Natalia Berger - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Despite an unusual pseudonym, Actress Natalia Berger by nationality is Russian. The surname of the Artist took from the grandmother when he began to act in the USA, because the real - Kuzmina - Americans are too difficult to say and remember. The celebrity does not need to be confused with Natalia Berger from Germany - a singer who performs Christian songs to Yiddish and Hebrew.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Alexandrovna Kuzmin-Berger was born on December 3, 1994 in Nizhny Novgorod. The mother actresses is a journalist, works as an editor's chef at regional television. Natasha's parents loved creativity and noisy companies, walked with friends in hiking, put the performances. Costumes and scenery did themselves.

The family was tradition - every year by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's birthday to put one of his fairy tales. When the girl was 4 years old, she was given to play the role of a mantle. Natalia was seriously prepared, and after a successful debut, she was given the main roles in all productions.

Despite the obvious talent, the future actress did not go to the drama. She studied at the 13th Linguistic School, and in his free time he was keen on skis and snowboard. Natalia also visited the music school, was engaged in piano and vocals. Perhaps her fate would be different if Oleg Tabakov did not come to Nizhny Novgorod in the search for talents.

The girl then studied in the 9th grade and did not think about the acting career. Friends with difficulty persuaded Natalia seem master that she did. And, to his own surprise, was among the eight lucky ones selected for the further contest.

Personal life

The actress does not apply to personal life, speaks in an interview about the work and creative plans. Located in a friendly relations with Pavel Shevando, with whom he studied at theater College. Young people filmed together in the sports drama "From the bottom of the top". Despite numerous rumors, Paul is not Natalia's husband.

The celebrity leads a page in "Instagram", its photo is modest, pictures in a bathing suit there. The artist weighs 53 kg with a height of 173 cm, its pleasant appearance is natural data, and not the result of plastic.


On the stage of the theater, Natalia Berger participated in the performances "Open" and "Brothers of the Karamazov". Professional biography developed successfully, but the artist Cella is even higher. In 2015, she passed an intensive acting course at the Institute of Theater and Cinema Lee Strasberg. In school, the girl invested the money, which earned on the set of the film "Sunny Circle".

The artist struck the difference in attitudes to students in Russia and America. Here, the actors are brought up by the Knuta method, and in the States respect, do not increase the voice. If we talk about acting technology, then the Western performers have less soul, but they "on the class" play anything. In Russian school, more soul and psychology, it is suitable for characteristic roles.

In 2017, Berger appeared in the series "Pegasus Wings" about the life of the Soviet elite in the deficit era. Konstantin Solovyov played a cynical businessman who became more humane under the influence of Lucy's simple girl.

Natalia Berger and Artem Karasev

In 2018, Natalia's filmography was replenished with melodrama "love for hire", where her partner was Artem Karasev. The actress performed in the already familiar role of Cinderella, who comes from the province to the big city, passes through all the tests and takes real love.

In 2019, she played in the comedy TV series "Stenaplegy". The offer came from the acting agency in Moscow when the celebrity was in the United States. To get to the project, Natalia made the so-called self-promotes, that is, she was sent two scenes, and she herself took a video and sent the result by mail.

In the TV series, Berger plays the beloved Chef Fedi, who should re-educate Lovelas. She tried to give the character to a depth, which is usually not happening in Sitkoms, add to the comedy elements of the drama.

On November 18, 2019, the actress, together with the director Yegor Klimovich, arranged a master class for children. Lecturers told about the basics of acting skills and the creation of films.

Natalia Berger now

On September 6, 2020, the premiere of the series "Road Home" took place on the TV channel "Russia-1". For Natalia Berger, who left Nizhny Novgorod at 16, it was easy to play singer Lena, who, after an unsuccessful attempt to conquer the capital returned home. Fearing shame, she begins to let "dust in the eyes" to create the visibility of success. Anton Makarsky lit up in one of the episodes.

On September 7, the first channel showed the 1st series of drama "Thin Matters" with Anastasia Talyzin in the lead role. Natalia plays a medalist Tanya Nazarov, who came to conquer Moscow, the action takes place in the 60s.

The yield of melodrama was associated with a scandal, since the broadcast of the series "Presumption of Nevinosta" was cut off in the middle of the low rating in return and instead they gave the audience "subtle matter." In the policies of the first channel, many saw disrespect for the audience and film workers.

Now Natalia Berger lives in the USA. It can not come to Russia because of a coronavirus infection pandemic. The actress has long designed the so-called visa of talent, which allows you to act in American films. Will she be able to make a career in Hollywood, will show the future.


  • 2016 - "Shakal"
  • 2016 - "Solar Circle"
  • 2017 - "From the bottom of the vertex"
  • 2017 - "Pegasus Wings"
  • 2018 - "Love by hire"
  • 2018 - "Game"
  • 2019 - "Seatiafed"
  • 2019 - "For Your Happiness"
  • 2019 - "Road Home"
  • 2020 - "Thin Matters"

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