Shehzade Mustafa - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Son Suleiman Magnificent



Shehzade Mustafa was the Third Son of the Ottoman ruler of Suleiman's magnificent, who served as the governor of the largest Turkish cities. The heir to the throne of the Asian state became famous as a fair ruler who was fond of graceful art and writing poems.

Childhood and youth

According to historians, the biography of Shekhzade Mustafa began in 1515 in the Turkish city of Manisa. The future applicant for the Ottoman throne was born in a noble family that occupied a high position in society.

Suliman I Father, subsequently became Asian Sultan, was Sanjak-Beeh, who was supposed to contain a harem in status. One of the concubines, Cherkhenka Makhidevran, gave birth to a son in addition to the heirs of Murada and Mahmouda who appeared earlier.

Portrait of Shekhzade Mustafy.

As a child, the boy did not dreamed of power, since a senior child claimed the throne in the monarchist state. But when the parent has become a full-fledged ruler of endless territories, the third of the children took to Istanbul.

The epidemic of smallpox, who climbed thousands of lives in early 1520, changed the traditional course of events and put the participants of the coming tragedy on new places. The brothers died from the incurable disease, and Shehzade Mustafa became the official successor to the ancestor.

The chances of occupying the place at the head of the Ottoman Empire shaken when the next beloved wife of Sultan made a boy called Shehzade Mehmed. Suleiman, nicknamed gorgeous, made the official wife of the mother of the boy Thairre. There were rumors in society that the legitimate heir would be left not to affairs.

According to the most ancient tradition, all the children of monarchs who had Title Shehzade learned to manage the country as a governor of a particular province. The potential successor for the unlasked rules was sent to Manisa. That is how Suleiman I came with Mustafa.

In the middle of 1533, after the magnificent palace ceremony, the young man, accompanied by Makhidevran, was serving in a densely populated Turkish city. There he got courtier and lived at no worse than his father. But negotiations with Austrian ambassadors undermined the confidence of the parent, and the future of Sultan was deprived of wealth and exiled to the unix province of Amassia.

The sons of Hurrem-Sultan Mehmed and Bayazid received the rules of regions that were in close proximity to Istanbul. This suggested the future of an ordinary siblings in the opal. As a child, Mustafa managed to avoid death only thanks to the natural mind and Mother's Renek.

Personal life

From reliable sources, it is known that in the personal life of Shehzade Mustafa was attended by the official wife of Roumeis Sultan, who presented the spouse of four children.

The juvenile son of the governor of Amaassia and Manisa was executed after the parent, Shehzade Orhans for unknown reasons overtook death a year before. The daughters Nesgishasha-Sultan and Shah-Sultan found high-ranking patrons and miraculously survived.

The eldest girl who brought up a highly painted mother and grandmother received a decent education. After the death of the father, she was given to the governor of Anatolia Genabi Ahmeta Pasha, who was a reputable poet and historian. The youngest has become the official wife of a resident of the Ottoman Empire named Abdulkerim-Aga.

Shehzade Mustafa - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Son Suleiman Magnificent 4381_2

The scripts of the "Magnificent Century" series have somewhat distorted the history of love Mustafa and attributed a novel with Mikhrinisoy-Sultan's man, who was the heir of Ottoman Pasha Hyreddin Barbarossa, and Elena - a potential favorite and Mrs.. In fact, such women did not exist, they appeared in the plot on the whims of the authors of the multi-sized feature film.

Another fruit of fantasy Meales Okay and Yylmaz Shakhin became the maid of Makhidevran Fatma Hatun. This girl lived in the harem of Mustafa and allegedly gave birth to a child from him.

Governing body

Shehzade Mustafa, becoming the governor of the Turkish provinces, won the love and respect of the people. Contemporaries, among which were representatives of foreign embassies, wrote that already at the age of 9 years old had talents inherent in the heroes of ancient legends.

Biographers left the son of Suleiman a magnificent brilliant future and looked forward to the moment of official entry into the throne.

According to rumors, unfilted in the old archives, by the end of the term of the board of the Ottoman Sultan, the struggle for power between the descendants aggravated to the limit. It was believed that "battles" were led by the official spouse of the ruler of Hurrem-Sultan and her son-in-law - the first Minister Rustem Pasha.

A couple of people who won the confidence of the head of state, arranged a conspiracy against a dismissal heir and his mother Mahideevran-Sultan and set up the owner of the Istanbul Palace against Shehzade Mustafa. They said that an ungrateful offspring was planned to capture the impregnable behalf of the parent and take away everything that it was acquired during the years of sole rule.


In the early 1550s, in the midst of armed conflict with Rustem-Pasha's Persians, he proposed the third son of Sultan to join the ranks of the father's army. In parallel, Vizier warned Suleiman gorgeous about the fact that the descendant wants to kill him. The head of the Ottoman Empire decided that life was under threat, and ordered the order to destroy the Governor of Amasia.

When nothing suspect Mustafa appeared in the Parent Shatter, the guards surrounded the sultan's refinement and prevented a meeting. During the bloody contractions with professional executioners, the descendant of Circassian concubine was killed. A few days after the execution of the hands of the henchmen of Sultan died, a potentially dangerous son of Mustafa Mehmed was died.

Death Shehzade Mustafy.

It is still unknown, whether the outrite of the death of Sultan wanted, but it was assumed that he was aware of the intentions of the Father. In front of the tragic finals, Makhidevran, the oldest of the sole son from enemies and envious, warned him about the intentions of Sultan. But the governor who believed in justice ignored the letter of his mother and safely stepped towards fate.

Shehzade Mustafa was buried in the Temple Complex Muradia, built by Sultan Murad II in Bursa. At the site of the grave on the highest command of the ruler Selim II built a stone mausoleum.

After the death of the throne and the governor of the Turkish provinces, the followers of Mustafa expressed protest against Suleiman's actions. To avoid the rebellion, Sultan had to be removed from the power of the Great Vizier Rustem Pasha and eliminate the Hurrem from Harem.

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