Jest Hatuno - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In the spring of 2020, high attention to the Spanish actress, Jost Hituno was riveted not only because of the premiere on the Netflix of the 4th part of the 2nd season of the Paper House, where Alvaro Morte and Naviri Nimri also starred. In March, the performer of one of the main roles on the personal page in "Instagram" admitted that it was diagnosed with coronavirus infection. Fortunately, the disease proceeded in a light form - soon the celebrity cured and returned to the shooting platform.

Childhood and youth

Jeacian Iituno Martinez (the twin on the sign of the zodiac) was born in mid-June 1974, the 18th, in Spanish Basauri. Unfortunately, about parents whose images are periodically flashed in a personal account in "Instagram", there is no detailed information.

But in the same social network of the actress sometimes places memories and is divided by the facts of family biography. So, among other pictures there is her children's photo, where the child is captured agitated and running. Comment to the post read:

"That day I was lost. Left alone, I rented and began to desperately search for parents. In the end, when I saw my mother and dad, then from all the legs rushed to them (from here and a frightened face). At that moment my father and photographed me. I continue to flee to them always, when I feel lost. "

From an early age, the girl was interested in the entertainment industry. Therefore, at the time limit, she went to comprehend the basics of acting skills to the local theatrical school, subsequently graduating from the Sociological Faculty of the University of Basque.

Since childhood, the actress freely owned the Castilian dialect of his native language. In his youth, she independently learned Euskaru, which later allowed to be filmed in the series at the State Basque television channels.

Personal life

Personal life The performer of one of the main women's roles Raquel Murillo (height 164 cm at a weight of 56 kg) in the popular television series "Paper House" prefers to keep secret.

On its pages on social networks, not to find publications that could suggest a signature, whether the heart of beauties is employed or not. But there is a lot of photos of friends, colleagues, relatives and close, diluted with pictures from the shooting sites, from traveling and from rest. Often on the latter, the woman appears in swimsuits.

The artist is not peculiar to the star disease, she trembles to fans and does not get tired of thanking them for devotion and support for many years. Itunio adores animals, nature, hiking, swimming and help people. Not once, she managed to visit the rainforest of Amazon and in one of these trips, from her words, fell in love with a man from Peru, who was the carrier of the dieting language Ikito.


The cinematic path of the Jection began in the mid-90s with participation in short films ("sex machine", "Ricardo", "lesson"). In 1997, she first lit up on television scans in the full meter of Agur Olentzero, Agur, shot in the Basque.

Subsequently, she was invited to the soapy opera Goenkale, confest reincarnation in a police officer who has a non-traditional sexual orientation, from the fictional village of Arrad. His character Spaniard was convincingly played up to the closure of the project.

In 2014, Itunio put his hand to the creation of "colors" - the first film on the Euscar nominated for the prestigious film "Goya" and "Oscar" and received a lot of positive feedback and awards. Flashing in the "good evil", the "autumn without Berlin" and "Las and Zakala", the artist in 2017 reached the comedy "Tell me", the thriller "Devil's Blacksmith" and the criminal drama "Paper House", which brought world fame.

"I would hardly agree to take a" paper house "if I knew in advance that he would be so long. Now, of course, I do not regret anything about anything, but in 2017 I did not know Madrid and terribly afraid of the unknown. At the moment I am insanely glad that the series has a continuation, "the actress admitted.
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The celebrity can speak about his rocelle, highlighting in her inner strength and the ability to move forward even when life collapsed into pieces. The native Basauri added that he did not like the perfect heroes, and respects those who make mistakes that brings them closer to real people. For the assumption of fans in the summer of 2020, that Murillo could be pregnant, the star of the series was surprised, but said that if the scripts would make it such, then so be.

Jection Itunio now

In 2020, in addition to the "Paper House", the Spanish actress added several more projects to its filmography (Hil-Kanpaiak, "Bustia", Ilargi Guztiak, "Nora" and "Salvation does not have a name") and willingly participated in the shooting of television programs (Barre Librea, Vivement Dimanche).


  • 2012-2014 - "Central Street"
  • 2014 - "Flowers"
  • 2017 - "Tell me"
  • 2017 - "Devil's Blacksmith"
  • 2017-2020 - "Paper House"
  • 2019 - "Silence of the White City"
  • 2020 - "Bastania"
  • 2020 - "Nora"

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