Interesting Facts about Valentina Tolkunova - Husband, Son, Songs, Image, Repertoire


On July 12, 2021, Valentina Tolkunova would have turned 75 years old. For a modest image on the scene with a mysterious semi-jumble on her lips, the singer called "Russian Dzokhoka". Although the star turned out to be closer "Our Valentine", as gentle by the people called the performer of the hit "I can't otherwise."

Other interesting facts about Valentina Tolkunova - in material 24cm.

Pearl braid

In an interview with Valentina Tolkunova, it was recognized that she had no beauty secrets. And her luxury hair was inherited. In 17 Valentina, I decided to collapse the braid and went to the hairdresser. The master clarified whether the girl received permission from Mom. What a bold visitor answered that already adult. Then the hairdresser put out the beauty of the door and threatened that without the permission of the parental, the hair would not become hair.

More in the hairdresser Tolkunov did not go and found it a sign of fate. And at the dawn, the career of the Spit with the corporate thread of pearls in his hair became the business card of the singer.

As it turned out, the image was enhanced. After the divorce with the first husband, Valentine spent two months at the cottage in solitude, trying to cope with the mental injury. A friend came to the rescue, who offered to meet with the composer Vladimir Shansky.

Maestro gave a novice singer song "Ah, Natasha", not the most successful in his career. During preparation for the performance of Tolkunovoy, sewed dress and decorated the fabric with pearls with pearls. To supplement the image, the singer took the pearl's thread "under the dress" and it fell into a braid. The song "shot" from the first performance.

The resulting hairstyle liked the singer, that she decided to leave a stylistic find for speeches. Later, Valentina Vasilyevna confessed that he loves to wear pearls as decorations and sure that one bright accessory would be able to adequately complete the image.

Chief man

"You forgive me for love, I can't otherwise," Tolkunova sang heartly. "My songs are not emotions below the back. These are emotions at the level of the heart, at the brain level, "the singer admitted. And the fact that the choice of compositions in the repertoire was unrestrained, confirmed the convictions of celebrities: the husband is worth love more than himself.

"In general, life with a beloved man is a refusal of egoism," said Valentina Tolkunov in an interview. However, both marriage singers delivered a lot of worries.

The first husband of Yuri Saulsky, five years later, has changed with another woman that Tolkunova could not forgive and filed for a divorce. In the second marriage with Yuri Prapirov, the son of Nikolai was born. But the circumstances so have developed that Yuri went to Mexico for 12 years, where he worked on the book.

During the absence of a husband, a son became the main man in the life of celebrities. By the way, even before the birth of the heir to Tolkunov, they put birth to the maternity hospital. The sacrament that happened so impressed creative nature that the tears of the child in infancy seemed significant, and the singer sobbed after the child, remembering this condition.

Later to compensate for your absence on touring the mother tried toys and gifts from travel. This has formed a habit of habit of anything to deny. Valentina Vasilyevna dreamed that the heir would go to her feet. But Nikolay refused to attend music school, and then carried away by rock.

But the songs of Mom's heir did not like. The teenage period if it turned out to be difficult. The boy fell into a bad company, addicted to the forbidden substances. Mother did everything to save the Son. And she succeeded. However, with the heir, the singer did not find mutual understanding and communicated "at absolutely different positions", which can be attributed to interesting facts about Valentina Tolkunova.

The contradictions of the mother and son concerned the worldview. The theme for disputes was the life position and questions of art. Mother insisted on the extension of the horizon, and the heir was not agreed.

Only after the death of Valentina Tolkunoy son joined the work of the Star Mom Charitable Foundation and promoted a Russian song.

From past

The brother of the singer Sergei Tolkunov in an interview shared an opinion about the singer: "Valya was a little not from this world." The star itself also spoke about this, when it was mentioned that from another century.

This fact from Valentina Vasilyevna commented by the desire to be born in the XIX century. This conclusion came the singer, reading the works of Pushkin and Dostoevsky. And the favorite on the list of classics was Turgenev, whose work presented a sense of repetition of life events from century to century.

"Thanks to Turgenev, I understood: everything connected with nature, with nature remains forever, and everything invented by man, artificial - transient," commented on his feelings of the star.

Tolkunova regretted that the younger generation turned out to be deprived of literature with an excellent syllable. And the innovations of the type of gadgets, where you can find and read the brief content of the book, Valentina Vasilyevna compared with the "ice", which melts in the hands.

Good soul

Interesting the fact about Valentina Tolkunova: the most important in the life of the singer considered the ability to remain a person. To the star often in the letters came to help. And Valentina Vasilyevna did not disregard the signals about the human misfortune.

In general, in relation to the money, Tolkunov had their own vital philosophy, according to which funds are given as knowledge, efforts and results. And spending bills better for something useful. Therefore, the good cause of the singer spent money with ease.

"Yes, you should live like a bird and do not focus on the fact that tomorrow you have nothing to eat. So it does not happen, "Tolkunova shared revelations, which was engaged in charity, gave free concerts, supported young taming.

Hargered life

"The soul must be preserved," Valentina Vasilyevna said in an interview, who dreamed of lived with the benefit for his soul. Celebrity did not like to spend time wasted over a glass of alcohol and preferred useless privacy, hiking to theater, reading.

This interesting fact Valentina Tolkunova does not associate with age. A celebrity admits that he always loved life, but the harms of the type of empty conversations, gossip, vulgarity and vulgarity tried to prevent.

This did not mean a secluded lifestyle. On the contrary, the doors of the star houses were open to people. And Valentina Vasilyevna for each found a friendly advice or just a cup of warm tea and affectionate words.

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