Sophie Randle - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Sophie Randle - British actress, took place as an artist of the theater and cinema. In addition to the embodiment of the separated images in front of the lens of the camera, Sophie depicts characteristic heroines, leaving the theater layouts.

Childhood and youth

Sophie Randle was born on 21 April 1988 in the small town of Bournemouth in the family of a business consultant and customer service manager. Among the relatives of the girl was a man who had a relation to the cinema. They were her grandfather, who worked by producer.

Sophie Randle in childhood

Sophie's parents also brought up two sons. Randle brothers, matured, preferred creative realization. James became a writer, and Harry chose the acting field.

At 11, Sophie Randle was given to Bournemouth School for girls. At 18, she received a certificate and entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. In 2011, the girl graduated from an educational institution with a bachelor's degree.

Personal life

Sophie met a man with whom he decided to tie a personal life, on the set of the series "Jamestown". The chief of the performer was the actor Matt Stock Mat. Young people settled in their own house located in the center of London. In 2019, the engagement pair took place.

Randle has a personal account in the Instagram network, where the artist places photos from different locations, travels and from the shooting platforms. Sophie periodically delights Follovier with media materials and news about projects in which it is involved.

In the profile of the performer published images on which it appears in elegant images, in ancient dresses, selected for working on the thematic role, in a swimsuit and even in a cozy homemade bow. The actress is not shy to show his weekdays and is often divided with subscribers everyday trifles.

The growth of the artist is 165 cm, and the weight is 57 kg.


The executor's debut took place in the horror movie called "villain from the depths." The picture went on rent in 2007. This beginning of the creative biography of Sofi considers the episodic role that played in the TV series "Garrow Law" in 2011. The proposal to cooperate the creators of the project made the performer immediately after its release from the Academy, so the embodied image can be considered the start of the professional career of the artist.

A year later, Sophie Randle was involved in the filming of "big hopes" - the paintings created by the novel by Charles Dickens. In the 2013th filmography of the actress replenished the Titanic's multi-sage saga. In the same period, the ITV channel released the pilot season of the series "Killing Code", in which Sophie got one of the leading roles. A year later, the premiere of the 2nd season with the participation of Randle.

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In 2013, the executor was starred in the TV series "Merlin" and "Shetland", but Glory came to her after the premiere of the criminal multi-sealer picture "Acute visors" dedicated to the Birming mix of the 1920s. Killian Murphi and Helen McCurry became partners of Sophia. The artist depicted Herbi-sister Hanggers, who participates in the family-run enterprise by the will of circumstances.

The shooting of "sharp visors" continued until 2019. Employment in this series Sophie combined with work on the Multiserious project "Happy Valley". In 2015, the film "Visit of the Inspector" with the participation of British was released on the screens. In addition, she got the role of the first plan in Sitkom "dangerous to work." The actress was also possible to embody Honoria Barbery in the frame, being involved in the release of the series "Dickenciana".

In 2017, the Sky1 channel presented the Jamestown project, telling about the journey and the life of several girls who went to the new world to become wives of the colonists. Sophie played Alice Sperorow, the bride of an indite and harsh farmer.

A year later, the actress collaborated with Kili Housin and Richard Madden, being busy in the TV series. Randle depicted a spouse of the main character. In 2019, the premiere of the Gentleman Jack's multi-section project was held, in which Sophie got the main role. Her partner on the set became Sulena Jones.

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Work before the Sophie Randle chamber combined with participation in dramatic productions. In 2013, she went on the scene of the Kingston Rosa Theater in the play "Whirlpool" on the play of Noel Kauard.

A year later, the actress was part of the troupes of the National Theater and played a secondary role in the production of "three winters". From 2016 to 2017, the artist was involved in the shows of the play "Wild Honey" based on the play of Anton Chekhov "Wanting" on the Hampened scene.

Sophie Randle now

In 2020, Sophie participates in the creation of the 2nd season of the series "Gentleman Jack". Fans also expect the appearance of Randle in the 6th season of the project "Acute Visrats", the premiere of which is assigned to the end of 2021. Work on new episodes was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, which provoked and delayed the exit to the screens.

Now Career Sophie Randle develops systematically. Actress regularly receive interesting proposals on cooperation, however, it is still difficult to call it an international scale.


  • 2007 - "Villas from the depths"
  • 2012 - "High Hope"
  • 2012 - "Titanic"
  • 2012 - "Merlin"
  • 2012-2014 - "Kill Code"
  • 2013 - "Shetland"
  • 2013-2019 - "Acute Visors"
  • 2014 - "Happy Valley"
  • 2015-2016 - Dickenciana
  • 2017-2019 - "Jamestown"
  • 2018 - "Bodyguard"
  • 2019 - "Gentleman Jack"
  • 2020 - "Nest"
  • 2020 - "Rose"

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