Jonathan Littell - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reads 2021



Jonathan Littell is a US-French writer, the main product of which critics call the "war and the world" of the XXI century. Thanks to the novel of the "favorite" Littell, the reader turns out to be "on the side of evil" and begins to doubt his moral infallibility.

Childhood and youth

The future winner of the Honorovskaya Prize was born in the fall of 1967 in New York in a literary family with Jewish roots. The ancestors of the Littelles, emigrated from the Russian Empire, wore the name Lida. Jonathan's father - the author of a series of spy novels and a former NEWSWeek correspondent Robert Littell, on the works of which the series "Company" (with Alfred Molina and Michael Kiton) and "Legends" (with Sean Binin) are supplied.

Jonathan Littell and Father Robert Littell

From 3 to 13, John lived in the country of Alexander Dumas and Gustav Flaubert, but the school education was completed in the United States. After studying several years in France's university, Littell moved to Yale University, which graduated from a bachelor's degree in 1989. No less influence than parents, in Jonathan in youth, William S. Berrows had a cult writer. Berrows.

After the university, Littell 2 years worked as a translator, familiar to the English-speaking readers with the works of Jean Wife and Pascal Kinyar, and then joined the Action Action Aganist Hunger humanitarian organization ("actions against hunger"). A man visited business trips in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Congo and Afghanistan, and in Chechnya received a small wound.

Personal life

About the personal life of the writer knows little. In an interview with the newspaper Vedomosti in 2013, Jonathan mentioned his children living in Spain, and spoke about the genuine surprise of the Son, having learned that even recently homosexual marriages were banned. Judging by the photo, the writer looks younger than its age, smokes and wears small earrings in the left ear.

Littelell is often categorical in estimates. In 2008, the writer accused Israel in speculation on the Holocaust and compared the policy of the Jewish state against Palestinians with the actions of the Nazis to the unleashing of World War II. In 2019, Jonathan called Petaner by Petaner Handka, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.


In the student years, Littell wrote a Cyberpank Roman Bad Voltage ("Bad Voltage") - a peculiar allusion on the Herbertopian Heller's "Time Machine". The protagonist of the work leaves the world of garbage, indignant by cannibalism. However, the world of wealth turns out to be a mirror reflection of the criminal dungeon. Now Jonathan is ashamed for his literary debut.

The impressions received in Chechnya forced Littells to think about the banality of evil and sitting on writing the novel "Female Female". The writer presented that it would be with him if he lived in Nazi Germany.

The main character and narrator of the work of 50 copyright written in French, - Maximilian Away - Bourgeois, having a factory for the production of lace and a wife-Frenchwoman. And Away is a homosexual, astrett, Mother's killer and SS officer.

Maximilian argues that anyone may be like a victim and executioner, his role in world cataclysms does not depend on education, education and erudition. The reader with the eyes of the hero sees the shootings, concentration camps and gas chambers, along with Aure passes through Budapest, Lviv, Kiev, Stalingrad and Pyatigorsk, recalls the works of Mikhail Lermontov and Anton Chekhov, communicates with historical characters and immersed in the madness puchin.

The novel became a bestseller in Europe and Russia, and in the USA was punished cool. In 2006, the "favor fellower" was awarded the Honorovskaya Prize and the Grand Prix of the French Academy. The author received and anti-Vagrada - a prize for the worst description of sex in the literary work.

After the creation of the "favorites", the writer has repeatedly visited Russia. In 2009, after a trip to the North Caucasian republic, headed by Ramzan Kadyrov, Jonathan wrote the book "Chechnya. Year third. In June 2013, Littello visited the Memorial Human Rights Organization.

In the fall of 2016, in St. Petersburg, Jonathan worked in the jury of the Film Festival "Message to Man", and in Moscow, together with the film critic Anton, the Valley presented his documentary film "Incorrect elements", telling about 3 inhabitants of Uganda, who asked the rebel army as a child, and then Forced to participate in hostilities.

The picture, the premiere of which was held on the non-competitive show of the Cannes Festival, continued to reflections on the paradoxes of conscience and on the role of rock in the biographies of people. Another well-known piece of Jonathan is the "Homa Tetradi" diary, created during an illegal trip to Syria.

Jonathan Littell now

In 2019, Ad Marginem publisher released the full version of the works of the Littella himself in Russian. Previous publications "Fale Favorites" went out with bills. The editor-in-chief of AD Marginem Alexander Ivanov explained that the reductions were caused not to censorship, but the removal of selfoverments in the reasoning and Guests of the protagonist of the book.

In addition, the SS reflective officer regularly led excerpts from the works of Mikhail Lermontov, Lion Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov, and in the Russian edition of the quotes were to sound in the original, and not in double translation. However, Littello, who has discovered a reduction with the interpreter of a book in Latvian language, was shocked by the self-government of the publisher and the lack of apologies on the official AD Marginem.

In January 2020, the online platform of the Paris Opera House "The Third Scene" presented the film-opera Littello "Coronation Poppei" to the music of Claudio Monteverdi. In the work triumph evil. Jonathan told the Russian RFI service, which pondes other film projects, but does not know, ideas are implemented or not.

In the September 2020 interview with Yuri Dudu, the writer Dmitry Glukhovsky counted the "favorites" to the top of the books that everyone is obliged to read. Two other mandatory for reading the work, according to the author of the novel "Metro", is "Dunno on the moon" Nikolay Nosov and the "White Bim Black Ear" of Gabriel Troypolsky.


  • "And the killers, and killed - people, that's what is terrible truth."
  • "The problem is not in the people, but in your leaders. Communism - mask, stretched on the old face of Russia. Your Stalin is a king, politburo - boyars and aristocrats, greed and selfish, your party frames are officials, the same as under Peter and Nicolae. "
  • "Is the shooter guilty on the railway, who sent the train with the Jews towards the concentration camp?"
  • "Such is the fate of poets - first kill, then they honor."
  • "After the war, they talked a lot about inhumanity, trying to explain what happened. But inhumanity, forgive me, does not exist. There is only human and once again human. "


  • 1989 - "Bad Voltage"
  • 2006 - "The Security Authorities of the Russian Federation. Brief history 1991-2005 "
  • 2006 - "Fale"
  • 2007 - "Etudes"
  • 2008 - "dry and wet"
  • 2009 - "Story about nothing"
  • 2009 - "Chechnya. Year third "
  • 2010 - "Pieces"
  • 2010 - "Triptych. Three Etudes about Francis Bacon "
  • 2012 - "Old History"
  • 2012 - "Homes notebooks. Notes about the Syrian War "
  • 2013 - "Books of the Fatas Morgana"

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