Edmond Hamilton - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Writer



Edmond Hamilton is considered one of the founders of the Space Opera - the subgenar of science fiction, the action in which occurs in the distant galaxy. The American writer described the sphere that was not yet bred by a person so believable that some of his ideas seemed quite real and, as the story, feasible. So, it was he who first spoke about holographic and formed a hypothesis of an expanding universe.

Childhood and youth

Edmond Moore Hamilton was born on October 21, 1904 in Youngstown - the city in the North-East of the United States, in the state of Ohio. He grew surrounded by sisters, senior esther and adeline, younger Batty.

The childhood of the science writer can not be called joyful: he woozy read and loved to learn, so peers often teased him and allowed themselves physical pressure. Despite the evil surroundings, at the age of 14, the King of Cosmoopers graduated from school and entered the Westminster College in New Willmington, Pennsylvania.

Education was given to Edmond easily. The first 2 courses of the Faculty of Physics, he graduated with honors and even received encouraging from the Westminster College manual for brilliant achievements. But at the age of 17, the interests were shifted in favor of literature, and he was discovered for the impressability and trouble-free.

Hamilton injured for art from his parents. His father Scott worked by a cartoonist in the Jangstown newspaper, and the mother's mother worked as a teacher of literature. Having learned about the passion of the Son to writing, they were delighted and did not prevent creative development.

But to fiction Edmond Hamilton bought at 4 years. He still did not know how to read when I saw a picture for the article Herbert Wells "Beings who live on Mars." Already later, mastering a valuable skill, the science fiction was acquainted with the works of Abraham Merrita, Howard Phillips Lovekraft, Edgar Rice Burrow and, of course, Homer Eon Flyndite.

Personal life

On December 31, 1946, the wife of Edmond Hamilton became the writer Lee Douglas Brackett. It was one of the very harmonious novels in the history of literature. Spouses enthusiastically treated each other's fictions and supported any undertaking.

So, in the 1940s, a woman went into cinema. One of the most famous projects was the film "Star Wars. Episode V. The Empire is negotiated by a response "(1980), in which many ideas of Edmond Hamilton from the" Star Kings "cycle were embodied.

Although the spouses worked side by side of a quarter of a century, they rarely divided the authorship of works. Their only joint book is the story "Stark and Star Kings" (2005).

Lained quarrels and misunderstanding Personal life Edmond Hamilton and Douglas Brackett was happy. A lot of their joint photos and breathing harmony have been preserved on the Internet. Spouses lived together until the death of the "king of cosmopes". The woman lived for a year more and died of cancer.


Career Edmond Hamilton as a science fiction writer began with the publication of the story "God - the monster Mamurt" (1926) in the magazine Weird Tales. Before, there were exclusively Matters - Howard Phillips Lovekraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Siberi Queen.

The newcomer I liked the readers, so the editorial office of Weird Tales until 1932 never refused to place the author. His stories were built by one scenario: some kind of mythical monster the barbaric way attacks the Earth, and at the last moment, humanity gives a worthy repulsory. Now such a story seems naive, but at the time of Hamilton, science fiction only has developed, any innovation was perceived as a Furior.

From 1926 to 1948, 79 artistic works of Edmont Hamilton were published in Weird Tales. He became one of the most prolific magazine authors.

Not only small, but also a big prose came out from under the pen writer. He began with the Roman "Horseman of Time" (1927), which went out of the cycle, and then wrote "Stinking Sun" (1928) - 1st part of the "Interstellar Patrol" series.

In total, in the bibliography of science fiction 5 cycles, in addition to the "interstellar patrol". This is "Caldar, the world of Antares", "Dr. Dale", "Captain Futher" (or "Doctor Future"), "Star Kings" and "Star Wolf". 16 separate novels are also written, the most famous of them are "the city on the edge of the world" (1951) and the "Battle of the Stars" (1961).

Edmond Hamilton was so eloquently the author that the lack of shields on his books seems to be omission. In fact, some works have found a film. The cycle of "Captain Futures" in 1978 became a series, at the same time a film was released, uniting all the novels of the "Star Wolf".

For fantastics fans, it's amazing why I still did not remove films on the "Star King", whatever colorful "Battle of Empires". But, alas, while the greatest achievement of Hamilton in cinema is "Star Wars". Creating a movie, George Lucas relied on the work of the writer, and much invented by it exists in the distant galaxy.


Even in his youth, Edmond Hamilton began problems with the kidneys. To the old age they aggravated, a cancer tumor was discovered, in 1977 it took the operation. Unfortunately, she passed not as good as she would like - the writer did not become on February 1, 1977. The cause of death is a complication after surgery.

Following the ficture began to go into oblivion and his literature. If it were not for an outbreak of interest in science fiction in the 2000s, contemporaries would not have learned about such a valuable personality capable of felt in the work with Robert Hainline and Frank Herbert.

Enthusiasts from the USA are still threatening to release the biography of the King Cosmooper, to relieve a documentary about him, but every year people that were personally familiar with Hamilton, it becomes less and less. And the writer himself preferred not to talk about his personal life. He believed that only his works, fiction, fantasy, have meaning.


Emergency Patrol series

  • 1928 - "Stinking Suns"
  • 1929 - "Star kidnappers"
  • 1929 - "In the depths of the nebula"
  • 1929 - "Outside the Universe"
  • 1930 - "COMET drivers"
  • 1930 - "Sunny People"
  • 1930 - "Space Cloud"
  • 1934 - "Corsairs of Cosmos"

Series "Caldar, Mir Antares"

  • 1933 - "Caldar, Mir Antares"
  • 1933 - "Snake People of Caldar"
  • 1935 - "Caldar's Great Brain"

"Dr. Dale" series

  • 1933 - "Vampire Lord"
  • 1936 - "Abode of Oka Evil"

Star Kings Series

  • 1947 - "Star kings"
  • 1957 - "Tattooed Man"
  • 1958 - "Star Hunter"
  • 1969 - "Return to Stars"
  • 2005 - "Stark and Star Kings"

Star Wolf series

  • 1967 - "Weapon from the outside" ("Galactic weapon")
  • 1968 - "Closed Worlds"
  • 1968 - "World of Star Wolves"

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