Vyacheslav Olkhovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer 2021



Nature awarded Vyacheslav Olkhovsky not only as a textured appearance, but also an amazing singing talent. Charismatic baritone does not cease to admire fans with excellent performance. Now in the repertoire of the singer - ancient Russian and gypsy romances, pop compositions of different countries, opera arias.

Childhood and youth

The performer was born on May 1, 1956 (according to other sources, 1961) in Grozny. The real name of the artist - Vyacheslav Shagenovich Gasian. By nationality he is Armenian. As a child, the boy wanted to become a pilot or a sailor. However, dreams of conquering elements have changed when Glory saw the film "Loves of New Orleans", where the main role was played by the legendary tenor Mario Lance.

Then Olkhovsky turned 14, and the teenager realized that music was his vocation. At a young age, Bariton discovered the work of Enrico Caruso, Mario Del Monaco, Frank Sinatra and other Matrov. These artists have formed his taste in youth. Parents, seeing the talent of his son, gave Vyacheslav to a music school, where he studied in the class of the accordion, mastered the talnius.

Having received a certificate and served in the army, the singer entered the Baku Music School. Asaph Zeynalla, where Alexander Milovanov became his teacher, who previously taught Muslim Magomaeva himself. After Olkhovsky entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic, choosing opera singing as the main direction.

Personal life

Bright appearance and hot temperament contributed to the fact that personal life in the artist's biography was filled with stormy novels with fans. One of the exciting stories was the relationship of vocalist with a lady named Veronika, the wife of a diplomat of a Latin American country. The couple met in an expensive restaurant, where Vyacheslav worked.

However, passions lasted for long: because of the state coup, the family of the ambassador was withdrawn to their homeland. Veronica, already on another continent, asked her beloved to come. But the man understood that these relations had no future. The lady itself, according to the singer, failed to cope with depression after parting and committed suicide.

Later, the artist met the beauty with the original name Rumia, who became his wife. The spouse was directly involved in the creative life of Olkhovsky, served as producer, grimer, costume screen. The performer does not like to tell the press about his chief. It is known that the lady gave Vyacheslav Shagenovich Son. If you believe the status in the Olkhovsky account in Facebook, the spouses are divorced.


Already from the first yields, the singer on Estrade was spoken about him as the continue of the traditions of Muslim Magomayev. The vocalist himself admitted in an interview that Muslim Magomethodovich became a sample of an artist with a capital letter. The artist's repertoire included works by a wide genre palette.

Here there was a place for world hits, Soviet popes, folk songs in English, Italian, Spanish, for example, an old Armenian ballad "Ice Gisher" and "Aria Mr. Iqua". Also, Vyacheslav also performed popular parties from the opera. The latitude of the vocal range of Olkhovsky - three and a half octaves.

In 1995, he was part of the delegation of Russian singers who went to Rome. In the course of various events, artists were fortunate enough to speak to the Pope of the Roman John Pavl II. At that time, Vyacheslav won the honor to sing in front of him, and Chapel's ancient Italian song Dignare. The beauty of the voice and manner of the execution of the Russian vocalist struck Pontifica.

The charter of the Roman Catholic Church advised the singer to carry a talent in his whole life given to him by God. A year later, Olkhovsky sang at concerts at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, arranged for Russian athletes and fans. In 1997, Pobros Kirkorov invited Bariton to participate in the competition "Golden Voice of Russia", where he became a laureate.

In the late 90s, along with the troupe of Russian artists, Vyacheslav went to Latin America to act in the local variety. The work brought money, but the performer did not feel the returns from foreign spectators, so at the beginning of zero decided to return home.

In 2002, the vocalist presented the Late Love track to the public, created by the poet Alexander Shaganov and composer Vladimir Matsky. The lyrical composition immediately became a hit, the laureate of the festival "Song of the Year", and later they took a bright clip.

In 2008, the artist received the Order "In the Name of Life on Earth" from the International Academy of Culture and Art for the contribution to the preservation and development of the spiritual traditions of Russia. In subsequent years, the artist's talent noted other awards. Bariton gave not only solo concerts, but also performed in duets with other stars of pop, for example, with Vladislav Tumanov.

Show "Voice"

In 2012, Vyacheslav Shagenovich decided to participate in the popular show "Voice". That time for the "blind listening" stage, the artist chose the song Alexander Serov "I love you to tears." Despite the excellent performance, none of the members of the jury turned to the contestant. Later, when meeting a vocalist, Alexander Gradsky explained this situation.

Mother said he did not know what could be taught such a talented and experienced singer as Olkhovsky. At that time, Vyacheslav Shagenovich was for 50, and the judges decided not to take it into the next round, giving the way to more young participants. Later, the fans of the project noted that the judges were mistaken without allowing the singer to fight for victory.

The vocalist did not lose hope again to appear in the show and prove the skill. In 2020, Olkhovsky passed the casting to the "Voice. 60+. " Here Bariton, unlike the previous competition, was one of the youngest participants.

At the "blind auditions", the performer presented the Speak Softly, Love song ("Speak quiet, Favorite") by Nino Rota's composer, famous for the film "Great Father". Vocal Vyacheslav Shagenovich was so delighted the jury that everything turned to him. As a mentor, the artist chose Elena Vaengu.

Vyacheslav Olkhovsky now

In 2020, in addition to participating in the show "Voice. 60+ ", the singer continues to engage in solo career, gives concerts. On the official website of the artist posted photos, discography, and the poster of the speeches is presented.

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