Sergey Efron - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Writer, Male Marina Tsvetaeva



The officer of the White Army, disappointed in volunteering, the NKVD agent, publicist is the identity of Sergey Efron contradictory and mysterious. Perhaps even his wife, the poetess of the silver century Marina Tsvetaeva, did not fully know who her spouse was a writer or spy.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Yakovlevich was born on October 11, 1893. The father and mother of Yakov Konstantinovich and Elizabeth Dunovo, the Jews by nationality, were engaged in revolutionary activities, so there was no time for the family. The boy grow largely from relatives without seeing parents.

Meanwhile, the fate of his mother developed tragically. Elizabeth had nine children, three of them died back in infancy. The path of revolutionary was obvious - she spent a year in "Butyrka". And returning from the conclusion, demonstrated signs of mental insanity. When the future journalist and the writer turned 13 years old, his mother with his younger brother Konstantin went to Paris.

At this time, Jacob Efron died, which was strongly affected by the health of Elizabeth. A terrible tragedy with Konstantin became the last straw for a distraught woman. The boy had problems in school, and he decided to scatter his mother, sympting hanging, but slipped on a chair and died. And she found only one way out - to follow the son.

Sergey found out about the death of close people not immediately: the sisters tried to hide the terrible behavior from his brother. They were afraid for his health, because in childhood the boy fell ill with tuberculosis, and since then it has often been manifested. Releasing mother to another country for a while, he did not think that he would lose her forever.

Since then, for the writer, any parting was like death. Efron worriedly worried if he had not seen someone from someone from someone. This manifested itself on mental and physical condition.

Despite family dramas, Sergey studied in the private male polivanovskaya gymnasium in Moscow. And then entered the historical and philological department of Moscow State University.

Personal life

With the future spouse, Efron met in Koktebel, being on holiday at Uncle Maximilian Voloshina. He was 17, the elect - 18. In his memoirs, Marina Tsvetaeva wrote that, seeing the painful young man killed by the tragic death of his brother and mother, immediately understood: this is her fate.

Marina, having arrived in Koktebel, recognized Maximilian in suffering from unrequited love. And despite the young age, no longer hoped to meet a person who would return her to life. Once the poetess slipped the phrase that she would marry only the one who guessed her favorite stone.

A carnelian bead that Tsvetaeva gave a future husband on a day of dating, she kept all his life. Seeing Efron on the seashore in a white shirt, the famous author was involuntarily thought that he was too beautiful to walk on the ground.

These were incredible emotions - young lovers were not parted by either a moment. Only 8 months passed, and the young created a family, waiting for the majority of Sergey. Wedding took place on January 27, 1912. The spouse of a painful man believed: his feelings are heal. Nevertheless, they had to survive not one parting, which strongly hit the health of Efron.

Tsvetaeva in memoirs regretted the early marriage in his youth. Sergey always felt that his wife was inappropriate and he could not get closer to her, not to compare with her talent. By the way, Joseph Brodsky considered the poetess "the largest formalist in the Russian poetry of the XX century."

In September 1912, the spouses had a daughter Ariadne. A year later, in the personal life of the publicist, there was a break - Tsvetaeva entered into relations with her husband's elder brother Peter Yakovlevich. The one who returned from emigration needed to leave. About a year lasted a secret novel, Sergey suspected his beloved in treason, felt strong mental suffering, but did not express suspicion.

And when Peter died, the First World War was the cause of the physical parting of the pair. Efron went to the front - due to health problems as a nurse. In parallel, he graduated from the Junker College, after which he was enrolled in the infantry regiment of Nizhny Novgorod.

The ensuing civil war led to the fact that the husband of Marina Tsvetaeva practically did not know anything about the family. He joined the white movement and believed in volunteering when his youngest daughter Irina died in Moscow from hunger. However, the poetess also did not have information about the spouse, hoping that God would make a miracle and would leave him alive.

And after the end of the war, the writer moved to Constantinople. Only in 1921, Marina Ivanovna received a good news from the living husband. In the spring of 1922, together with Ariad Efron followed the chosen one in Berlin.

Soon Sergey was born the son of George. Stubborn rumors were walking that the biological father of the boy was his buddy Konstantin Rodzevich. This circumstance almost served as a divorce. But Marina Ivanovna did not see his life without a hot beloved man, begging to leave. The spouse was also not confident in the hardness of his decision, so he took the family and immigrated to Paris.

Abroad, the husband's husband began to miss the Soviet Union. He understood: fighting with the Bolsheviks, fought against his people. The poetess saw that the father of her children was depressed, and at the table there were conversations only about the Motherland. At the same time, Efron began to cooperate with the Soviet special services, he was recruiting.

In 1937, the publicist returned to Leningrad. The poetess followed him only after 2 years. And seeing his beloved after the separation, was horrified: it turned out that he was painful all the time. It was greatly affected by parting, and the spouse did not find the strength to recover.


Despite the tragic biography, the writer left the descendants amazing for his sincerity, the story "Childhood". It can be called a wedding gift for a young spouse (the book was published in 1912). In the plot we are talking about two boys, which are endowed with special wisdom. And in the last chapter, the "wizard" was the portrait of the heroine of Mary, incredibly similar to Tsvetaeva.

The book "Notes of the Volunteer" included stories and essays, including the Emigration article. These works are devoted to the topic of war, namely volunteering and its consequences in the fate and consciousness of people. As a member of this era, the writer described the October fighting in Moscow, and the days of the civil war. Some kind of diary displaced his own thoughts associated with the search for a life path.

The joint work of two talented authors - poems, works and letters to each other - they are collected in the collection "no on earth of the second you". It is the history of the relationship, in which the events of their marriage are intertwined, starting from the change and ending with forced partings.


The arrest of the former agent NKVD took place on October 10, 1939. The prisoner was tortured to get information about other spies from the "Nonau Return", as well as about his wife and daughter. But Efron refused to testify against loved ones.

Two years in harsh conditions led to obeying and hallucinations. Sergey Yakovlevich was transferred to the psychiatric department of "Butyrki". Doctors set the patient chronic myocarditis and sharp shape of neurasthenia. It was written to limit communication with the investigative bodies.

Tsvetaeva tried to pull her husband, writing letters to Lavrenting Pavlovich Beria, but in vain. In 1941, the prisoner was convicted. The cause of death of the Satellite of Life Great Poets was shot. His together with another 135 sentenced to the highest punishment was killed on the Special Bail of the NKVD on October 16 of the same year. There, on a communation, and is his grave, in which, except Efron, other victims of political repression are buried.

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