Peter Nesterov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pilot



Peter Nesterov was the legend of Russian aviation times of the First World War, by the pilot, for the first time in the history of the figure of the highest pilot called "Dead loop". The last feat of the captain's headquarters was the destruction of an enemy aircraft by direct contact - the aircraft managed by the Austrian Biplan rammed.

Childhood and youth

Peter Nikolaevich Nesterov was born in February 1887 in the house of an officer who worked as an educator in the Nizhny Novgorod Cadet Corps. Family of the future Hero lived modestly, without delights. After the sudden death of the breadwinner, Mother Margarita Viktorovna and Children Nikolai, Alexander, Peter and Mikhail were on the verge of hungry death.

To sell the apartment, the widow of the Russian military moved to the house for the poor and fell under the custody of the state. The younger generation from an early age has learned to make a living independently.

Some miraculously, a woman managed to arrange older sons in a military school, where she once taught her husband. Petya and Kolya rated the care of the mother and zealously gnawing the granite of science.

According to eyewitnesses, the author of the dead loop was a brave and responsive boy with a vulnerable soul and a hypertrophied sense of excellent. He loved to draw, sing and play on Mandolin.

In student years, the pupil of the Nizhny Novgorod Cadet Corps was addicted to the literature and began to serve reading books about marine travel and geographic discoveries. He was impressed by the images of navigators and the heroes of pioneers, as well as people who committed feats during the years of wars shook.

Particular attention to young Nesterov paid physics, mathematics and other accurate sciences, so there were no problems with teachers. Petya considered the first student in the classroom, he studied easily and with pleasure.

In mid-1904, the Son of the officer received a diploma with honors and entered the Mikhailovsky Artillery School in St. Petersburg.

In the institution created by order of the descendant of Paul I, at that time scored the staff of experienced professors and mentors, and Peter was able to "push" in the theory and practice of military affairs. Preparing for the future service, the young man thoroughly studied the actions of artilleryrs during the Russian-Japanese conflict and read many historical books about the war of 1904-1905.

On the 2nd course, after successful exams, Nesterov received a rank rang, which was allowed to get into the rifle brigade.

The native of Nizhny Novgorod was sent to Vladivostok, where in the will of the case gathered a society of uneducated officers. It immediately found the talent of Peter, which reached incredible heights in combat and physical fitness and regularly occupied the first places in training shooting.

Personal life

About the personal life of Peter Nesterov Biographs know a little bit, by 27 years old the Russian pilot had a wife and two children. After the tragic death of the pilot, the care of the widow of Jadwig Lunevsky, the son of Peter and daughters, Margarita, took over a family friend's friend, teacher of the Nizhny Novgorod river school Vladimir Dokuchaev.

Military Career

The turning point in Nesterova's biography was a visit to the 9th East Siberian Artillery Brigade of the 9th East-Siberian Artillery Brigade. There, a young officer first saw a balloon.

After examining the device of a cunning machine, Peter offered to use it as an observation point for adjusting firing. I liked the idea commanders, and Nizhny Novgorod as an experiment was addressed to an improvised winged station, which made it possible to regularly rise into the sky.

Nesterov loved the feeling of flight and at the 25th age entered the Gatchina imperial educational institution, which was preparing airborne. In the fall of 1912, the descendant of the Russian officer got access to an independent management of a light aircraft.

After 6 months, Nesterov in the rank of the military pilot entered the aviation detachment in Warsaw, and by the fall of 1912, having mastered the combat "Newport", established itself as an AC experimenter. Once at an altitude of 1.6 thousand meters, the pilot turned off the engine and the circles planned over the Polish capital, bringing the amazeled colleagues.

Peter Nikolayevich first performed a dangerous trick - a dead loop in the sky over Kiev. After the plane released by the French airline reached the border with the clouds, the pilot muted the motor and entered into a steep peak. Heat, fragile at first glance, the design changed the direction and rushed towards the sun, closed the arc.

The local Aid Society was awarded the hero of the Honorary Medal, and the command was complained to the rank of headquarters and the position of commander of the aviation detachment. The new status allowed the native of Nizhny Novgorod to practice in the art of flight and implement theoretical developments for improving the technical equipment and the appearance of machines.

During the First World War, Nesterov improved the tactics of night intelligence and found unprecedented ways to use aviation in the field. He became a specialist in bombing and struck dozens of enemy objects.

The citizen of the Russian Empire kept the idea of ​​the possibility of maintaining a contact battle with the use of Taran, in which the opponent's plane was shot down with a blow on the fuselage or wings. It worked in practice in the summer of 1914 at a meeting with the Austrian aircraft August Rosental, who has surrounded the position of the Russian army from the air.


August 26, 1914 in the sky over the Lviv Hero of the First World War, the enemy Biplan Albatross was noticed. The pilot, without fear of a sudden attack, Paril at an altitude, to which they did not give the guns of the Russians.

Nesterov, covered by camp on a maneuverable aircraft "Moran", rushed back to the fear of the opponent and crashed into a heavy car's tail.

Baron Rosenthal, who was behind the helm of a heavy German vessel, tried to be rerated, but Nesterov caught up with him and destroyed the price of his own life.

People who observed for a five-minute fight see how from the cabin of a single fighter designed and built by the French, the pilot's body fell. The official cause of the death of Peter Nikolayevich was considered a blow to the windshield.

On the merits of Nesterov talked on a mourning ceremony at the altar of the Nikolsky Military Cathedral. Brave pilot buried in Kiev as a national hero.

About the feat of ASA, for whose head awards were appointed, a Russian and foreign press wrote. In the journals dedicated to aeronautics, published a photoportist.

Documentary frames that captured Pirouettes who performed the pilot from God were hit by the "Wings of Russia" by the Mother of Russia, who told about the achievements of Russian aviation. Nesterova's loop and air raid brought victories to Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War.


  • Zholkva Lviv region (Ukraine) from 1951 to 1992 was called Nesterov
  • Cup named P.N. Nesterova - Transient prize for the winner of the world championship in the highest pilot
  • Petra Nesterova Street in Kiev, near the place where he first performed Nesterov's loop
  • Streets and alleys in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Gatchina, Kerch, Minsk, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other cities
  • Monuments in Kiev and Nizhny Novgorod, bust in Kazan.
  • The name "Nesterov" is assigned asteroid No. 3071.
  • Medal Nesterova - State Award of the Russian Federation. She is awarded the flight composition for personal courage and courage
  • In honor of Nesterova, the aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 of Aeroflot
  • Coin 5 hryvnia, issued by the National Bank of Ukraine, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the performance of the highest pilotage - "Dead loop", also known as "Nesterova Loop"
  • In Kiev, a 250-year-old "Pine Nesterova" is growing on Wolch Mount
  • In Kiev, a memorial stone was installed with a board in memory of a pilot experiments in this area in 1913, during military maneuvers


  • 1912 - the Order of St. Stanislav III degree
  • 1913 - the Order of St. Anna III degree
  • 1913 - Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the house of Romanov"
  • 1914 - the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree
  • 1914 - Gold Medal of Kiev Society aeronautics for the scientific development of the issue of deep rolls and for the "Dead Loop" implemented by him
  • 1915 - the Order of St. George IV degree (posthumously)

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