Irina Nosova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Irina Nosov is the Russian actress, which has become famous after the series "Chiki". Many celebrate its external similarity with Julia Alexandrova. She receives many job offers and constantly hears compliments to their address. This shy artist is confused, and after all, its acting biography just begins.

Childhood and youth

Irina Nosov was born on May 2, 1986 in Seversk, Tomsk region. The actress recalls a provincial town in which to live well and raise children, but there is no work and opportunities for development. Girl's parents were simple people.

As a child, Irina thought that there was no big love between them. All questions in the family were solved in a business and without special tenderness. But, when a future celebrity studied in the 11th grade, the mother noticed another woman in the garage. She arranged a scandal, and it became clear that parents love each other, able to jealous and fight for their feelings.

In 2009, Nosova graduated from the Novosibirsk Theater Institute (the course of Alexander Evgenievich Zubov). After receiving a diploma, the girl dreamed of working at the "Red Torch" theater, but was in the team of the first theater. At his stage, the celebrity played a clerger in the "servants" Jean Wife, Adriana in the "Comedy of Errors" William Shakespeare, Princess in the "Bremen Musicians". In his spare time, the actress worked on the sounding of films.

Personal life

Celebrity does not like to talk about personal life. Journalists are guessing about relations with director and screenwriter Anton Kolomeyets. In "Instagram" they publish joint photos, leave touching comments. But in an interview with Irina Nosov categorically denies the novel, stating that they are just friends and colleagues.

The actress calls himself a believer person who in difficult moments appeals to prayer. She also mentally asks for help from parents, who considers their guardian angels.


Irina does not boast an extensive filmography. In 2014, Nosova made his debut in the short filing of Anton Kolomomeitsa "Tanya cries on the bridge of lovers." The film was shown at the Kinotavra.

The series "Chiki" was the breakthrough in the career for the actress. She performed the role of light. The idea was filed by producer Edward Oganesyan, a close friend who previously worked with Mikhail Efremov ("Investigator Tikhonov"). Together with Showranner and Anton Kolomaitz, Irina participated in writing a script. The task came down to checking the dialogs for accuracy, because the main Heroine of Nosov wrote down from their girlfriends and classmates. It was important for her the characters consumed the characteristic words and behave like in life.

The series was filmed in August-September 2019 in the town of Cool, in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Artists of the main roles Irina Nosova, Alena Mikhailova, Varvara Schmykova and Irina Gorbachev lived in one trailer. Together they sang, danced, cried, told about life, shared secrets.

Irina acutely felt the lack of experience, but the presence of Anton Lapenko helped, the role of police officer Yura. The artist immediately fell in love as soon as he saw this calm guy with bright eyes. Lapenko joked a lot, mixed it and helped get rid of fears. Many it seemed that in "Chiki" showing weak men, but the actress believes: they, on the contrary, are perfect. In her opinion, the series just shows what happens for women and men's power.

Irina Nosova now

On September 4, 2020, the first release of the "Evening Urgant" was published in the new season, Irina Nosov, Varvara Schmykova and Anton Lapenko came to visit the lead. Artists of the main roles presented the TV series "Chiki" to the general public, drank with Ivan Urgant Champagne. Dmitry Khrustalev also swallowed, taking a glass of one of the actresses. Then guests and Urgant changed clothes to show the parody of the film "Interdevechka".

And in November of the same year, all girls received the "Woman of the Year" award of Glamor as a new sincerity face.

Now Nosov lives in Novosibirsk. She does not want to move to the capital, because it does not want to throw a native theater, where they love and appreciate as an actress. Irina publishes new photos and humorous video in Instagram. But photos in a bathing suit there not to find. She assures that is free for relationships with men.


  • 2014 - "Tanya cries on the bridge of lovers"
  • 2020 - "Chiki"

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