Arthur Babich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Blog 2021



Arthur Babich is a young and positive young man who has come to conquer Moscow from the Ukrainian village with a population of a thousand people. Today he is a popular Weiner, which not only regularly produces viral rollers, but also becomes the founder of trends.

Childhood and youth

A tictoker was born under the curves of a horn, in the village of Volnoe, on May 16, 2000 (Zodiac sign - Taurus). Parents divorced when he was 5 years old. Father went to live in Armenia, there settled the operator at the factory. Mother forces for 15 years worked on the farm, after which he set up a guard of the agricultural enterprise.

The image of a rustic guy originated in childhood. In an interview, Babich shared, as from the small years there is cows. And sometimes I went with my mother to sell milk to the market. It became for a 6-year-old boy the first experience of communication. Already then the future star "Tik-current" understood: you need to be able to talk and have people to yourself.

Arthur Babich in childhood

Arthur admitted that the mother often drank. After the birth of the younger brother Timur, he had to grow up and take responsibility for the child - to do lessons with him, meet from school and even cook food.

However, it did not prevent young talent to dream. Initially, he wanted to become an actor, then a football player, like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. The young man attracted the desire to be famous.

Arthur graduated from 11 classes. Initially planned to leave after the 9th. But, not knowing where to enter further, I decided to "overheet," and after learned in the technical school on the manager. However, he did not work in the specialty. Instead, he began to shoot short humorous videos with the younger brother.

Timur is not a smaller star. Together, they quickly attracted the interest of the audience. Little Weiner laughed the public with sarcastic dialogues and funny "stands."

Accounts in "Instagram" and "Tik-Tok" were created in the fall of 2018. Arthur's fame brought a video for the song WTF?. In it, the young man pours out the cola, drops ice cream (allegedly by chance). It is curious that this gave rise to a certain trend.

2019 for the young blogger became a turning point, because then the young man began to feel his popularity. He was recognized on the streets, they asked to take a picture, cooperation began with the leading stars of "Tick-current" from Russia. Then Babich decided to move to Moscow and go to a completely different level. Close of such an idea did not support, without understanding the essence of his work.

Personal life

In an interview on the Yutiub-channel "Cannon", Arthur shared some facts from the biography. Already living in the village of Volnoe, he met with a girl named Anastasia for quite a long time - 2 years. But subsequently realized that he had experienced just sympathy for her, but there was no love.

Now the fans of the blogger's creativity discusses his relationship with the colleague Anea Pokrov. And this is no wonder: the guys often walk together, remove joint video. By the way, none of them did not comment on the situation for a long time.

Arthur Babich and Anya Pokrov

Babich stated that it was too little time for understanding, whether Anya is really the person with whom he will be able to build a serious relationship. Observers of the Unusual Union have a two-way opinion. Some are sure: they specifically heat the interest of the audience to themselves. Others believe: Tyclotters are found.

Accordingly, the photo of the kiss of young stars can be interpreted in different ways - and as the long-awaited exposure of such a scrupulous aspect in personal life, and as another Haip.

The criticism flows in the direction of the Weiner due to the fact that the allegedly flirts with Milohin dance. In the network, guys are accused of unconventional orientation, although this opinion is far from the truth. Young ticketers simply amuse the public, joking on sharp topics and trying on women's clothing. And achieve the result, which is required.

Arthur does not have a clear picture in the head about the ideal of the girl. Babich says his chosen should be cheerful, positive, well-groomed and share his interests.


The role of the Ukrainian blogger is a simple rustic resident. Real, sincere - the same as his audience. At the beginning of a career, Babich filmed short rollers, hesitated and joked. And for him it became a surprise that some sketches on the "Tick-current" became viral.

The growth of popularity has begun. However, Arthur was not going to change his image, as eloquently tells the clip "The guy is simple". This project has become the first serious work of Weiner. With a chicken in his hand and perky song, he in some sense demonstrated himself.

And then received an offer from the star of the domestic scene - singers of Bianchi. She conceived to make a remix popular single "were dancing", and as a partner invited the Ukrainian blogger.

After the exit of the joint track, the audience began to be interested in Babic, is not going to go to music. Weiner bore such rumors, because his attitude to the clips is not serious. But did not exclude the fact that someday in the future will write an album.

Arthur Babich now

In February 2020, a simple guy from Ukraine received an invitation from Dream Team House to move to Moscow. This project is rallied by young and talented Tik-current stars. The guys together write video, share useful tips and grow in a professional plan.

Naturally, Arthur immediately bought tickets to the capital. The only thing that stopped him is the younger brother. The boy had to send home to the mother. But Babich understood: he will give Timur much more if it enhances the bar.

So it happened - the video broker succeeded in 2020, having gained even more popularity. Despite the young age, I managed to get on television. Together with Anya, he was invited to STS Sergey Svetlakov. Tickers not only starred in the first series of "full blackout", but also won, taking a prize of 250 thousand rubles.

Together with the Dream Team House colleagues, Babich participates in the online TV series "Class 12". At the same time, it does not plan to change the scope of activities, although it understands that someday the project will still close. In any case, the native of the village of Volnoe is sure, he will find himself in humor.

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