Valentin Ivanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lukoil, Lisa Adamenko 2021



Valentin Ivanov is a Russian businessman, the former top manager of LUKOIL. His personality attracted attention due to scandalous connections with models and divorce with the ex-wife. In the biography of the oligarch, there are many "black spots" and dubious actions.

Childhood and youth

Valentin Albertovich Ivanov was born on November 7, 1962. His father is a screenwriter "Seven old men and one girl", published in 1968.

Valentin Ivanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lukoil, Lisa Adamenko 2021 4356_1

In this picture, the future oligarch played the episodic role of a boy in training. In the credits, the actor name was mistaken as Vanya Ivanov.

Personal life

A man knows more than a scandalous personal life than the activities at the Top Manager of LUKOIL. In 1985, Valentine married a woman named Elena for the first time. In 2000, the spouses were terminated in the consular department of the Russian Embassy, ​​while in Singapore. After divorce, the relationship did not stop, Ivanov had even born an extra-fellow son.

The second marriage Valentin Albertovich concluded with a model from Yekaterinburg Alaina Finnikova, who is younger for 31 years. The girl gave a businessman daughter Sofia. The Union was terminated in July 2015. Ivanov also met with the model Asi Roche model.

Valentin Ivanov and Alena Filskova

The birth of a daughter brought Valentin Albertovich a lot of problems. In 2014, he received an agenda to the Odintsian City Court of the Moscow Region. Elena's ex-wife, frightened that Sofia would inherit all the riches of the oligarch, received a repeated certificate of marriage and filed for a divorce. In 2000, a woman did not require the alimony and the property partition, and now wanted to get everything.

Presumably, in 2013, the businessman met model Liza Adamenko. There are different rumors in relation to her age, some sources claim that the chief at the time of the meeting with Ivanov was only 13 years old. Valentine tried to achieve the location of the girl for more than a year, all the magazines were scared, where it was possible to find her photos.

This connection attracted public attention 3 years later. A lot of angry articles appeared on the network about the coaching of an entrepreneur and a minor personnel, about yacht parties in Singapore and Monaco. It was reported that together with Ivanov's girlfriends Lisa from Avant Models used his friends Vagit Alekperov and Leonid Fedun. The press also threw the reproaches to President Vladimir Putin, who created the country where the oligarchs could have fun at popularize money.

In June 2016, Ivanov made Adamenko his wife. The wedding was arranged in France, in a luxurious castle, among the guests there were Lisa's parents, groom colleagues and some stars of the Russian show business. The bride was in a bustier aircraft with a lush skirt from Vera Wang, the groom preferred white pants and a black jacket with a gold trim.

In 2018, the scandalous marriage was terminated. It is unclear who was the initiator of the gap, both sides defended their point of view in the interview. Adamenko argued that her husband beat her in one of the clubs of New York, after which she escaped from him and caused the police. According to Ivanov, the cause of the treason of Lisa, its drug addiction and mental disorder. Allegedly she suffers from unmotivated aggression and is forced to take psychotropic substances. It could not call the police, because he was in a drunken state and she was 18 years old, whereas in America alcohol is allowed to persons over 21 years old. No beating, according to him, was not.

Attention presses attracted a girl's account in "Instagram", which was hacked by unknown. They placed the photo of Lisa in the company of other men. Ivanov argued that the pictures published the model itself, being under drugs.

In addition to problems with minor mistresses, Oligarch still needed to deal with the ex-wife. The Odintsian City Court decided to cancel the certificate of divorce 2000, which gave Elena the right to share in the property. Valentin Albertovich noted that such claims have a 3-year period of limitations - in its case there was a clear violation of the law. He filed an appeal to the Supreme Court, but in the summer of 2019, the chairman of the sun rejected her.


About the career Valentine Ivanov knows extremely small. He worked as one of the leaders of the Singapore division of LUKOIL. According to some sources, the top manager was fired from the post in May 2013. After that, he became a sales representative of one of Singapore companies in London.

Now a man is engaged in the management and rental of residential real estate, which is in its property.

Valentin Ivanov now

In August 2020, Lisa Adamenko declared his intention to release autobiography called "closed". In the book, the model is going to talk about the persecution by the ex-husband and his addiction.

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In September, the girl gave an interview to the Talk show "Alena, Damn". Adamenko confirmed that at the time of acquaintance with Ivanov she was 13 years old. It happened in Singapore, where she brought her parents for filming. After working, Lisa came to her friend on the barbecue, where a fateful meeting occurred. The model stated that he deprived her virginity when she was in a state of alcohol intoxication.

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