Ilya Makarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



Ilya Makarov - Standap-comedian, made through the scene thanks to Harizme and the ability to improvise in humor. For a browse career, he managed to visit several popular projects, including on TNT.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on August 7, 1991 in Voronezh. His parents of Andrei and Oksana have more children Ivan and Alena.

Makar (so-called Standap-comic) studied in Lyceum number 3 of the native city. Already in an educational institution, the boy had an amplua of a person who is able to make anyone. Thanks to this skill, it quickly became a soul and a star of the class, the company in the company of friends.

Having received a certificate, a graduate entered the Higher Educational Institution - Architectural and Construction University. True, the resulting diploma by a humorist was not useful, as well as the acquired profession of the interior designer.

The first speech of the student occurred in 2008. When it comes to creating your own KVN team from the faculty, Makarova chose the captain. Interestingly, Julia Akhmedova was sitting in the jury. Ilya's debut turned a brilliant victory.

After the idea of ​​the university national team came, in which the comedian continued to steal. Soon he had to fight on stage with an equally strong team in which Anton Shazhun was participating. Subsequently, these two talents united and began to pierce the path to glory together.

Decisions on the lifetime, according to Makara, as such was not. The artist did what I liked. I liked him to see smiles and hear laughter. Thirst demonstrate to people peace in bright colors, filling the life of humor and positive and determined the further fate of the usual Voronezh guy.

Personal life

As for relations with girls, there is no doubt that a person who is masterfully causes positive emotions, there may be problems with this. However, the artist is in no hurry to share information about personal life.

Despite secrecy in this matter, Makar actively leads a page in "Instagram". The exhibited photos are invariably accompanied by jokes. Because of growth and weight (the exact parameters of Ilya does not indicate) his friends often lay out in the Storage video, where they remove the most important things and ask why he scattered them.

Comedian, in addition to participating in television and online shows, preparing excellently. With subscribers, a humorist shared that sometimes he writes poems and love to sing. Plans to learn to compose music. Back to university years, the student showed talent for art - created comics. Now sometimes it is an image of miracle animals and drawings in the style of abstractionism.

In the life of the artist there is a sport. He sometimes visits fitness centers, but more prefers travel activity.

Humor and creativity

One of the first projects that the comedians glorified, the show "not to sleep". In a duet with Anton Shastun Ilya fought with young humorists under the watchful control of Serzh burly. Competition resembled "Comedy Battle", only 10 thousand rubles were required to participate. The winners took money, the losers received incredible emotions. And judged young artists of the television star.

In 2018, Makar decided to compete for 5 million rubles. In the project TNT "Comedy Battle". And with his participation in the battle is the busy story. The fact is that by this time a colleague Ilya from Voronezh has already established itself on stage and became a resident of "improvisation". Anton put the judge, who was to solve the fate of a friend.

In an interview with Shtun, he recalled that it was terribly uncomfortable to look from the jury's position on the countryman. Ilya went on stage together with Alexander Zablodnoye from Kaluga. The guys managed to go to the final, though, the cherished prize won another duet "Lena Cook".

However, Messenchak did not lose and continued to speak in other comedy projects. And also became leading on the Yutiub-Channel The artist had to demonstrate the wonders of improvisation in such entertainment shows as "Ponte", "who is comic here", "then Schotchi" and "Blitz Creek". Together with him, Tama Masaev, Azamat Musagaliyev ("Once in Russia"), Nurlan Saburov and others were regularly filmed.

Ilya Makarov and Anton Shazhun

"Call" received great popularity. In the plot there is a certain competition between two comedians. According to the tradition of Makarov "fought" with Shastun. There should be a call to the Organization for sales of services or goods, while trying on a certain image and selecting phrases in accordance with the words that the opponent wrote in the process.

The voice and jokes of the Voronezh artist can now be heard at Comedy Radio in the "City Type Show". Together with the coopers Hetag Khugaev and Maxim Evdokimov, he retells the High News available and invariably in the humorous vein.

Ilya Makarov now

Previously a popular project on the Yutiub-Channel "What was next?" Passed without the participation of Standap-comedian from Voronezh. However, the release of the entertainment show Sergey Kids in the September release of 2020 did not appear. Makar was made instead.

By the way, the public perceived such news with joy. Ilya has long shown himself a master of improvisation, able to laugh and give a positive to everything, which touched.

And this is not only talent, but also sincere the desire of the artist to please the audience. The interior design designer is not going to change something in a professional biography. Still it is located to advance in the career of the stedap-comic comic, raising humor to a new level.


  • "Not to sleep"
  • "Comedy Battle"
  • "Show off"
  • "Who comedors here"
  • "That sho Sketchi"
  • "Blitz Creek"
  • "What was next?"

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