Mikhail Loris Melikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Constitution, Reform



Mikhail Loris Melikov managed not only to make a military career, but also showed himself as a talented managerial and reformer. He entered the story as a person who sought to achieve change in Russian society is not revolutionary, but an evolutionary way, but never he heard.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Loris Melikov was born in October 1824 in Tiflis (Tbilisi) and was Armenian by nationality. The future warlord came from an old nobleman, originating in the XVI century.

Portrait of Mikhail Loris-Melikova

Father was a merchant and led by Leipzig. He wanted the heir to receive a decent education, and sent him to the Lazarevian Institute. But the young Mikhail was soon excluded for hooliganism, and then moved to St. Petersburg to study at the school of junkers and ensigns.

Personal life

About the personal life of the statesman knows little. He was married to Princess Nina Argutinsky-Dolgorukova, who gave birth to the chief of six children - daughters Maria, Sophia and Elizabeth, as well as the sons of Tariela, Zechariah and Constantine. The latter died in infancy.


Military career of a young officer began in the Grodno Gusar Regiment, where he served in the Kornet's rank for four years. At that time, the Caucasian War raged, and the young man voluntarily volunteered to take part in it. So Loris Melikov was under the command of Prince Mikhail Vorontsov.

During the battles, the future warlord managed to show himself as a brave fighter. He was brought to Chechen and Dagestan operations, having distinguished himself at the assault of Aul Choke. For merit, the man was awarded the Order of St. Anne (4th and 3rd degree) and Chin Rothmistra.

No less noticeable was the activity of the officer during the Crimean War. For success in skirmishes, Mikhail was raised to Colonel, after which he received a squad, consisting of representatives of Caucasian nationalities, which was engaged in exploration and created difficulties for the enemy.

Mikhail Loris Melikov and Alexander II

Later, Loris Melikov enrolled at the disposal of Count Nikolai Muravyeva-Kara, but did not stop the command of the hunters. His competent actions allowed the capture of the Kars Fortress, after which he received the status of the head of the Kara region. The officer demonstrated himself as a fair and competent manager, but was forced to leave a post after a peace treaty with Turkey.

The warlord was erected in Chin General Major and took up administrative work. He commanded the troops in Abkhazia and inspected linear battalions in the Kutais province. Mikhail Tarielovich became famous for the "Caucasian peoples specialist", which limited the raids of the Highland, due to the strengthening of the cebeld and the presets smuggling, allowed them to acquire firearms. In addition, he participated in the negotiations with Turkey on the fate of the Mountainstorm-Migrants, which brought him the Order of St. Stanislav (1st degree).

In 1863, the commander received under the control of the TERSA region, after which he was awarded the knowledge of Lieutenant General. In the governing position, Loris Melikov marked competent policies regarding the local population. He contributed to the ultimate abolition of serfdom, the development of commodity farming and the transformation of the training system. The Vladikavkaz Craft School was founded to personal funds of the statesman.

The successes of the officer did not go without the attention of the sovereign, and he was awarded the title of an adjutant general. But military campaigns and severe administrative work sugged the health of Mikhail Tarielovich, because of which he was forced to ask about the dismissal, and then went abroad to undergo treatment from foreign doctors.

Since the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-1878, the warlord was forced to return to his homeland. At this time, Loris Melikov was useful knowledge of languages ​​and confidence relations with the local population, which allowed him to take the capture of Ardagan, Kars and Erzemum.

In addition to the orders of St. George (3rd and 2nd degrees) and St. Vladimir (1st degree), the adjutant-General general received the Count title, the coat of arms of the genus was also approved. After that, he stopped military activities and engaged in administrative work.

During the epidemic of the plague, Mikhail Tarielovich led Saratov, Samara and Astrakhan governors. The quarantine measures entered in time allowed them to minimize the distribution of infection and defeat it.

While Loris Melikov fought with Chumay, a new trouble came to the state - terrorism. For some time, the warlord led the fight against revolutionaries in the Kharkiv province, but after sabotage in the Winter Palace was appointed head of the administrative commission, the purpose of which was stated by the protection of state order and public peace.

In a new position, he sought to find out what the cause of terrorism and how to eradicate it. The conclusion was the fact that the population is displeased with the unfinition of the great reforms of Alexander II. After that, the officer insisted on the termination of the commission's work and took the post of the Minister of the Interior.

To change the state of affairs in the Empire, Mikhail Tarielovich suggested a sovereign a draft constitution, also known as "heart dictatorship." He insisted on tightening repression towards revolutionary, but at the same time sought to introduce the freedom of speech, eliminate the first to submit, reduce redemption payments and eliminate the "temporarily obligated state".

The emperor approved the project, but soon after that he was killed. His heir Alexander III referred to the reforms negatively, so rejected the proposal of the commander. After that, Loris Melikov resigned and moved to live in Nice.


The state actor died on December 24, 1888, the cause of death is unknown. The body of the officer was delivered from Nice to Tiflis for burial in the Vank Cathedral. Later, the grave was transferred to the courtyard of the Church of Surb Gevorg.


  • Street Loris-Melikova in Sukhumi (Lacob Street)
  • Village Loris Krasnodar Territory
  • Village Loris Melikovo in Omsk region


  • 1972 - Roman Abusar Aydamirova "Long Night"
  • 1950 - Roman Mark Aldanov "ORTOKI"


  • 1873 - "On the Caucasian rulers from 1776 to the end of the XVIII century, on the affairs of the Stavropol archive"
  • 1881 - "Note about Haji Murate"
  • 1882 - "On shipping by Kuban"
  • 1889 - "On the state of the Teresk region"
  • 1884 - "Letters to the Count Loris-Melikova from N. N. Muravyova and M. S. Vorontsova"

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