Galina Sazonova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Galina Sazonov from those actresses who devoted themselves professions, not wanting to fade into TV shows for scandalous fame. Maybe, so the actress was not recognized on the street, did not interview her. Many fans appeared only in 2004, when Sazonov became the leading program "Good morning." Although the woman played in a large number of serials and each role was preparing for conscience.

Childhood and youth

Galina Petrovna Sazonova was born on December 20, 1959. About her family is little information. Childhood spent at grandmother in the village of Plugkovo near Moscow. The girl secretly baptized, grandmother before bedtime read prayers. The future actress grew spoiled, did nothing at home. One day it became embarrassing to the grandmother, and Galina learned to help the housework.

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In his youth, she loved animals, dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, then the physician. But once I went with a classmate to theatrical, where did not arrive. But after that he firmly knew who he wanted to become. Her follow-up biography has proven that the decision was correct.

In 1978, Sazonova entered the Schukinskaya school, for the course of L. Slavskaya, and graduated from studying in 1982. He played in the "Small Dramatic Troupe" theater.

Personal life

At the actresses are happy personal life. Since the beginning of the 80s Sazonov married, an economist for education. In 1984, Son Sergey was born, he is now a successful lawyer. They don't have more children. When the boy was born, Galina suddenly felt helpless and vulnerable, unable to protect the child. Thinking, the woman came to the conclusion that Sergey could save only God. Then she seriously appealed to faith.

In 2001, the Son informed the actress that a kind of girl was pregnant and he intends to marry. Galina Petrovna did not discharge. Sergey himself immediately realized that the marriage was premature. But the actress appeared granddaughter.

Sazonov does not lead accounts in social networks, in "Instagram" you can find only individual photos on the pages of its fans.

Theater and films

In 1985, Galina Petrovna laid the beginning of his filmography of the role in the film "Sorochinsky Fair". In 1986, she worked for some time in the theater of Evgenia Petrosyan, three of the Master and Elena Stepanenko participated in the play "How are you?"

In 1995, the rector of the B. V. Schukina Yevgeny Vladimirovich Knyazev suggested that Sazonova becomes an artistic director. She hesitated, because it is a huge responsibility, but also could not refuse. Khudruk not just teaches acting skills. This is a mentor, director and administrator in one person.

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Actresses have to deal with many business issues. For student performances, professional lighting, suits, props, design. The theater allocates the minimum budget, there is not enough money. Galina Petrovna herself searches for sponsors, runs, negotiating.

Such work takes all the time, so the star stopped playing the theater on a permanent basis, only sometimes appearing in the entrepreneurship performance. On the shooting in films of time, there is also little. Sazonova appears in the series, but rarely takes the main roles. Fortunately, the Ministry of Culture appreciated its contribution to the domestic culture, and in 2006 awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, the mystical series "Grac" came out on the first channel. Pavel Trubiner played the main role of Major Sergei Gracheva, who miraculously survived after injured in the head. After that, he began to see the ghosts unfairly killed people. Together with Galina Sazonova, Svetlana Ivanova and Igor Strainites were shot.

In the same year, the artist played with Anton Batyrev in the melodrama "Nastina Love". From the 2013th shot in the comedy TV series "Molodezhka".

In 2018, the premiere of the Master version of the Women's version was held at TVC. Sofye Ardova and Galina Sazonova got the main roles of the investigator Tanya and her grandmother Lara.

Galina Sazonova now

April 8, 2020 Actress gave an interview with Tatiana Ustinova in the program "My hero". The woman told about her childhood, teaching, listened to the compliments from colleagues. On August 26, 2020 on Friday, a new project was published with her participation - "teachers in law". According to the plot of the teacher at the School of Blagoveshchensk, fighting the Chinese mafia.

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Galina Petrovna has repeatedly criticized the shooting of modern series. This conveyor production, you need to come to the site and immediately issue a game on the stamps. Nobody thinks about art. Therefore, the responsibility of the artist is important. He must carefully prepare for the role, help a partner or work for two to "pull out" the episode.


  • 1986 - "Mysterious Prisoner"
  • 1994-1996 - "Iron Curtain"
  • 2011 - "Grenade Taste"
  • 2011-2012 - Katina Love "
  • 2012 - "Cherry's color"
  • 2013 - "Autumn melodia of love"
  • 2013-2018 - "Youth"
  • 2017 - "Wind Changes"
  • 2018 - "Drawn happiness"
  • 2018 - "Women's version. Grandfather Granddaughter "
  • 2019 - "Mamenkin Son"
  • 2019 - "Women's version. Pure Soviet murder "
  • 2019 - "Women's version. Mystery party cottages "
  • 2019 - "Women's version. Romantic from the USSR "
  • 2019 - "Women's version. Your time is up"
  • 2020 - "Teachings in Law"

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