Varvara Schmykova - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband, broke up, "Instagram", actress, Daniel Radlov 2021



Varvara Schmykova is a bright, charismatic actress of the Russian theater and cinema. Each of its role, not even the main, becomes a memorable, special, deep. The textured appearance of the actress dictates in its work certain types of heroines, but now Barbara seeks to destroy traditional patterns.

Childhood and youth

Schmykova was born on February 24, 1992 in Moscow. Father and mother were not associated with theatrical art, but were fond of creativity. Being students of the Bauman school, the parents of the barbarians played in the university orchestra, their novel was tied up here. As a child, the future actress was actively engaged in sports, participated in competitions, played football in the women's youth team.

However, for the first time, hitting the theater, seeing the presentation and game of artists, realized that he wanted to associate life with the scene. Parents supported the daughter by sending it to the local children's music theater. The repertoire of the young performer has roles in performances on the works of Russian and foreign classics. And ending school, the girl knew exactly what would go to theatrical.

However, the dream of red-haired beauty was destined to be fulfilled only with the fourth attempt. Later, in an interview, Varya recognized that it was picking up for entrance exams inappropriate material for its own type. To be more accurate, Shrimkova managed to enroll in the Faculty of Estrada and GTIISA Directors. However, after studying the year, the student took the documents: the direction turned out to be "not her."

Finally, luck smiled Muscovite - the girl was taken to the school-studio MCAT. Here the teacher became a popular director Viktor Ryzhakov. The teacher managed to see in a student Harizmu and talent, the ability to create deep dramatic images on the stage.

Theater and films

Together with students from School Studios, Schmykova participated in the productions of the Theater "July Ansembl". As part of this project, the artist played in the performances "Abyuz", "three sisters" and others. In addition, the audience saw the Muscovite in the productions of the center named after the Vsevolod Meyerhold and the Theater "Practice".

In parallel with theatrical activities began and film director Shrimkaya. Debut work in the creative biography of Barbara took place in 2010. Then she performed an episodic role in the detective TV series "Case of Stubivina". Together with a young artist on the same platform, such famous actors like Valentin Smirnitsky, Julia Jablonskaya and others were shot.

After a year, the Muscovite was invited to another Mother Serial "Golub", where she embodied on the screen the image of a friend of the main character of the melodrama. In subsequent years, Varya played small roles in the series, while in 2017 he did not receive an invitation to the draft director Andrei Zvyagintseva "Dislike", shot in the genre of socio-household drama.

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In an interview with the actress, he came to the casting, thinking to play the image of Masha - pregnant mistress Boris, the main character of the picture. At that time, Barbara was rooted under the Head and believed that this fact would help her convincingly bother into the role. However, carefully reading the scenario, the Muscovite realized that the work was not suitable for her.

This decision was confirmed by the director's words that in the image of Masha Shmykov will not be convincing. But she was left in the project: in the painting, the actress appeared as a volunteer of Lena, helping Boris and his wife, his wife in search of the missing son. After the release, the film was celebrated in Russian and foreign film festivals, nominated for Oscar.

In 2019, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with a new work - the "Frenchman" ribbon, where Barbara appeared in the episode. Together with her, Alexander Baluyev, Evgenia Exodzova and others played in the picture.

The next summer, the 4-serial series "Chiki" directed by Edward Oganen was released on the screens. In the project, Irina Gorbacheva, Alena Mikhailova and Irina Nosov were starred in the project. The picture telling about the life of provincial prostitutes who decided to radically change their lives, caused conflicting opinions from film critics.

Cynomans were not too lazy to spend parallels with a melodrama Valery Todorovsky "Interdestochka", where the story of four "priestesses of love" was revealed in the center of the narration. Many saw the similarity of the actress of Irina Rozanova in the image of the metropolitan "hetera" with the image of the goal, talentedly embodied on the screen shrimp.

For shooting in this project, all the girls received the "Women of the Year" Award of Glamor magazine as a face of a new sincerity.

In early September, the actors of the series together with Blider Anton Lapenko, who embodied the role of a local policeman in the "Chikiki", appeared as guests of the Evening Urgant show. In the program, they talked about funny cases on the set of a comedy-dramatic project. And in early November, the actress agreed to a frank conversation with Ksenia Sobchak, in which she shared his eyes to the bodypositive and modern politics, told about his own childbirth and about the filming of the TV series "Chiki".

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life and the joy of Maternity Barbara found with Evgeny Kozlov. Like Smykova, he is associated with the movie sphere. After graduating from VGIK, Zhenya became the operator. The couple met in 2011, but the novel did not start immediately. Shrimkova had to make the first steps and conquer the attention of the chosen one.

Soon young people got married, and in 2017, the actress gave her husband to the son of Kornoy. Births passed in Los Angeles, so the child received Russian and American citizenship.

In February 2021, fans began to notice the lack of joint photos in the instagram account actress. Then the first rumors have already crawled about the possible divorce of the parents of the root, which, however, were not confirmed by anything. And in the spring of Barbara appeared at the premiere of the film "Tell her" with DJ Daniel Radlov.

Since then, Schmykova stopped hiding the new novel - Radlov became a frequent guest in her Storsis. However, he himself exhibited photos with an artist in social networks. Given that official information on the divorce of Barbara was not received, the news about her wedding with Daniel caused a real excitement.

However, the video that fell into the network allegedly with the secret marriage ceremony of lovers, as many confident, nothing more than a draw. And the fans remained only to wait for Schmykov to break silence and shares the details of global change in personal life.

Varvara Schmykova now

Now Barbara is working on new projects, however, prefers to keep fans in ignorance against her roles. In "Instagram", the actress is divided into a greater degree of personal images, as well as photographs from a visit to the secular routes, where next to her the son of the roots and a new beloved.


  • 2010 - "Case of Stubivina"
  • 2011 - "Dove"
  • 2014 - "Cinema about Alekseev"
  • 2016 - "You all take me away"
  • 2017 - "Nelyubov"
  • 2019 - "French"
  • 2020 - "Chiki"

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