Mikhail Kremer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mikhail Kremer spent years to find a place in life, as a result, stopping the choice at the actor profession. He did not lose, managed to remember and love the audience with bright images embodied on television and in the cinema.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Kremer appeared on April 12, 1991 in Vladivostok. About parents and early years of celebrity biography are known. As a child, Misha possessed an explosive character, was a hooligan, because of what was not hardly on the verge of departure from school.

In order not to get under the influence of a bad company, the Kremer came to the sport. He was fascinated by motorcycles, so the first time then the schoolboy was an assistant from more experienced athletes - helped with the repair, washing, opened the gate.

Later, Misha began to work professionally. In 2008, he managed to win the title of Champion of Russia and the status of the Master of Sports. But Kreverta wanted new bright sensations, so he decided to become a sailor. For two years, the future artist went to the sea, caught fish and slept in the crude cabin, which harden his character.

However, and marine adventures soon became enough, because the guy was interested in the actor. Mikhail became a student of the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art (Gityis), where he studied under the leadership of Leonid Haifez.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist has developed successfully, in 2016 he married his girlfriend Tatiana Maximova.

Soon the beloved gave birth to a spouse of Son Tim, who is proud actor and often appears in his publications in social networks.

Theater and films

The first steps on the theater scene Mikhail made in the diploma performance "Thunderstorm", "Advocacy", "Stroybat". Later he joined the Teathers' Troupe of the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky, from whom he soon decided to leave. In addition, in the account of the celebrity participation in the play "Players" at the Theater Center "On Passion".

Artist's on-screen career began with small roles in Russian television series. He regularly replenished the filmography of new projects, among which "University. New dorm, "Moscow. Three stations "," carrier "and" adult daughters ". The Kremer willingly taken for different images and suggestions, because for the artist was unbearable to sit without work. According to celebrities, embodied characters were not always similar to him, on the contrary, often acthers saw in completely opposing images with which he brilliantly coped.

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In 2017, Mikhail was noted in a bright role in the deffchonki comedized project, where Galina Bob, Taisia ​​Vilkov and Anastasia Ukolov were also shot. In the same year, he joined the acting of the series "Street", regularly appearing in the image of the district Artem Druzhinin. Comedy events unfold around 30 heroes of different ages and social status, which live on one of the streets of the city's sleeping area.

In the future, the artist continued to participate in television projects and playing theatrical productions. He marked appearances in the drams "such as everything", "Dead Lake" and "Phantom", starred in the film "Ice-2", where he fulfilled the role of self-gean.

Mikhail Kremer now

In 2020, celebrities had to face difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, but he again did not stay without work, because he joined the acting of the comedy "# Sidia". The plot unfolds around the employees of the company near Moscow, which during quarantine are forced to solve working questions about video links. Mikhail fell to play Armtem Courier, and Gosh Kutsenko, Julia Alexandrova and Alexander Robak became his colleagues.

In the same year, the premiere of another series with the participation of Krevert "Game for Survival" was held on the TNT TV channel, where he got the role of the Krasnodar fighter MMA Sergey Nichev. The plot of the thriller unfolds around the heroes of the reality show, including the actors Alexander Bortich and Alexey Chadov. Characters unexpectedly turn out to be abandoned in the Siberian Taiga and are now forced to fight for their lives.

Shots were conducted from August to December 2019. According to the memories of the artist, they had to live in the mountains where regular workouts for endurance were held. But neither cold nor early raises spoiled Mikhail's mood, which was even agreed by survival in the wild conditions, when agreed to participate. True, he did not have to sleep in the tent, because the actors provided comfortable houses.

Now the celebrity continues the acting career, pleaseing the fans with new projects. He leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports news.


  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2013 - "Moscow. Three stations "
  • 2017 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2017-2019 - "Street"
  • 2018 - "Such as all"
  • 2018 - "Payback"
  • 2018 - "Better than people"
  • 2019 - "Phantom"
  • 2019 - "Dead Lake"
  • 2019 - "Brotherhood"
  • 2019-2020 - "LED-2"
  • 2020 - "Neftball"
  • 2020 - "Sidelon"
  • 2020 - "Survival game"

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