Tatyana Baramzin - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, sniper



The feat of Tatiana Baramzina remained in the history of the Great Patriotic War. The girl who was not afraid to stay alone with the enemy, until the last minutes of life kept loyalty to the Motherland. Today, the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union is the streets of different cities of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born on December 19, 1919 in the city of Glazov, located in Vyatka province. In the preserved urban "spiritual painting of the parishioners of the Preobrazhensky Cathedral" it was reported that in 1875 the great-grandfather girl with three sons lived here. One of the heirs Makar Alekseevich and his wife Pelagia Fedorovna became a grandfather and grandmother of the future sniper.

Parents got married in 1910 already in adulthood: Nikolay Makarovich turned 38 years old, wife Martha Mitrofanovna - 31. At the time of birth, Tatiana in the family has already been brought up four children, and later the sixth child appeared. Father Pek and sold cottages bread. By law as a merchant living on non-educated income, a man was deprived of electoral rights.

In the early 1930s, Baramzin was smoked. The experiences of the events undermined the health of Nikolay Makarovich, and in the spring of 1931 he died. Caring for children took over the mother. In the same year, Tatyana graduated from elementary school (grade 4) and entered the urban high school of factory learning.

In 1934, the girl graduated from the seventel, and in 2 years it got a job as a teacher of geography in rural school, located 25 km from the city. In 1937, Baramzin was transferred to an educational institution in another village, where he joined the VLKSM. Here she taught from the 4th grade schoolchildren.

A year later, Tatyana entered the pedagogical courses, passed the exams externally and received a certificate. In the period from 1939 to 1940, he taught in a Kachkashur school, where, along with the profile subjects, he led a choral circle in junior grades.

In 1940, the girl entered the Pedic Institute in the city of Molotov (Perm). In parallel with the study of Baramzin, it was arranged to work as an educator in kindergarten. Since the new labor activity took a lot of time, Tanya did not have time to visit lectures and seminars in the university and was expelled in February 1941.

Personal life

Personal life in the biography of Tatiana replaced the work, and after - the ministry of the Motherland. When the Great Patriotic War began, Baramzin became a blood donor, then semi-annual nursing courses, graduating with honors. In June 1943, Tanya arrived at the Moscow region, to the Central Women's School of Snipers, prepare frames for the front.

In April 1944, the future Hero of the Soviet Union was sent to the 3rd Belorussian Front. In a letter written by the day before, Tanya admitted that if she had to die in war, she would do it happy, because to die, defending his native land - happiness, not everyone.

On the first days on the advanced Tatyana told in the messages relatives. She reported that it was going to go to the "hunt" at 3 o'clock in the morning, and returning from the advanced - late in the evening. The army was located in the village of Sokolovo, located 3-4 km from the battle line. Command took care of young girls, providing food. By April 8, Baramzin managed to kill three enemies from a rifle.

Soon the list of "Fritz" was replenished until 16. However, a brilliant career of a sniper girl did not have time to continue: in a couple of months she had spoiled eyesight. Perhaps the blame for this was bad conditions - cold in dugouts, the impossibility of drowning things. Nervous voltage was added to this.

Tanya wanted to send to the hospital, but she persuaded the commander to leave her as a telephonist, telecommunication. Nursing preparation was also useful: Baramzin convinced the commander that could endure wounded from the battlefield and provide them with first medical care.


At the end of June 1944, the village of Small Morozovo near the artillery fire of the enemy was damaged by a telephone line. Tatyana under the incessant fire fixed the blasts of the wires many times. Later, during the Minsk offensive operation, it was decided to send a landing in the venues of the enemy rear to keep the opponent until the main forces of the Soviet army arrive.

Baramzin did not include the paratroopers, but the girl managed to persuade the command to send it along with the rest of the task. The military went to the village of Bellowe, where the equipment was unloaded at night, the firing positions were formed. In one of the dump trucks, died by local residents, have managed to leave from point to this point, they created a hospital and headquarters.

In the morning, Soviet soldiers saw an approaching division of German opponents. When the enemy column was filled with extreme houses of the village, paratroopers hit her on both sides. Not expecting such maneuvers, the Germans unfolded and sought to hide in the forest. However, after the half-hour respite "Fritza" again moved into battle.

Exceiving Soviet soldiers on weapons equipment, the enemies were able to oust them from the village. The military retreated through the field, but Tatiana remained in the dugout, where there were many wounded. The girl was defended from German invaders to the last - 20 enemy soldiers fell from her machine.


When Baramzina ended the cartridges, the enemies penetrated the dugout and grabbed Tatiana. The Germans tortured the television, severely beaten, applied to her bayonets, which was the cause of death. I sacrificing life, the girl thus sought to help his homeland until the last minutes of life. The task of paratroopers as a whole was fulfilled: the enemy managed to delay, and after defeating the troops approached. On March 24, 1945, Baramzin posthumously received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


  • 1945 - Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously)
  • 1945 - Order of Lenin (posthumously)


  • Snayper monuments are installed in Perm, Izhevsk and the Glazov
  • Baramzin Street in Podolsk, Minsk, Glazov, Izhevsk, Perm
  • It is forever listed in the lists of high school students number 2 of the city of Glazov
  • The name of Tatiana Baramzina is named schools in Perm and Izhevsk
  • On the building of the Perm Pedagogical Institute in memory of Tatyana Baramzin installed a memorial plaque

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