Team "My name" - News, History of creation, Composition, photos, KVN, Ala Kokushkin 2021



The team with the unusual name "name of me" is well known to fans of the club fun and resourceful. For many years, they have achieved a lot in a professional plan. And most importantly - they found the strength to get up and go further after inspiring defeats.

History of creation

The biography of almost every KVN team begins with university competitions. As for the "name of me", the history of creation started with a school bench in the city of Syktyvkar.

There were 13 schoolchildren. To the 11th class, three - Vlad Solomko, Dmitry Artev and another guy who reincarnated to the image of Usachi. Instead, in Moscow, Ilya Beberh, a student of MFTI, went to the scene.

The guys played a classic - in turn uttered text jokes. And if in Syktyvkar at the school level it was acceptable, then in the capital the material of the team was tight edited. Moreover, it was necessary to think in detail images. Bebeh - a man with a mustache, Vlad personifies Paphos, and Dima is a little "stupid". Soon, another Yakut character was added to them - Gavril Buldakov. His colleagues in an interview characterized as a person, "looking for themselves."

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Even in the Syktyvkar, "fun and resourceful" occupied the 1st place in the city junior league in 2011. After moving to the capital, they decided to try their strength in the Cup of the Dolgoprudnaya Cup. There were 2nd place and a ticket to the semifinal of the League of the Moscow Physics and Technology.

Today, three of its founders remained in the team - Ilya, Dmitry and Vlad. It was not without charming girls. Ala Kokuskina, according to colleagues, is allowed to speak from the scene what it would be uncomprising guys. Ali has a peculiar game. Only one intonation, she fascinates the audience by a moment and increases interest in what is happening on the stage.

Another actor and the author of the "name of me" Alexey Shalnov became a cavancenchik when the team was already formed. Initially, humorists simply asked Alexey to help preparing the script. Soon he was offered to enter the main staff, and the Shalnov decided to try himself as a player.

Over the years of work, a friendly team gathered, New Participants of Anton Rudakov, Vasily Mokhov, Ivan Olshanski, Masha Rostovtskaya and others were added.

The team from Syktyvkar began to represent the city of Korolev, which is associated with a change in financing. The union of "fun and resourceful" exists long. According to statistics, for so much time, other teams or go to the highest league, or start solo projects.

However, this cohesive team led by Captain Ilya Bebech is an exception. Humorists believe that ahead is a great future, and do not plan to change the role or go to the stand. This real family. That in which everyone participates in the creative process on equal.


The start of the Moscow period fell for 2012. In March, the team took the Grand Prix at the Festival of the KVN MFTU League, and in the autumn - honorable 2nd place. In parallel, the players performed in the Moscow Student League (MSL), where they got bronze.

In 2013, an event occurred for participants "name" - they performed at the Sochi Festival and even received an increased ranking. And a year later, December 5, they took the long-awaited 1st place on the CLMP.

In 2016, the artists again tried happiness at the Lamp Cup. In the semifinals gave way to "First Olympic". Then the players began doubts about the future. There were thoughts that nothing happens and it's time to finish with KVN.

Then "fun and resourceful" decided to play the final with pleasure. Unlike other teams, in which there were special authors, the "name of me" themselves wrote their texts. As a result, until the 1st place did not have enough 0.2 points.

In 2017, humorists managed to work with the talented screenwriter Leonid Kudroud. A former participant in KVN taught them to properly serve and play jokes. As a result, those passed to the international league and, finally, "hit the TV."

Then the team participants have formed one desire to win in the Premier League. But in 2018 they did not take them. With this, the guys tied up a certain decline in moods. And when humorists gathered, they unanimously decided to re-go to the lamp Cup. Moreover, the goal was not only to "close Gestalt" after an offensive defeat, but also prepare for the future festival in Sochi. The performance was perfect - the "name" took 1st place.

2019 Players are unanimously called the most successful and most fault. A dream came true - after the Sochi festival, they finally called in the Premier League. For them, it became an objective reason for emotional lifting. The team lined up the plan and confidently went for the victory.

And on stage everything turned out not as conceived. The guys came out the last, crumbled a greeting and chose not the most relevant jokes. As a result, flew out of 1/8 finals.

In 2020, humorists again tried happiness in the Premier League. This time they managed to reach the final, however, the victory escaped from Cavanechikov. Honorary right to perform in the Higher League went to the team "Dew". But the guys are satisfied with the result: the audience has met the familiar team of ovations and extended in the moments of incendiary "folds".

"My name" could not be called a young team. Rather, these are experienced artists who have a clear goal and dreaming about the exit to the highest league.

Cavanechiki continue to develop a page in "Instagram", where they put a photo from performances and are divided with subscribers with joyful emotions from work. In the official group in VKontakte, there are also many information about the past games and presents a detailed history since the reason.

"Name me" now

Dreams were destined to come true - in 2021, the team from the Queen made his way to the Higher League and even ranked 1st place following the 1/8 finals. Together with them from the fourth group, the "dew" and "Street Plekhanov" passed.

Speech by humorists has passed fun and talented. The guys in his homework recreated a superhero blockbuster on stage called "Karl from Clara stole corals", forcing the audience to wip tears from laughter. And on the official page in "Instagram" contestants, having recovered from shock, hurried to thank those who motivated them to try their hand in the highest league.

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