Evgeny Anisimov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Historian 2021



Evgeny Anisimov is an outstanding historian, a journalist, a writer and an expert in the field of political events of the XVIII century. Fatalistic optimist and liberal, who considers himself an observer, found recognition in finding information, and not in the number of published works.

Childhood and youth

The author of more than two hundred publications was born in the city of Alexandrov on October 4, 1947. The philosophically responded about Evgeny Viktorovich's early biography, believing that he was prepared fate to become a completely different person.

The future professor was born in the poor family and lived in a disadvantaged area. His mother abused alcohol, and among the neighbors in the yard, two thieves-criminals were listed.

One case from childhood, which became a turning point in the biography of the future doctor of science, he clearly remembered. The boy was taken to the sleds mother and grandmother in the jetty state. At some point, the child fell out of them, but their relatives discovered at home. It was winter - Anisimov sat for some time in a snowdrift.

This event greatly influenced the worldview, it would seem still baby. Nevertheless, Evgeny Viktorovich is confident that thanks to this episode began to strive for another life. Unlike neighboring children, who from the Small years did not differ in the knowledge and hooligani, the boy deepened in reading.

According to Mother, Zhenya did not play with anyone, preferring loneliness. In the summer, the literature was purchased and he studied the works of great authors.

The novel "Peter First" Alexei Tolstoy influenced the schoolchildren radically. After reading the book, Anisimov fell in love with this era and decided for himself what would study in Leningrad.

So it happened. Having received a certificate, the graduate went to the cultural capital. A new student gave the address of a person who promised to help with housing. However, the first night in the new city, the future member of the Pen-Club of St. Petersburg spent in the telephone booth, since this man was buried on the day of arrival.

However, these circumstances have not caused to turn back. He entered the Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen at the Historical Faculty. During the student, the writer imbued with antiquity and even began to go to the courses of Greek.

He graduated from the Higher Educational Institution in 1970, and then began to candidate, which was defended in 1975.

Personal life

As for private biography details, the journalist does not apply to this in an interview or on social networks. It is known that Evgeny Viktorovich is married.

His wife Nina Leonidovna Pubhetskaya is also fond of science, specializes in oriental, and still deals with translations. Therefore, the world and peace reigns in personal life: both spouses in a professional understand each other.

Daughter was born in the family of Anisimov. Now the spouses are already helping to educate granddaughter.

Scientific activity

After graduating from the university, Evgeny Viktorovich began to work in the Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR. In parallel, I wrote the candidate on the topic "Domestic policy of the Supreme Secret Council (1726-1730)." And defending it, proceeded to the doctoral. As a result, in 1985 he received a scientific degree.

The bibliography of the journalist includes more than 200 works. The author himself compared the published books with "Outdoor Nails." He was fascinated by the process of finding truth, this professor saw the purpose and great happiness for the researcher.

A curious story happened related to the writing of the biography of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. The work was published in the mid-80s. And then, already in the era of computers, the publishers "ZhZl" turned to the author with a proposal to reissue an essay.

When Anisimov began to transfer the paper manuscript to the computer, I realized that I would like to rewrite work. And did it, so it appeared if not a new book, then at least the lighting of events at a different angle and from the position of an already experienced "observer" from the position of the original.

A specialist in the political device of the period of the XVII-XVIII centuries, except for writing articles and books, engaged in teaching. Professor invited to lecture in Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Milan.

In addition, Anisimov regularly appeared on the TV channel "Culture". The transfer of "Palace Secrets" is devoted to monuments of the architecture of St. Petersburg, each of which symbolizes a certain era.

Some works of Evgeny Viktorovich are particularly popular. The most famous book consider the "Russian history from Rüric to Putin". When the writer was offered to illuminate such a global period of time, he initially refused.

His favorite periods - the XVII and XVIII century, now I had to describe events and that era in which Anisimov lives. In an interview, the professor shared that in the course of work it was difficult to judge the political moments of modernity, when each of them was somehow touched his life.

The book led readers delight. After all, the main difference of the works of the author is to use in the narration of not only journalistic, but also elements of artistic style.

Professor tried to find some at first glance, small details that were not covered in textbooks. And you will present them so that the audience looks different in a different way. This turned to Anisimov the emergence of health problems. For a long time, he studied the articles of Soviet Russia - the period with which she had not previously encountered. And even got neurosis, hitting the clinic due to excessive workload.

If we talk about the work of the "History of Russia from Rurik to Putin", it is different and the supply of material. The author divided it on the headings: "Dates", "People" and "Events". Each page is dedicated to a separate person or phenomenon, so you can start reading from any place.

The list of publications of the Russian journalist is extensive. For some works, Eugene Viktorovich was awarded separately. For example, in 2015 he became the finalist of the Dynasty Prize for the Book "Imperial Russia".

Evgeny Anisimov now

At the beginning of 2020, the scientist presented the audience to the Audience of the Personality, with which the hobby began. The digital publication includes more than 40 thousand facts about Peter I. Purpose studies of professors and doctors of sciences allowed to paint the life of the last king of all Russia by day.

However, it was not without sensations. Evgeny Viktorovich suggested that the cause of the death of the first All-Russian emperor was stroke, and not inflammation of the lungs. Such a conclusion was made by writing a source in which the fact of paralysis is mentioned in the right side of the sovereign body before death.

Now the writer is engaged in both science and teaching. He lectures at the European University, the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and other universities of St. Petersburg. Also continues the research path in HSE, where he is listed by the head of the Department of History.


  • 2000 - Winner of the Antsifer Prize
  • 2002 - Metropolitan Makaria Prize winner
  • 2002 - Princess Dashkini Silver Medal Winner
  • 2003 - Laureate of the Literary Prize at the Nevsky Forum book festival
  • 2014 - Prize winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture
  • 2015 - Finalist Prize "Dynasty"
  • 2016 - Prize Prize winner Program
  • 2018 - Laureate of the All-Russian historical and literary premium "Alexander Nevsky"


  • 1989 - "Time of Petrovsky Reforms"
  • 1996 - "History of Russia, 1682-1861: An Experimental Tutorial for High School"
  • 1997 - "State reforms of Peter the Great"
  • 1999 - "Elizaveta Petrovna"
  • 2002 - "Anna John"
  • 2006 - "Palace Secrets. Russia, century XVIII »
  • 2008 - "Bagration: Life and War"
  • 2010 - "The history of Russia from Rurik to Putin. People. Developments. Dates "
  • 2010 - "Aphrodite in power. The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna "
  • 2011 - "Imperial Russia"
  • 2017 - "Peter the first: good or evil for Russia?"

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