Kristina Pretext - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



"Dom-2" provides television viewers a unique opportunity not only to learn from other people's mistakes and understand how you do not need to behave in a relationship, but also benefit as much amazing surnames as possible. On August 17, 2020, two participants who were remembered by the beauty were immediately on the scandalous show, and the unusual hereditary births - Christina Pretend and Christina Buynbalte. And the latter found himself on the draft for the second time.

Christina Buynbalte and Christina Pretext

Christina Prepread is a real "dark horse". After all, about it, in addition to the laconic facts of the biography, told during the first acquaintance with the participants of the teleproekt, there is practically no information. The new Star TNT admitted that she was from Moldova, but the last 15 years lives in the city of Verona, immortalized and illustrated by William Shakespeare in the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", so it is extremely difficult to talk in Russian.

At the time of the appearance on the "House-2" girl was 27 years old, and if you contact a personal page in the social network "Instagram", you can find out the exact date of birth - December 13, 1992. There are also numerous photos of close relatives, friends and pets.

"House 2"

On August 17, 2020, another casting-coming at Dom-2 took place, and potential participants were met not only in the Polyana in Moscow, but also in the Seychelles. In the capital, on the frontal place, the leading Ksenia Borodin and Andrei Cherkasov were acquainted exclusively with representatives of strong sex.

The actor Viktor Denisenko Theater from Kaliningrad came to the "soldier" by Clave Level, Egor Onishchenko from Chelyabinsk, engaged in selling forests, to Oles Moskaleva. Athlete Eduard Suslin from Tula announced the sympathy for Mary Bondar, and the engineer Dmitry Malanine from Omsk - to Catherine Scalon. According to the results of the voting on the reality show, Egor and Dima remained.

On the ocean on the ocean, two Christine from Italy was welcomed on the same summer day, according to the nationality of Moldavians, and Daniel Balakhnin from Riga, who intended to conquer the heart of Anastasia Stretch. Prepsychos stated that she likes Evgeny Romashov, actually, like a squeege-girlfriend.

Kristina Pretext - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

The burning brunette admitted that it was ready to endure the attacks of the jealousy of the man and for the sake of him to learn Russian. But so far it did not happen - Bounce is represented as a translator.

Unlike a close friend who has time to visit the billionaire and divorce, a resident of Verona is not known about the personal life of Verona. As for the profession, it works by makeup artist. But thanks to the personal account in "Instagram", it turned out: the beauty willingly agreed on numerous photo shoots as a model, not embarrassed to appear before the camera in frank underwear and swimsuits, as well as in the image of the bride, fabulous princess, etc.

In general, her page on the social network is filled with all the attributes of beautiful life. The girl is captured by the driving of an expensive car, then on the background of a stunning yacht, which comes out of the fashionable boutique Louis Vuitton, and the enjoying delicious dinner in prestigious restaurants.

Christina pretend now

At Seychelles, Buynbalte actively spent time in the company Evgenia Romashov, agreed on a date and listened to Serenada in his performance. But in the end, suddenly decided to stay with him friends, explaining:

"I am very grateful to fate that I met Zhenya. We tried to build relationships, kissed. There is a passion, Iskra, too, but go further, I'm not ready. We are different people, look at life in different ways - other priorities, other principles. But I will not condemn how he lives is his rules. "

And Prepreading willingly took the attention of the attention of a pretty Ruslan Kubjukov, who surrounded the beauty of care and was satisfied with romantic surprises without tired.

Kristina Pretext and Ruslan Kozhukhov

On September 5, 2020, she asked a question to subscribers:

"What do you think we are a pair of Rusla or not? Do we come to each other? "

In a couple of days, finally, it was allowed to have a Uhager to a slim body, allowing to make a relaxing massage. The man, by the way, did not lag behind the chosen and published a similar post in the personal account in the "Instagram" in the Personal Account:

"Who will our children look like - on me or to Christina? Of course, we have not yet declared themselves a couple and not even kissing, but this question is already very worried. I love this mischievous girl and really want her always smiling. What do you think we approach each other? "

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