Murad III - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Sultan



The twelfth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Murad III was remembered as the greedy and thirsting female attention ruler. He began an era with the murder of brothers, confronts the way his power from attempted. But heirs drove with an excess. It has not been found since then in the history of such a fruit monarch - according to some reports, Murad III left behind from 45 to 157 children.

Childhood and youth

Murad III biography takes its beginning on July 4, 1546 in Manisa, the small town of the Ottoman Empire. It is preserved and is now located on the territory of modern Turkey.

Murad III Parents at the time of his appearance have already had weight in society. Father Selim II was Sanjak-Beem (that is, by the governor) Manisa, and the mother of Atif Nurbanu-Sultan is a reliable adviser. They managed to give their older son the best education, taught him Persian and Arabic.

Portrait of Murad III

After the ceremonial circumcision in 1557, 11-year-old Murad III was appointed Sanjak Beeh Akshaira, adjacent to the city manis. The head of the newly-made official was still refused to think about serious things, he was in childhood. Therefore, state concerns assumed Atif Nurban-Sultan.

In 1566, Suleiman I - Grandparents Murad III and the Tenth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. The throne was headed by Selim II, and his position Sangaq-Bay Manis was inherited to Murada III. At 18, he headed Saruhan - a whole territorial education.

December 13, 1574 died by Selim II. And the turn of Murad III is inheriting the throne of the Ottoman Empire. By barely entered the position of the ruler, he killed 5 of his brothers.

Personal life

For a long time, Murad III died from habits of Sultanov to swim in women's love. From 1562 to 1583, he was content with the attention of only Safiya Buffo. According to the generally accepted version, she was the daughter of Governor Corfu, Islands in Greece. In the 1560s, the girl was stolen by Ottoman pirates and presented to the future Garad Murad III.

It is believed that Safiy Buffo never became a legitimate wife Murad III, but thanks to extraordinary beauty and a brilliant mind had a great influence on him. What categorically did not like the Atif Nurbanu-Sultan. She was stronger than the continuity of power. After all, by 1581, Murad III had the only heir to Mehmed III (1566 r.). The rest of the children of Safiya Buffo (according to some estimates, about a dozen) died during or shortly after birth.

In 1583, Murada III began to give concubines, but neither one of them could achieve intimacy: the sexuality of Sultan was paralyzed. In a sudden impotence accused Safiya Buffo. Like, she cursed her lord, just not to share it with others. The girl was arrested and tortured.

It is not known how the fate of Safiya Buffo would have begun if Murada III did not return the ability to have children. The medicine that had a side effect was helped - now in Sultan did not fall asleep sexual hunger. Therefore, in subsequent years, his harem matured in geometric progression. Pregnant people could be at the same time up to 30 concubines. Among the "Favorite" women, Murad III are listed by Shemsirukhsar, Fyulana, Narriver and Shahykhuban.

Murad III - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Sultan 4360_2

"Treason" Sultan Safiya Buffo perceived precisely, even began to choose and buy concubines. Murad III appreciated this behavior. He continued to consult with this woman about state affairs. In recent years of life and the Sultanate, she again gained cure-free control over the attention and love of Murad III.

How many children gave rise to the turbulent personal life of Murad III - it is not known for certain. Some historians say that the score was walking on hundreds. You can understand the scale due to the following fact: Mehmed III executed about 20 heirs of his father, when he became Sultan in 1595. By its order killed 15 pregnant concubines. As can be seen, the tradition to get rid of the competitors was in the order of things for the era of the Ottoman Empire.

According to other versions, Murad III had from 19 to 26 sons and from 26 to 33 daughters. Most heiress in 1598 ruined the plague. But Aishe-Sultan (1565 R.) And Fatma-Sultan (1580 g.), Born from Safiya Buffo and the most hotly beloved by the ruler, survived. They became famous spouses.

Governing body

Murad III was not the responsible ruler. He encouraged bribery and negligence, all power under him held on related ties. In order to avoid the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, state issues solved a Vizier (that is, the minister, official) Fall Mehmed-Pasha. He was killed in 1579, and the situation was more complicated.

Since 1555, the Ottoman Empire was in the relative world with the Sefavoid state. Murad III, having mastered the ruler's throne, artificially unleashed the war. She lasted from 1578 to 1590. Taking advantage of the weakness of the enemy, Sultan tried to explore North America and embody the ideas of Selim II on colonization. But he was met by the Naval Attack by Spain, and from the conquest of new territories had to be refused.

War is not only cruel, but also an expensive enterprise. Because of Murad III's combat dust in the Ottoman Empire, a financial crisis has emerged. After all, it was necessary to win the arms race, to train the soldiers to handle firearms. According to historians, inflation was 100%, while purchasing power fell twice, which provoked public rebounds.

Sultan Murad III

Only the end of the Ottoman-Sefavoid war helped solve the situation. Distribised population and significant victories. So, according to the Istanbul peace treaty of 1590, 8 additional regions joined the state of Murad III. Yes, and in general, for 21 years of reign of this Sultan, the Ottoman Empire reached the largest size - at the time of his death, the territory of the state reached 19,902,000 square meters. km.

I did not have time to end, as the other began. Until 1593, the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg monarchy were in peaceful relations. The situation has changed when Vizier of Kide Sinan-Pasha crossed the border of these states for the sake of a strategic point - the Sisak fortress. The army of the East was superior to the opponent 2 times, but suffered defeat.

The battle of Sisaku served as the beginning of the thirteen war between the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg monarchy. But it was no longer fortunate enough to catch her end of Murada III.


Murad III died on January 15, 1595. The cause of death is hemorrhage into the brain. Sultan was 49 years old - age for those times is quite respectable. For example: his father and predecessor Selim II died in 50 years, and the Senior Son and the successor Mehmed III - at 37 years.

Murad III buried in the tomb next to the Sofia Cathedral in Istanbul, the largest city of Turkey. Next to him, his close - concubines and children, just 54 people. These burials have survived, now they are closed with green cloth.

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