The program "Amazing people" - photo, history of creation, news, leading 2021



"Amazing people" - shows, whose participants do not cease to amaze and admire the audience with unusual talents. Often what contestants are shown on the stage does not fit into the usual ideas about the possibilities of the human body. Stereotypes break into transmission, and what was previously impossible, with light talents, turns into reality.

History of creation

On Russian television, the transfer first appeared in September 2016. The show was the adaptation of the popular TV project The Brain, broadcasting in many countries of the world. For the first time, the program about humans with superpowers appeared in Germany in 2011. Releases immediately received high ratings and scored a huge number of views.

Following Germany, the show appeared in China, the USA, France, Italy and Spain. Russian televisions saw potential in the project, because Russia since a long time was famous for folk craftsmen. Therefore, it turned out to find heroes for the 1st season.

The qualifying tour was held in May 2016, and in August the final casting took place. Of the 500 contestants, the organizers selected 48 people gifted by exceptional talents. The age restrictions were not supposed - people of different ages could compete in the competition. Participants became not only Russians, but also guests from other countries and cities.

In the television, which started on the channel "Russia-1" on September 25, according to the rules of the entertainment project, the contestants fought for a prize of 1 million rubles. In each issue, guests showed the audience unique abilities. At the end of the program, the public chose the most worthy, which was held in the final. According to the results of the final game, the winner was determined.


The TV presenter showed Alexander Gurevich, who was loved by the audience on the popular programs "hundred to one" and "baby's mouth." A wonderful sense of humor, the ability to find a common language with any person allowed Alexander Vitalyevich to organically fit into the format of the transfer.

In addition, permanent members of the jury were participating in the show: Dancer and choreographer Evgeny Papunaishvili, athlete-boxer Natalia Ragozina, TV presenter Olga Shelest and expert - Professor Vasily Klyucharev, Russian Neurobiologist, Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuronuk, HSE.

The judges did not choose the winner, did not exhibit evaluations to contestants, but only exchanged opinions and comments on the performance of a "unicum". Vasily Andreevich as an expert sought to explain to the public to fulfill this or that issue from the point of view of psychology and physiology, and could also affect the passage of the participant in the final. In the 3rd seasons of the show in the jury also entered the speaker of Maria Sith.

Seasons and participants

In the 1st season of the show, the audience saw many interesting heroes. Bella Devyatkina was a bright and unusual contestant. Girl-polyglot struck the jury and spectators of the studio knowledge of english, french, spanish, Chinese and other languages. She loved the audience so much that appeared in the release of the program as a guest.

The winner was a blind musician from Kursk Eduard Nehayev. Being blind since childhood, he managed to discover the perfect hearing using the echolocation method. This allowed a man to "hear" the world around. For such abilities, Eduard received a nickname man-dolphin from friends.

Nehaev graduated from the Kursk Music College board for the blind in the class of vocals. In addition, the winner of the show learned to play several tools, and also tried himself as the author of the songs. Having received the main prize, he opened the educational center for the visually impaired.

In the 2nd season, the winner was a speedcubber Roman fears. The passion for the decision of the puzzles and collecting puzzles led the guy to the high-speed picking up the Rubik cube. The young man mastered the assembly algorithms, developed new techniques. An indicator of the skill of the novel was the ability to cope with the "toy" while cycling.

The speedcubber immediately conquered the hearts of the audience with his art. The fears not only brilliantly performed the number, but during the show he taught Olga rustle the basics of collecting a cube. Winning the winner spent on the edition to build a puzzle.

In 2018, the 3rd season of the program was released on the screens, which was distinguished by a large number of young participants. Among them is a 6-year-old mathematician Zakhar Hermann, a 12-year-old man-watch Arthur Mikaelayan, 13-year-old Jongguler Tsu Jianuy, as well as a young champion in the speed of Addenty Manatbekov.

Despite the fact that mnemotechnics were made by applicants for winning this year, 1st place was taken by a master of balancing Ruslan Gavruyshenko. In this art, a man tried himself, inspired by the performance of the participant of Alexei Schleg (2nd season).

The fourth season, which started in the fall of 2019, impressed the audience a variety of talents. Before the guests of the studio performed a Calculator Boy Arsen Rakhimbekov, a calendar man, a magnet man. The contestants again showed incredible skills: to spend a current through the body, catch the booms blind, read thoughts, draw portraits at the same time right and left hands.

The impression of the auditorium was also made by the master of extrasensory abilities Andrei Gonchar. And among the nine finalists, Lahsen Olkhedzh became the best, who arrived in Russia from Morocco. The winner struck the jury and the public to the superplane. In the competitive test, a man managed to find out of 300 eggs one, previously selected by Olga Shelest.

"Amazing people" now

The popularity of the show prompted the creators to continue the project - in September 2020, the 5th season of the program started. This time, participants who could destroy the myths about the boundaries of the human mind were opposed to the audience. The public heard ancient, forgotten languages, saw how contestants demonstrate the ability to distinguish the finest odors and shades of taste.

Now the best programs of the program over the past years are posted on "Yutube". And in "Instagram", the transfer fans publish photos and videos with bright moments of the project.

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