Sergey Blinnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Actor



Soviet actor Sergey Blinnikov played the variants of the Russian national nature in its extreme manifestations. Household authenticity of images was connected with the sharpness and brightness of emotions, the skill of "filing the word". In the theater and cinema, the artist represented the chiefs of collective farms, chairmen and commanders. In life, he also differed in power and persistence.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Kapitonovich Blinnikov was born on August 2, 1901 in Moscow. Parents had an apartment in Kuntsevo, then the boy and graduated from a single working school of II degree, which gave a gymnasium education.

In the youth of the pancarns was a red army soldier, but it is possible to serve in different ways. It is not necessary to fight on the front, shooting people from the machine gun. Sergey performed military duties, working as a correspondence in the management of the Commandant of the Moscow District Railway. The war was not too attracted by a young man, he was more interested in art. In his free time, played in the plays, organized a dramatic circle in Kuntsevo.

The Theater of the Blinnikov fell ill when he saw Alexander Blok in the company in the company with Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. The father did not approve of his son's hobbies, but bought the young man with a seven-terrain guitar. However, the tool did not play any role in the creative biography of Blinnikov.

In 1922, when the Civil War ended, Sergey Kapitonovich entered the MCAT Studio School, and since 1924 he began the service in this theater.

Personal life

In the personal life, the artist kept loyalty, spending a whole life with one woman. His wife was called Anna Andreevna Kolomycev. She, too, was an actress, played on the scene of Mkat in Anna Karenina. Together with her husband, starred in the films "Soldier Ivan Brovkin" and "Teacher of Literature". Kolomiyceva was a quiet, intelligent woman, overwhelmed with her husband, tried not to say superfluous.

In 1928, the Song of Kirill was born from the spouses. He did not follow the path of acting and became a candidate of medical sciences, he worked at the Research Institute of Fighting Polio. Unfortunately, the young man lived for a long time. He died in 1965, the cause of death is still not known. There were no more children in the pair.

Theater and films

In the theater, Sergey Blinnikov played a lot of colorful roles: Aleshka in the play of Maxim Gorky "On the bottom", Trotter (Pickwick Club "on the novel by Charles Dickens), Shamraev in the" Seika ". During the Great Patriotic War, the pannis and other Mkhatovs went with concerts on military units and hospitals, raised the moral spirit of soldiers and officers. Artists even came to the draft board and asked them to send them to the front. The People's Commissar of Enlightenment of the RSFSR Vladimir Potemkin convinced the actors that they would be more benefit from them if they would help the front art.

In 1945, Blinnikov began teaching acting craft at the studio school named after V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, and this position marked the beginning of the artist filmography. One of the students Sergei Kapitonovich met with Dmitry Ivanovich Vasilyev, Assistant Sergey Eisenstein on the filming of Alexander Nevsky. Vasilyev suggested Blinnikov to play Vasily Buslayev, but Eisenstein approved the actor to the role of the governor told. And without any samples, only making a photo in makeup.

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In subsequent years, the artist appeared in the "raised virgin", "girl with character." In 1952 he played Osip in the "Revolution". One of the famous films involving Blinnikov became the "Kuban Cossacks", where the song "How was you" sounded.

This picture was later criticized for excessive optimism, but director Ivan Pyriev initially wanted a lightweight plot, raising the mood. Modern viewer film is familiar with distorted form. Many points are renovated in the 70s, the episodes associated with Joseph Stalin are cut out. It is already difficult to say how this movie looked in the original version.

In 1955, Sergey Kapitonovich spoke in the usual role of Chairman of the collective farm Timofei Kondratyevich Koreeva in the tape "Soldier Ivan Brovkin". With this work is associated with a scandal. At the same time, Maxim Perepelitsa came out. The movies had the same plot, the main actors Leonid Kharitonov and Leonid Bykov - a similar type, in addition, Tatyana Peltzer played in both paintings. The writer "Ivan Brovkin" was accused of plagiarism, and although he did not recognize the guilty openly, secretly asked for forgiveness from his opponent.

In 1962, the Blinknikov appeared in the form of the Babia Management Chief in the Queen of Benzocolones. Its partners in the set were Yuri Belov, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Alexey Kozhevnikov. The last film artist was the musical comedy "Trembita".


Sergey Blinnikov passed on September 28, 1969. Presumably, the cause of death has become sugar diabetes, the artist often complained about him in recent years.

All members of the Family of the Blinnikov are buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in the family grave. It was put on a gray granite monument in the form of two steels of different heights. The high in the form of the sail is devoted to spouses, it engraved the names and titles of the departed, and also placed ceramic oval signs with their photos. The second stele, down, was installed on the grave of the son of Kirill Sergeevich.


  • 1938 - "Alexander Nevsky"
  • 1939 - "Raised virgin"
  • 1941 - "How Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich"
  • 1946 - "First Glove"
  • 1949 - "Kuban Cossacks"
  • 1949 - "Stalingrad Battle"
  • 1955 - "Soldier Ivan Brovkin"
  • 1957 - "Trubachev's squad fights"
  • 1958 - "Girl with a guitar"
  • 1958 - "Captain's Daughter"
  • 1960 - "Blind Musician"
  • 1962 - "Queen of the benzokolontka"
  • 1967 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 1968 - "Trembit"

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