Dmitry Zimin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Businessman, Alexey Navalny 2021



Dmitry Zimin is a famous Russian entrepreneur, the creator of VimpelCom and the Dynasty Charitable Foundation. Thanks to him, a mobile communications appeared in Russia, the businessman invests great money in the development of science and education.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Borisovich Zimin was born on April 28, 1933 in Moscow. Mother Berta Borisovna worked with a simple typist. Father Boris Nikolayevich Zimina, a scientific officer of MWU named after N. E. Bauman, was repressed in 1935. Obviously, the cause has become a family tree.

Dmitry Zimin in youth

The ancestors of the businessman were merchants to the Old Believers. They built the Moscow water supply, founded the production of silk in Dresna and Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Also, Alexander Guccov, the Minister of Temporary Government, who accepted the text of renuncation from the throne from Nicholas II. Maiden's Mother Surname Zimina - Dokshitskaya. By nationality, the woman was a Jewish, her kindled origin from Poland.

Dmitry grew up in Arbat's alleys, in his youth floated on the river on the kayak. From the peers, the boy was different only to the interest in science. In 1957, the young man graduated from the Radio FarFacult of Mai, in 1963 he defended his thesis.

Personal life

The benefactor has a long-established personal life. He is happy in marriage with the archaeologist Maya Pavlovna. In 1968, the son of Boris Zimin appeared in the family. In 2002, Zimin Jr. became president of the BMT Management Ltd. investment management company. He presented the Father of five grandchildren - Leonid, Margarita, Dina, Dmitry and Miroslav.

In 2015, the Dynasty Charitable Foundation was declared a "foreign agent", and the family immigrated to the United States, where the entrepreneur now lives. In this country, Zimina own villas, a yacht and a personal helicopter. It is not known whether Dmitry Zimin has American citizenship, but he has passports of Cyprus, Bulgaria and the island state of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The millionaire does not like social networks and does not post his photos online.


After the Institute, Dmitry Borisovich 30 years old was engaged in radio engineering, became the head of the department, deputy chief designer, in 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation. The collapse of the Soviet Union broke his scientific career and made to go into business.

In 1992, the entrepreneur created a cellular company VimpelCom. Most Russians are famous under the Beeline brand. In an interview, Zimin stated that he created "VimpelCom" on the loans of American partners Plexsus and Ericsson, which he was given without collateral, under honestly. The company quickly gave out into the market leaders and in 1996 became the first Russian firm who had emphasized its shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

However, the company had a lot of enviousness, even among officials. VimpelCom refused to give a license to use the GSM frequency. In 1998, Dmitry Zimin achieved permission, having met Boris Nemtsov, in the 90s he supervised cellular communications. But a week later, the frequency was taken again, giving the competing firm. Agustovsky default helped: a competitor went bankrupt.

In 2001, Zimin left a business, selling VimpelCom Mikhail Friedman. And in 2002, founded the Dynasty Foundation, which was engaged in scientific and educational projects, spending more than 2 billion rubles on them. For the purposes of charity, the Library of Dynasty and the Book Award "Enlightener" were created, money was allocated for the Memorial Society, the Saharov Center, the MEDUZA edition and the magazine "New Times".

Journalists wrote that Zimin has given all the state to the Fund, but this information was refuted in 2004, when the Forbes magazine appreciated the wealth of a businessman at $ 390 million. Dmitry Borisovich clarified that he left 10% of the shares, but can not free them dispose of To sell assets he has the right only with the permission of partners.

After emigration, the entrepreneur occasionally gives an interview to various Russian publications and Youtyub-channels. One of the main problems of Russia, he calls intellectual degradation and departure from the country of talented youth.

Dmitry Zimin now

In August 2020, journalists found out that the family of Zimini paid the flight Alexei Navalny from Omsk to Berlin clinic after poisoning. Journalists presented the public compromising on the entrepreneur, accusing it in financial support from FBK. Dmitry Borisovich recalled friendship with american businessman Ogi Fabelo. According to the press, the OGI helped the Soviet scientist to earn a fortune and through Zimin promoted the interests of the US military-industrial complex in Russia.

In the light of the new information, many noticed that all projects supported by the Dynasty worked for a liberal block against state power. The departure of the entrepreneur in the United States did not justify him in the eyes of the public, was perceived by the "dark stain" in his biography.

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