitebsk. About the early facts of the biography of Pavlichenko a little known, it is clear that the career of the military attracted him already at a young age. After graduating eight-year, the young man left his hometown and left for Minsk, where he became a cadet of Suvorov Military School. The years spent in the famous educational institution, only heated the guy's desire to devote themselves to the service of Fatherland.

In 1983, he entered the Higher Military Political Commissal School. The graduate had to be employed at the time of political timeless, when the Soviet state was on the verge of collapse, and the independent Belarus had not yet placed the wings. A young soldier changed several positions before he fell under the reduction in 1991.

The officer's career was pushed, during which Pavlichenko worked in private security, worked in the woodworking cooperative and even trained children, teaching them hand-to-hand combat and gymnastics.

Personal life

The personal life of the colonel is discussed at least than the foggy facts of his career. For the first time, Dmitry married himself in his youth, however, by harcing her daughter Valery, he broke up with his wife. According to rumors, a woman moved over the ocean and with Pavlichenko does not support communication.

And he again tried to happiness in family life, choosing Natalia - a colleague on military unit No. 3214. The son of Artemy was born in this union, together with whom Dmitry Valerevich willingly appeared at official events and common photos.

However, this family collapsed over time, and Pavlichenko found consolation in the arms of Irina - employees of the Belarusian Association of Veterans of Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Honor". Due to the choices, the colonel has added: she gave birth to a man another daughter.

Dmitry Valerevich supports strong relationships with her son. He decided to go at the footsteps of his father, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Internal Troops of the Military Academy and settled the commander to the commander of military unit No. 3214.


Three years, Pavlichenko held away from military service, while in 1994 he was not invited to lead a special suite in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus. Since then, the career Dmitry went on an increasing. He began to chair the Council of Krap Terertov and eventually became the commander of the team of special forces of the internal troops of the MUS.

Since 1999, an officer has managed a special rapid response detachment (CSR), which took upon itself the elimination of gangs and major criminal elements on personal disposal of the president.

At the same time, there were talk about the fact that Pavlichenko heads the Squadron of Death. Such a name was received by unofficial military specials, which were engaged in the "stripping" of elements that are disagreeable to the current regime. Such detachments actively acted in the mid-20th century in the third world countries, but that the phenomenon went down to history, it turned out to be too early. For example, the leadership of Belarus suspected into the use of improper tools to combat political opponents.

The actions of the "Squadron of Death" were written off the elimination of thieves in law, businessmen, opposition politicians and journalists of Belarus. On suspicion of organizing the murders, Dmitry was even arrested in November 2000, but after 3 days, Alexander Lukashenko was published. After that, the resignation of the head of the Committee of State Security was followed, which was discharged to arrest. Following him, the chairman of the repose of the republic left the chair.

The scandal did not affect Pavlichenko's career, but he made it unauthorized to the European Union and the US territory. He continued to be jealously serve his homeland and even stated in an interview that he was ready to fulfill any order of the head of state. In 2008, the man received a new responsible appointment in the corps of public order protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, where he became the deputy commander. A year later, Colonel left military service for health. His merit leadership of the country noted the Order "For Personal Courage".

Dmitry Pavlichenko now

In August 2020, Belarus covered a wave of protests associated with mass discontent with the results of presidential elections. Thousands of protesters came to the streets of Minsk and other cities who were detentions and beats from the security forces.

Journalists said that the command of the protesting protesters took over the retired Colonel Pavlichenko, who had already practiced the explosion of light grenades and the use of gas at rallies of 2006.

The official confirmation of this information from the authorities did not follow. It is known that Dmitry Valerevich has long been departed from affairs and is now occupied by a public post in the Belarusian Association of Veterans of Special Administration Units of the MVD "Honor".

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