Maria Pevichih - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Alexey Navalny, FBK 2021



Until the loud business of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, the name Mary Pevichi was practically not mentioned in the media. However, after a resonant event, it began to enjoy greater popularity, began to actively support the oppositionist and participate in large-scale FBK campaigns.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in the biography of the Assistant Politics a little. Maria was born in Russia (presumably in Zelenograd). The exact date of birth is not installed, although in some sources it is indicated a year - 1987. In addition, the press states that Russian bloggers managed to find information about her father.

Konstantin Pevichi, as the man's page reported to Facebook, turned out to be a graduate of the California State University in Hevorda. The entrepreneur acts as the Director General of the Company "Nano French of Organic and Biological Systems".

Maria Pevichi and Konstantin Pevichi

The activity of the biologist is to obtain a "pure" viral material necessary for the production of vaccines. There is no information about the mother, as there is no information and about the nationality of singers.

At a young age, the girl entered the Sociological Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov. Here the student has shown himself as an activist, stood at the head of the delegation of university students from Russia at the G8 Youth Forum, held in Canada.

Proof of this is a congratulatory post with a photo laid out on the university website. In 2010, having received a higher education, Maria left the country - moved to the UK. Living in London, Russian woman graduated from school economy and political sciences.

According to some media, since 2011, singers began working with FBK (by the Foundation for the Fight of Corruption), headed by Alexei Navalny. This was confirmed in an interview with blogger Oleg Kashin, living in the capital of England.

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At the same time, the versions appeared that the girl collaborated with the British intelligence service Mi-6. Allegedly they provided Mary secret materials about the property of Russian officials and oligarchs abroad.

Personal life

Details of the Russian woman's personal life remained mystery for journalists. Now it is not known whether the woman was married if she had a family, children. In "Instagram" and "Twitter" failed to find a personal account of singers. Instead, there are fan accounts created in support of activist.

Alexey Navalny poisoning

At the end of August 2020, the world community shocked the news that Alexei Navalnoyed from Tomsk in Moscow suddenly became bad on board the aircraft. The crew made a decision on an emergency landing at the nearest airport. Landing took place in Omsk. The opposition was urgently delivered to the city hospital emergency medical care.

Doctors of the toxicological department took the policy of the necessary analyzes that showed a violation of metabolism. Nevertheless, information was extended that Alexey was poisoned. Julia Navalny, the spouse of the victim, considered the actions of Russian doctors insufficient and insisted on the transport of her husband to the European clinic.

Maria Pevichi and Alexey Navalny

On August 22, the policy in a state of medication coma was taken to Berlin, to the German clinic "Sharite". According to some sources, on board during the flight with the oppositionist was not a wife, but Maria, who acted as a translator.

In the meantime, a consequence of a loud business was already conducted. It was found that before the departure from Omsk, the Navalny stayed at the Xander Hotel, visited the restaurant "Velvet", came to a removable apartment, where he conducted meetings with supporters. And directly at the airport sat in the cafe "Vienna Coffee Shop". In each of these places, politician ate something and drank.

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted interrogation of five people accompanying Navalny on a trip, which helped restore the chronology of events. It was not possible to interview the singing investigators: a woman went to Germany Spetsrais with Alexey Anatolyevich, connected to the IVL apparatus. Maria herself in an interview with Medusa reported that Russian law enforcement agencies did not try to contact her, did not send the agenda.

Interest in the person of the oppositionist assistant for these days grew in geometric progression. The press appeared reports that the woman was friendly with Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Evgeny Chichvarkin, Russian billionaires, who are entrited with Alexey because of commercial issues. It also became aware of her acquaintance with Vladimir Ashurkov, Mikhail Friedman.

In the meantime, German doctors published research results that showed the presence of the policy of the Novice group of poisoning substances in the body. According to the assumptions of doctors, the poison fell into the blood of Navalny through a water bottle.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maria Zakharova, in Germany, singer met with a politician, and when he returned to Russia, was among those who visited him. At the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia on conducting a survey of the evidence in the case of poisoning in Germany was given that the address of Mary is unknown.

Given that it was she brought from the Tomsk hotel where the Navalny stopped, the very bottle with traces of poisoning substances, her personality was of great interest. And in the media there were assumptions that it was Mary plunged poison politics. Moreover, Namis LLC, which belongs to the father of Navalny Konstantine, was called this case.

Maria Pevichi now

In the spring of 2021, the head of the FBK investigation department gave an interview to Leonid Volkov. Political news were discussed, including a series of spices of the governors. The heroine of the project "Wolves on Sundays" herself asked the lead to return to the topic Alexei Navalny, who received a real period on arrival in Russia. The supporter of the oppositionist told: in a place where the prisoner is serving, psychological torture is practiced. For example, those who look are forcing the arrestants literally the whole day to fill the bed.

However, this is not the only output of singers on the ether. She visited and at Julia Taratuts. In a conversation with a journalist, the topic of holding a blogger in a colony was also covered. And Maria told about the start of the campaign "Freedom Navalny!", Which implies rallies in defense of the poisoned oppositionist.

In April, an investigation into the FBK about the new "Palace" Vladimir Putin was published, now at Valdai (Novgorod region). Supporters of Navalny are sure: the plot belongs to the company "PRIM". And that, in turn, is associated with the businessman Yuri Kovalchuk, who leases a complex for rent to the state.

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